How many young men are addicted to porn ?

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Raptor Jesus, May 6, 2017.

  1. Raptor Jesus

    Raptor Jesus Fapstronaut

    Hello Fapstronauts.

    In your opinion, how many people of my generation (i'm 24), are addicted to porn and don't know it ?

    When I started porn when I was 12 there was a general consensus that almost all guys were doing it. Now that whole generations of people are hooked on free internet porn, how impactful is it in you opinion ? Are we a handful of unlucky dudes or a we more than that ?
    Bel likes this.
  2. Bacon21

    Bacon21 Fapstronaut

    A lot. Look at the exploding rates of ED in young people. And we always blame it on something else. "Maybe im gay" "Maybe its from drugs" "Maybe it's cuz im not attracted to her" "Maybe its my improper blood flow". Noone really puts 2 and 2 together until things really start to get fucked up and we start looking for answers.
    Noreaster likes this.
  3. Buzz Lightyear

    Buzz Lightyear Fapstronaut

    It's a cultural holocaust. I guess most 'justify' it to themselves [in so far as they are still rational] by seeing that near everyone does it. It's only until it starts impacting negatively on their lives that a few start to wake up. In so far as people are forced to wake up and take control of their lives, their addiction to pornography may have actually done them a favor.
    FeelingDoomed, Noreaster and LavaMe like this.
  4. Azrael5

    Azrael5 Fapstronaut

    I think it's an extremely high number of young adults (males in particular) that are completely hooked on porn, and yes as you say, don't realise it even, or don't consider it being an issue, or that it has / might have impact on their life currently and / or later on in their lifes etc.
    It's ashame that this subject is so 'taboo' and not really talked about it in the wider society, media etc, as i think it would make people think twice about their online behaviour, and how to stop certain aspects of it prior to something really bad happening, (in a way like for me, long story, i'll talk about it some other time). I for one, wish i'd known about this 'new phenomenon' years ago, i think i would have done / tried to do a lot of things differently, or at least understood myself better, and not judging myself like a complete freak or dirtbag, and it would have helped my self confidence a lot, and helped me form more meaningful relationship, rather than just random sex partners, looking for someone that could actually satisfy my sexual need, that had become so extraordinary expectant of perfection (due to the high achieving visual porn i've grown so acustomed to etc)...
    seeking something that would never / could never exist in real life... and i think this is the main danger with the porn, and the new generation, only seeing this aspect, and not connecting the missing dots... and tracing it back to the true culprit.

    How can we advertise this thing further? Share the wisdom and knowledge that this website and the more recent research done in the last 4 - 5 years with the general population? To help others? How?

    Any ideas?

    Hugs a
  5. Many. And the bad thing is that porn ruin their psychique, and to many of them- also their health. I'm one of them. I'm slightly older than OP, but more or so I'm part of that generation, ruined by porn and its consequences.