12 days in

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by FightTillTheEnd93, Jul 15, 2017.

  1. FightTillTheEnd93

    FightTillTheEnd93 Fapstronaut

    Hello all fellow Fapstronauts, I'm very glad that I signed up to this community ! I need some guidance! I'm on day 12 without watching porn or masturbating and I'm experiencing a bit of a clouded mind, I think this will pass but I can't remember it being this bad the last time I got to this point around a year ago! Anyone had this increased depressive thoughts and big aggitations around this time? I'm very determined to not let my mind win! I've come too far now to go back. I feel my whole life depends on me overcoming this addiction. Everyone on this path, I salute you, massive respect. This is far from easy :/ What I've found that has helped me so far is hitting the gym hard, cold showers and baths, intermittent fasting and starting a new job which has kept me busy! What made me start this streak was that I started a new job still watching porn excessively at night (1-3hours) and busting a nut once a night! The consequences of this were terrible, I couldn't look any one in the eyes I felt that I was going to have panic attacks every 10 minutes. What I describe here is literally hell on earth. I just to say I love each and every one of you and I hope you find the strength to see this through, I believe in you, don't doubt yourself. We deserve only the best for ourselves, real women, less anxiety, confidence and control over our minds! Wish me luck for the rest, I believe I've got this! Oh and lock your electronics away at night before you go to sleep! Desperate times call for desperate measures, I've been locking my phone and ps4 in my mums room before I go to bed, embarrasing for me to own up to but better than a lifetime of suffering! Love love love ❤️
  2. Millenial

    Millenial Fapstronaut

    Great post dude you are full of good tactics.. sounds like you are on the road to victory! Stay Strong :emoji_rocket::emoji_rocket::emoji_rocket::emoji_rocket::emoji_rocket::emoji_rocket:
  3. FightTillTheEnd93

    FightTillTheEnd93 Fapstronaut

    Thankyou I appreciate that man :) I will stay strong and aware! I need this
    Millenial likes this.
  4. Jake93

    Jake93 Fapstronaut

    I am also on day 12 after years of PMO and more recently wasting lots of money on cam girls, wasting hours of everyday.

    Like you said looking people in the eye became harder, as if they knew what you did when you were at home, I need a real woman., not those pixels on a screen.

    Keep it up man.
    FightTillTheEnd93 likes this.
  5. Im on day 8 going on day 9...keep it up yo..most important thing is to not overthink or constantly think about the streak...find something else to think about and the days will be easier and quicker...take everything a day at a time
  6. FightTillTheEnd93

    FightTillTheEnd93 Fapstronaut

    Just to let you all know I relapsed! Thankyou for all of the support though, keep going strong you two, you've got this! I start back up straight away, luckily I didn't binge, it was just half an hour of porn and one ejaculation. Goes to show I'm not even safe with my phone in my room in the day either, I need to be more aware of the urges when they are small and to tackle them before they get too hard to resist!
  7. FightTillTheEnd93

    FightTillTheEnd93 Fapstronaut

    Yeah women are smarter than we think haha they do notice when we are weak just like they notice when we are strong! Your on the right path my friend :) my best wishes to you on this journey, stay strong!
  8. FightTillTheEnd93

    FightTillTheEnd93 Fapstronaut

    This is very true I kind of get obsessed with the amount of days playing it around in my head which doesn't help me in the slightest! This time round il stay present more without worrying about the days, Thankyou man and All my best wishes go to you for your efforts this time round :)
  9. Billfish78

    Billfish78 New Fapstronaut

    hey man. im NoFap since july 3rd. im a mess. no energy, anxiety, and a really clouded mind. ive never tried this before. its hard to do!! any idea when i should start to feel better?
  10. Drew140

    Drew140 Guest

    Withdrawal hurts. I felt like you at Day 13. Your body is fighting you. The fog should lift in 5-7 days.