Excited for this new adventure!

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by Cleanlivingwarrior, May 20, 2017.

  1. Cleanlivingwarrior

    Cleanlivingwarrior Fapstronaut

    Hello guys....so this is my first post. I just found this movement and site yesterday and it's been have been consuming content since. No earthly idea there was such large community of people with the same problems i had. What a relief i wasn't the only one and theres hope!
    For so long I've dealt with ED and performance issues, and it's been ruining my life...the stress caused from failed attempts to get it up and perform with women began to outweigh the desire to date. To counteract the stress of not performing i turned to male enhancement pills. Boy did it work, but i began having issues being able to climax. After a while i can only get off once in like 10 times if at all. Thats almost as bad as not getting it up! I mean, really, can i get a little mercy here lol!!!... Started becoming very picky with women and quickly finding flaws the gave a reason to bail. I began to retract from social situations and friends...work, home, work, home....Kind of a lonely place to be in.
    I started developing an idea that the excessive porn and masturbation had to be a contributing factor about 2 years ago. I decided to try quitting. I was able to successfully get to 30 days without porn. After about a week i started masturbating periodically without visual stimulation though. I noticed a huge change...morning wood, higher sex drive and just more productivity with all the extra time. For the first time in years i picked up a women at the bar and had a fantastic one night stand. No ED problems at all. Success!!!
    Shortly after my month mark, i decided to give myself the permission to watch a porno. It was only intended to be a one time thing and continue the streak. Just like anything in life, once you break stride or rhythm it becomes easier and easier to break it again. Give yourself an inch an you'll take it a mile. So without being really conscious of it, i slipped right back to where i began. Very low self worth causing inconsistency at work and friendships.
    Fast forward 2 years to the present and i have an epiphany that i'm now 34 and there is no sign any significant change is going to happen. If i continue choosing to do nothing i will never get married and I will never have children... I decided enough was enough and started an obsessive search for a support group to help keep me accountable for my new journey. I checked out SAA but meeting times were a little difficult to make with my work schedule. I also have a slight aversion to sitting in a group talking about problems. Maybe to much social stigma around it...who knows. Like i said in the beginning, i stumbled onto this sight yesterday. I can't tell you how grateful i am to all of you for sharing your stories. This is exactly what i felt i needed to help me get back on track. I'm now wrapping up my second day of nofap and feel like im better equipped to tackle this with all of you here getting my back. Thank you all again, and i look forward to keeping you posted on my journey. Good luck to all the wrest of you as well!

    Fellow Fapstronaut
  2. D . J .

    D . J . Fapstronaut

    Welcome to NoFap where you are amongst friends who are here to encourage you and sometimes challenge you but not judge you.

    The enemy is here to steal, kill and destroy. What are your current strategies for combating the enemy called PMO?
  3. Cleanlivingwarrior

    Cleanlivingwarrior Fapstronaut

    I really appreciate the support. At this point so early in the game my determination to end this distructive lifestyle is strong. I also know that will ware off and without a strong strategy to maintain like you mention I'm bound to fail.

    First off having this support group is and watching the days without PMO build up is a huge help. I've also put a calendar in my room that I mark off every night. Momentum is key for me. One of the things I noticed last time I tried this was I told myself I was going to try it for 30 days. Because it was more of an experiment rather than a lifestyle change I set myself up for failure at the end of the 30 days and reverted. This time around, rather that shooting for a set time frame without PMO I'm focusing on just achieving one day at a time.

    For the imidiate urges that will come up with such easy access on the phone I will pull up this blog and read success stories and post as often as I can.

    Viewing this as a lifestyle change, I've planned to fail the extra time I have in 3 areas:
    1)Physical: I began the palio diet last week. I have I ncluded in my morning routine a quick 30 min workout.... push-ups, sit-ups and air squats. As I developed this simple habit I'll begin to expand this at the gym.

    2)Mental: I have discontinued my media accounts (Netflix and HBO) and purchased 2 books to read in order to wind down for sleep at night. I've found idly watching tv at night makes it harder to fall asleep and is a trigger for transiting to PMO.

    3)Hobbies: I have a lot I want to do but trying to do them all at once can overload so I'm still deciding on where to start. So far I've identified a few I want to do: guitar lessons, dance lessons, learn Spanish, yoga and cycling.

    Anyway that's where I'm at so I'll keep you guys posted on my venture.
    slb likes this.
  4. D . J .

    D . J . Fapstronaut

  5. Cleanlivingwarrior

    Cleanlivingwarrior Fapstronaut

    Great info D.J.! I know i'll be referring back to that often. Thank you
    D . J . likes this.
  6. slb

    slb Fapstronaut

    This is a good I insight. Stopping PMO for a limited time like that probably won't change your thinking or outlook in the long term. If it's harmful to you why would you want it back after 30 days? It makes no sense when looked at rationally, such thoughts are not rational, they are the addiction protecting itself.