Fighting the urges. How do you guys do it!?

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by PIED_cream, May 20, 2017.

  1. PIED_cream

    PIED_cream Fapstronaut

    Last night was hard for me. I almost gave in, I was constantly thinking about gratifying myself but I didn't since I know where that leads to. I've probably relapsed 20 times or more within a year and I've been fighting this thing, usually giving in and binging. But this is it, that was the old me. Anyways the urges last night were so strong I had dreams about relapsing. Has anyone ever had experiences like this? I actually thought I gave in but had that "oh it's just a dream" moment. Do the urges decrease in frequency? What are your experiences with all this? I find talking about it helps and just want to say I have so much respect for those who can stick with abstinence because it's really tough. How do you guys do it?
  2. I have had dreams too - it's a really low trick from the urge-monster!

    Well done for being open.

    I believe that so much of this, as with life, is with the right mindset.

    It Is hard.

    But don't tell yourself that - and don't believe that either.

    Tell yourself and believe the opposite. No single thing is going to sway you from your reboot.

    You are not going to succumb to these siren trigger thoughts ONE INCH - because they are pathetic and obvious and you are a legend.

    People on here keep busy, mediate, cold showers, press-ups, hobbies, affirmations etc.

    But it all starts with the 'new you' mindset - build on that new you - always.
  3. PIED_cream

    PIED_cream Fapstronaut

    This helps so much. Thanks.
  4. IamRick

    IamRick Fapstronaut

    Springs right dont fall for the tricks man, its just your brain throwing a temper tantrum cause you took its favorite toy away. The first 2-3 weeks are the toughest but the dreams stop around day 20 or so & the urges become a minor annoyance at best.

    Most guys on high streaks don't relapse cause of strong urges its usually from testing their junk due to a lack of libido or life stress they let pile up. I like to go to bed early, urges are stronger at night since my willpowers drained from the day. Also daily exercise & meditation helps me release the days stress so I don't turn to porn for handling pressure. All in all this & just setting goals for myself has been making my streak pretty smooth so far.

    Do you have daily goals in place? I find they really help take the mind of porn.
    Springjim2000, PIED_cream and Bel like this.
  5. Bel

    Bel Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    Can I just say your name/avatar made me lol. You are obviously smart and creative to an extent and the fact that you do manage to stop some of the relapses is huge in its own right.
    PIED_cream likes this.
  6. I posted a topic on self improvement called "Relapse Prevention Help". Check it out if you are interested.
    PIED_cream likes this.
  7. PIED_cream

    PIED_cream Fapstronaut

    Thanks. It's these kind of interactions that give me motivation and support to keep going
    Bel likes this.
  8. PIED_cream

    PIED_cream Fapstronaut

    Thanks for the reply. I have never reached the flat line yet and I will definitely have to prepare for what's to come. I'll be going to the gym more often now so that should help with the urges. I used to have a problem with drugs and alcohol but have given that up for almost a whole year now and I've seen an increase in productivity but I still would use PMO. Now that I have quit PMO my mind feels like it keeps needing to occupy with goal orientated behaviours. I've never felt this productive before. Has anyone else noticed this?
    IamRick likes this.
  9. PIED_cream

    PIED_cream Fapstronaut

    I will definitely check it out! Much appreciated.
  10. Duke of Gine

    Duke of Gine Fapstronaut

    I have found that I have to identify triggers and arousal immediately, and then shut it down mentally and environmentally. I shut it down in my mind, and i might leave that room or do something else.

    I also have logic and reasoning sessions with myself
    1) every urge has passed. Every single one
    2) every time I have given into an urge, I have felt guilty and ashamed and terrible afterwards
    3) so I will not give in and I will do something else instead
    PIED_cream likes this.
  11. MarchcharM

    MarchcharM Fapstronaut

    This is useful stuff. The triggers pass, usually within seconds, sometimes minutes and less often hours or days, but they do pass. As we grow more accustom to dealing with discomfort we are better able to handle these urges/triggers. Stay strong friends!
    PIED_cream and Duke of Gine like this.