Amazing life

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by Denzel889, May 24, 2017.

  1. Denzel889

    Denzel889 Fapstronaut

    I have to announce that I have never been so happy in my life since I have met that wonderful NoFap page... My life is a wonderful adventure since then because I have so strong focus, the ability to learn and train hard is skyhigh, I can run whenever I want without being tired immediately after few minutes.. I don't have any regret feeling or panic attacks and my relationship with my parents is amazing and has never been better. I don't feel like I'm missing something in my life, girls attract me very much and I attract them even more before NoFap. I must say that NoFap is not only abstaining from PMO like most people think. It's much much more more than that. It's a whole new way of life, bright life, full of new opportunities, adventours that await us. I don't have any headache since I do not pmo anymore.. Last year when I was doing pmo or at least mo on a regular basis I felt horroble, I have never felt more horroble and terrifying in my life. Believe me from my own (unfortunately) long experiences with pmo. I had so strong headaches that I couldn't eat normally, drink normally, I couldn't sleep, I was waking up almost every day on almost at the same hour around 3 am in the morning and I threw up what I've eaten and I had dramatical problems with prostate und urinating which dramatically improved since I'm going hard mode.. I had terrible fights with my friends and parents on a regular basis because of pmo and I was acting very weird in social situations. And I had terrible nightmares as well all caused because of pmo. It depletes your energy and your drive to do anything useful completely. It takes the best out of you and spits it in your pants. It makes you a living zombie who doesn't know why does he even live. It makes you a crazy fuck who thinks abot porn all day long and craves for it even harder when the urge comes. It's a cycle that must be cut forever and it erodes deeper and deeper into your stamina with time. The more you do it the more you will be fucked up. I failed many exams and a whole year at university because of it. I did MO one day before my final exam and I was so depressed, stressed, unfocused, lost, in panic, and had so big memory loss that I thought I'm gonna die. I failed it because of pmo. I failed my parents, my friends, my school mates, my idols, my previous achievements, my teachers, my idea, my belief,... everything positive and good that was in me perished on the day I found out that I didn't make it because of it. I will explain to you in more details how that day was: Morning. I woke up. I've had a terrible headache just like any other day. I somehow built a tolerance on my headache so I didn't care about it very much. On that day I didn't expect for results to be announced. Around 2 pm I recieved a message from my school mate that the results are already published. I became stressed. I somehow felt I didn't make it. But deep deep deep down I somehow hoped I'm gonna make it. So I downloaded the list of the results, opened it, and checked for my number to appear on my screen. There were about 60 numbers on that list. All the numbers were identificational numbers that we got at thw beginning of the school year. At the beginning of the list I thought to myself well probably I'm somewhere down there on the bottom, but the more I was checking the list the more I was stressed and certain about the fact that I didn't make it for sure. So I searched again. And again(!). I desperately searched it 10 times and then another 10 times and finally figoured out that I'm doomed. My phone fell on the ground because of my schock. I don't even remember how I came home. BUT what do I remember is the most terrifying and a horroble feeling or a monster that came in my soul that day and a panic attack so strong that I thought it will never be over of this. The most evil forces, monsters, ghosts, fears moved into my soul I was thinking to myself: It is far too good to die than to life such a life like pmo addict. Because pmo takes all the best from you and gives you all the worst.
  2. Veeav

    Veeav Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    I know it depends on person but how many days it took you to win this addiction?
    Napav likes this.
  3. Denzel889

    Denzel889 Fapstronaut

    Every day is a new day and every day is day 1. If you stop NoFap tommorrow no matter how long have you abstained from pmo your progress is lost or almost completely lost. But I believe that urges are getting weaker and more under control with time. But you have to be aware that you must be on guard all the time. Around two months without pmo my urges became less strong and more under control but like I said you have to take care all the time
  4. IamRick

    IamRick Fapstronaut

    Very inspirational, stay strong brother, your doing amazing.
    Denzel889 likes this.
  5. IggyIshness

    IggyIshness Fapstronaut

    Hey i didnt see you in a long time denzel
    Denzel889 likes this.
  6. Denzel889

    Denzel889 Fapstronaut

    Yes, I had to learn and focus hard for my last exams
  7. Blackenglish2017

    Blackenglish2017 Fapstronaut

    Hey well done. I just joined yesterday and reading stories like this feel me with confidence. Stay strong as I need too.
    Denzel889 likes this.
  8. Grande

    Grande New Fapstronaut

    I totally agree with you, my school year has turned into a fiasco because I was unable to get rid of that damn addiction. Everyday I wake up with a strong fatigue, it keeps on all day long. It has been going on for months now. PMO addiction can definitely ruin your life
    vibemaker and Denzel889 like this.
  9. Denzel889

    Denzel889 Fapstronaut

    Yes so true. All day long is just about pmo and nothing satisfies you.. It's the worst feeling of all.. More you do pmo more you are unsatisfied and unhappy.. Fortunately I got rid of it. I hope you will get rid of it too. Good luck and all the best.. Remember: You are not alone... #Denzel889
  10. Denzel889

    Denzel889 Fapstronaut

    Thank you, I will and stay strong you as well. We all must be strong now. Pmo has taken too much good out of me. Now it is time for me and us all to move on. New and better life awaits us. We can do it. We Will do it. Stay strong brothers as I believe in a better life...
    IamRick likes this.
  11. I am so much motivated from your story.keep it up.
    Denzel889 likes this.
  12. mghyper17

    mghyper17 Fapstronaut

    very good to hear your story, keep going denzel you great..
    and by the way gladiator is the best movie ever for me..
    Denzel889 likes this.
  13. vibemaker

    vibemaker Fapstronaut

    My Journal
    Touching post! So true! Porn is evil and kills everything you need to live a fulfilled live.

    Stay strong!
    LivinginRecovery and Denzel889 like this.
  14. ATW504

    ATW504 Fapstronaut

    Great Story. I can see now how PMO kills the vision in someones life. Keep going you are doing so well.
    vibemaker and Denzel889 like this.
  15. Denzel889

    Denzel889 Fapstronaut

    Thank you all guys for support :)
  16. Denzel889

    Denzel889 Fapstronaut

    I must say that I'm pretty much mad at myself sometimes because I realized I could go out and hang out with a girl but instead I did pmo and I regret it now very much. I should spend my time for something much more useful than pmo I think to myself now. Instead of jerking off I should go out on a walk or sth... Or I should have read a book or watch a movie. But it's not good to regret things all the time.. What's most important now is that I don't do that anymore and that now I am a wholle new person with new habbits and high self-esteem and I'm away of those bad habbits that I used to have. I must focus on the present now and the future and forget the past. But not completely because I have to have in my mind a clear vision that I must never go back to my old habbits that would ruin my life again. I'm a new person now. I'm reborn. Soon I'll find the right girl for me (I hope). I have clear mind now and things are getting in place somehow. Focus Denzel, focus. This is what I say to myself almost everyday. There are people out there who count on you and you must not fail them. Not again. You've failed them once and they won't apologize you to do it again. Fight. Believe. Be you. Be who you are. Be yourself. Be A Warrior. Never surrender. Fight for the sake of yourself and people who believe in you. Do not let them down. Fight to the finish and show them the best version of yourself. You live only once. How are you going to spend your life? Regretting? Procrastinating? Or doing what you are made to do? Every second of your life is worth it. Every minute. Hour. Day. Year. Life. It is not too late. You have time. We the people have the power to change things. To make miracles. We just have to believe and look deep in our mind and soul. The Victory Shall Come #WeFightTogether #NoFapForever
  17. black_coyote

    black_coyote Fapstronaut

    I can relate to your struggles man, In fact I faced similar issues and had an array of academic failures

    Sometimes I think all those hard times made us sculpt our self into the better person we are now

    Maybe since we know what it means to be depressed, to be in the kind of pain we were..we can better connect with people who are going through pain, so we can reach out and lend our arms, help them like we've been helped in our journey

    Congrats on reaching the shore! Wish you well!
    Denzel889 likes this.
  18. solez

    solez Fapstronaut

    Hey. Thanks for sharing man.
    Denzel889 likes this.
  19. hollyman

    hollyman Fapstronaut

    Well im so happy for you that you make it good for you bro, your story made me strong to free forever from pmo

    Well i'm feelin it bro, the suicidal though, the fight with family, headache every damn morning (which is now im fellin it again due to withdrawal symptomp), so easly panic, almost lost my job, already lost my belief, my dream, deep empty feeling,loneliness etc

    All because i like to watch damn pixelated girl in illutional world,,,P destroy life,,
    Denzel889 likes this.
  20. Denzel889

    Denzel889 Fapstronaut

    Thank you all for support brothers. You see, pmo is very detrimental for our lives but what is the worst part is that pmo hides itself behind porn, behind few seconds of orgasm that we feel after we are done, it hides behind its cycle and wants to pretend that it's our friend, our "reliever", our "problem deleter". But that's all a big lie and an illusion. Because pmo will never satisfy you. The more you do it the more tou will crave for it and less you will like it and your tolerance will grow and also your needs to do more and longer pmo. You feel few second of pleasure after you are done and then hours or days of regret, brain fog, memory loss, fatigue, irritability, erectile dysfunction, eye floaters, anxiety, laziness... We must wake up and stop the cycle that's been ruining our lives.. Because believe me when pmo is the furthest thing out of your mind you will become confident, calm, active, no more lazy, no more ED, you will memorize things fast, no anxiety. We are in charge of our lives and we men are meant to be warriors and hunters and not enslaved behind the computer watching porn and complaining about our lives. WE CAN BECOME AND WILL BECOME MEN AGAIN by saying no to fapping, no to porn and instead of watching porn we will go out and bang some real chicks. It is million times more pleasurable and useful to f*ck a real girl that to watch how another fuy is f*cking a girl that you will never meet and is so stoned that barely even feel the pleasure of what she's doing. Be a man. Satisfy yourself and your girl. They will be proud of us again. We Will again be who we used to be. Warriors. And The Whole Universe Will Love Us. #NoFapForLife
    xDanii likes this.