30 days no orgasm

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by chillman, Aug 2, 2014.

  1. chillman

    chillman Fapstronaut

    What's up guys,

    I have not orgasmed in 30 days which I am actually somewhat impressed with considering I used to O on an almost daily basis. I am 19 days free of porn and masturbation. I am not on day 30 with P and M due to some edging and light porn seeking. I will say that I kind of cheated the system in a way by going to a strip club about 2 weeks ago. I do not recommend that unless you are extremely desperate and in no way do I recommend making it a habit. I am 21 years old and that is the second, and hopefully last, time that I've been to a strip club. The reason I went is because I was alone and I strongly felt that I was going to PMO so I needed some way to help myself. There were probably other things I could have done but that was what I settled on, and it actually did help me continue, though like I said I don't recommend making that a habit due to being a general waste of time and money.

    Anyways, other than that I've been doing pretty well with it. I'll give some of my advice that has helped me thus far. Here's things that I've done:
    1. daily journaling on nofap
    2. almost daily reading (supposed to be daily, still working on it)
    3. almost daily meditation (same as reading)
    4. I charge my phone away from my bed
    5. I don't allow myself to use any electronic while lying in my bed, this one is big for me
    6. I've told a few people about my desire to quit which I think has helped a little
    7. taking a sleeping aid on a regular basis so I actually fall asleep when I get in bed and don't let my thoughts wander, which often in the past has led to PMO, this has helped a lot also
    8. regular cool showers, I'm not quite at cold yet, and I don't even know if this really does anything but I read it's good for general health so I'm trying it anyway, I would definitely recommend this for this who struggle with PMO in the shower
    9. almost daily journaling about goals I have for myself (supposed to be daily too)
    10. joined an accountability group that I use when necessary, though I don't find it overly necessary

    My best advice is know when and where you are most vulnerable and do whatever you can to hinder that time period. For me, that was at night in my bed, so I took away my phone from my bed and started taking a sleeping aid so I would fall asleep. Both have helped. I also highly recommend instituting some daily habits that will help you, not only with this, but with life in general.

    In no way am I clear of PMO, or fully qualified to give advice, but I have experienced some light success. I've been very actively trying to quit since April, and kind of actively trying to quit ever since I started 10 years ago. I had finally had enough and stopped just thinking about it, but actually took action. Like I said, I have a long way to go, but I'm off to a relatively good start and hope that it continues.

    I personally haven't experienced any huge benefits from where I am other than my eyes being bluer and sometimes being a little more confident or having a little more fun, but for those reading, I wouldn't put too much stock in that because my mind probably started from a much deader place than yours, so I have a lot longer up to go than most people. I'm not going to attempt to explain why in this post, but I would bet that for those of you who go 30 days no O or whatever else, you will have more benefits than I have had.

    Nofap on. Cheers.
    Nugget9, ALEX_88 and Puny like this.
  2. Genesis6.200

    Genesis6.200 Fapstronaut

  3. chillman

    chillman Fapstronaut

    thanks my man, will do my best
  4. Great post . keep up the good work.
  5. chillman

    chillman Fapstronaut

    Thanks, you too!
  6. Maxou75

    Maxou75 New Fapstronaut

    You really like to drama and you think you are someone with a big lack of chance since a while.
    I think you really believe you're a victim because of all the awfull things that happened to you in the past and blablaaa

    People doesn't care about it man

    I really recommand you to get the 90days challenge so you can switch off all these bullshits you got in your head since forever lol!

    Good luck bro !