Hello everyone! Time to take the final step.

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by Donttouchyourself, Nov 25, 2013.

  1. Donttouchyourself

    Donttouchyourself New Fapstronaut

    Hi, I'm Donttouchyourself.

    I've been attempting NoFap in varying degrees of dedication for almost three years now, all the while lurking on the NoFap subreddit. I've had a few streaks but nothing considerable. The entire time I've been conscious of the damage I'm doing when I fap. I believe that becoming active in a community that is constructive and full of people positive about their recoveries those of others will be the key to overcoming my porn and fapping habits.

    My goal is to eliminate porn and masturbation from my life. I won't even entertain the thought of returning to it after 90 days. I suspect that the underlying causes of my fap habit (poor work ethic/self-control & compulsive web-surfing) will not necessarily be cured after 90 days ends.

    I'm looking to start a daily log of my progress which will keep me mindful of my commitment and I may end up picking up an accountability buddy so if anybody's interested in that feel free to reply here or PM me.

    For those curious about details, I'm 21, from the Northeast US, studying computer science/engineering/biochem/all kinds of stuff in college, perpetually obsessed with self-improvement, fascinated by meditation, with a deep love for progressive rock and metal. Any questions, don't hesitate to ask!

    Best wishes,
  2. jason_35

    jason_35 Fapstronaut

    You have joined a totally fascinating community, a diverse one, but with broadly the same goals in mind.

    I have given up porn and masturbation. I'm 25 days in so I have a way to go yet but the early signs are promising.
  3. chris33

    chris33 Fapstronaut

    Hi mate, yeah we all all here for the same reason. beating our demons. you will find lots of support here. good luck and keep strong