SCIENTIFIC STUDY: Porn is good for your sex life.

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by theSlayer, May 28, 2017.

  1. theSlayer

    theSlayer Fapstronaut

    So I came across this study: It was published by the journal Sexual Medicine.

    The study claimed to have found that, "men who viewed porn didn’t have any more problems with erectile function than men who abstained from it."


    Even going further to say that, "The conclusions held true for dudes who watched up to 25 hours of porn a week, or more than three hours a day."

    I've attached the full study for those who may wish to read through it.

    Now, I haven't done so myself, but I think what it fails to account for, is that the problem isn't getting an erection while watching porn. The problem however is, getting an maintaining an erection with a real life partner without the need of porn.


    Attached Files:

  2. Star Lord

    Star Lord Fapstronaut

  3. solez

    solez Fapstronaut

    Watch this.

    Mark Gungor - Tale of Two Brains.
    Deleted Account and Fap5tr0naut like this.
  4. Headspace

    Headspace Fapstronaut

    I have done my own studies with my ex, more involuntary than not, and I can say that it violently fucks up your sex life, both physiologically (getting an erection) and psychologically (feeling closeness). I don't care for this "scientific" study. Not planning to waste my time reading it, either.

    That might indeed be the reason.
  5. :emoji_pray::emoji_pray::emoji_pray::emoji_pray::emoji_pray:
    LivinginRecovery likes this.
  6. RobHunter

    RobHunter Fapstronaut

    One study does not a fact make. Anyone reading the article should remember that the whole anti-vax thing started from just one study. Just because some researchers found a possible correlation between two things doesn't mean much. The PEER REVIEW part of the scientific method has yet to happen so it's hard to say.

    Obv. there's a ton of guys on this site who have colloquial evidence that implies the study is dead wrong.

    I know a lot of guys who watch porn regularly and don't have issues getting up for sex. I'm sure there are even guys on this site who don't have impotence as a motivation for rebooting. Even if it's in the small minority of men in which porn causes issues, it's important to be aware that there can be a connection.
    nobody36, stygian and sfmark12 like this.
  7. Heisenberg, in principle, I am uncertain what the question is. I opened the link, and I read the study. I believe the study is correct, in that the group tested watched a lot of VSS, which, we, here, would translate to artificial sexual stimulation, and the group was able to have a lot of sex. But of that group, the group tested, most, perhaps all, were different than this group, the group posting here. This group, "us", "we", are porn addicts. We are different. We are here, quitting porn, not because watching it lead us to fantastic sexual experiences, but because we sensitized our brains to it so much, our brains came to prefer it to reality. Not all of us here had PIED. I did not. Further, I had a lot more sex when I was actively addicted. I just ended up being unable to reach O during sex. I could only reach it with porn. This, by the way, did not bother me at all, and I was fine with it for a long time. It was only when my partner made it clear that my inability to have an orgasm with her during sex adversely affected her self esteem that I realized I had to quit porn, and it was only when I attempted to quit porn, and found that incredibly difficult, that I understood I was a porn addict.

    Regardless of the study, I believe the correct reality is that porn does not help us, the species, at all. It does produce a dopamine rush, which we like, but we would be better off getting that the old fashioned way, without porn. Using porn to get a dopamine spike, which is the only reason we use it, does not, really, make our reality better. It only feels a bit better for that momentary, euphoric, second.

    Heisenberg, I am not uncertain that, if you put in the hard 90, you will certainly see results, and not just in principle. I have witnessed many who have. This does not mean you will never struggle again, because you, I, and everyone who gets clean, struggle from time to time. Remember what Conan the Barbarian said: Crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and hear the lamentation of the women! OK, I don't really believe that, and it is a bit sexist, but, from time to time, it's fun to throw a Conan quote out there, just to keep them wondering if you are really crazy. Do the hard 90.

    Thanks for giving us an opportunity to respond. Reading and responding are part of my recovery, so thanks. Remember: How do we help ourselves? We help ourselves by helping others. So, get out there and help yourself.

    Much love.

  8. Ester

    Ester Guest

    Utter bs and blatant propaganda. If porn was any good for you then this NoFap wouldn't even exist.
    I can't help but laugh. These so called "research scientists" completely ignored the fact that more and more of the youth is suffering from sexual and mental disorders and they fail to correlate it with the increasing usage of porn. Makes me question the legitimacy of these "scientists".
  9. papaG

    papaG Fapstronaut

    Screw this shit men....Fuck porn. I regret that first day I saw porn...some vintage its like meth...
  10. papaG

    papaG Fapstronaut

    Wait a minute....can porn cause some mental disorders? Can im feeling kinda cray cray rn.
  11. BruceD

    BruceD Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    That study seems to regurgitate old opinions, I wouldn't pay much attention, however I see where it came from.

    There was an era where porn was part of the sexual revolution and considered something to explore. This was a long time ago for some of you, mainly the late '60's and through a lot of the '70's. Of course, access to porn required getting out of your house- adult bookstores, x-rated movie theatres, etc. Gosh, this is almost quaint now! Anyhow, porn was suggested to actually help couples in their marriage/relationship. As a younger person, I enjoyed some of the more artistic porn from that era, but it is long gone.

    Pornography is a more supremely upgraded different animal now. High speed internet changed the game completely. Sure, there are cases of men being addicted in that earlier era, and no doubt having affairs and whacking off to magazines/VHS tapes hurt the sex life as well. But not at today's level. This is unprecedented and is a mini epidemic. Any so-called credible source telling you porn is perfectly health is either being paid off or just completely ignorant to what afflicts a lot of people today. I think it's more than we think, as not all of them have found us yet.

    Well, thanks for indulging in my mini essay, thank goodness we are out there swinging.
    Last edited: May 29, 2017
  12. yes.
    and remember there are lots of special interests that want us hooked on things we don't need - mindless entertainment, drugs, junk food and dont' forget porn is a multibillion dollar 'industry'

    Lastly, science can be hijacked and scientists can be biased. We have all read of doctors taking kickbacks to recommend pharmaceuticals, one harvard doctor was pushing parents to give kids behavior drugs he knew had damaging effects (firing squad, not prison for such doctors) .

    Very few institutions and global industries have any interest in telling us that self restraint is the best thing for us.
    Username1021 likes this.
  13. RobHunter

    RobHunter Fapstronaut

    -This is exactly what i was trying to get at, much better put how you said it Will.
    Username1021 likes this.
  14. I do not go back to porn or fapping, ever.
  15. theSlayer

    theSlayer Fapstronaut

    Oh no, I vehemently disagree with this study, judging from my own personal.

    I just came across it and thought it would be a good conversation piece.

    But thanks for looking out. Much appreciated.
  16. GG2002

    GG2002 Fapstronaut

    Well as a partner with a man with PIDE that was cured when he stopped. For years he could only O from his own hand and his sexual experiences consisted of him jacking off on the woman. Until I said I don't enjoy that and don't want to be with you if that's all it is. See he fell into the trap that porn was healthy. And because of that trap and articles like this he thought there was no way porn could be the issue. He struggled for so many years and lost so many relationships because of the DE. His life has changed entirely. But he had to be patient and realize that oing from a partner is much better than pmo . He did not know that since he never had it before. He thought he could do both and that his DE must be from some other factor. It was not. In life some people can eat whatever they want and not exercise and never gain weight. These people are few and far between particularly as we get older and our bodies change. Likewise there are some men who can pmo as much as they want and still have a wonderful fulfilling sex life and no ED but those men are less and less as they age due to how their bodies change. Addiction or not if you are having issues performing in bed with a live partner and you use porn at all and MO stop for 90 days and see if it helps. It's better than spending years and dollars on counseling and medication that won't ever work. Try the easiest thing first.
  17. stygian

    stygian Fapstronaut

    To put it simply, the study is flawed.
    They selected out everyone with PIED before the study even began. So naturally there was no one in the study who had it, and they could not find a relationship with viewing and PIED. Even though they did not explicitly use this criteria in selection, it is likely or at least possible that anyone with PIED would have been turned off by the study and not entered it.
    Yes, everyone here knows that there is a response to PMO in artificial conditions.
    If everyone with PMO addiction was surveyed, there is going to be a desire for sex, even if everyone does not have it. Also, they did not survey the participants to find out if the ones with greater viewing had abnormal or unusual sexual desires.
  18. Happy Man

    Happy Man Fapstronaut

    Scientist can never seem to get anything right.

    There's too many holes with the experiment. It should be done in a certain amount of years. Group A should be given high speed internet access to free porn. Group A also should be PMOing 4 times a week, 4 times a day for the next 10 years. They should be encouraged to watch different types of porn. After the 10 years, we will see if the men have any problems with their dick.

    That is how the experiment should be done.
    Last edited: May 30, 2017
    RedPillRebooter likes this.
  19. m.coming.back

    m.coming.back Fapstronaut

    @ theSlayer they lie about porn and masturbation, cuz the big industry of porn in USA in Germany in France etc .... they always say that about porn/masturbation to save thier money, they dont care about our lives, they care only about MONEY, a big easy source of money they will not let it easy ... if time will return - and it will not :( - I will not see any thing about this ever.
  20. AscendRestore

    AscendRestore Fapstronaut

    Okay - my 2c not having yet read it is that the pool of men that do not watch porn could be men who already have very low libidos (and hence little inclination towards porn consumption)? O