Genital cleanliness discussion thread

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by DeepBlue, Aug 5, 2017.

  1. plant goodness

    plant goodness Fapstronaut

    Since when does good diet and hygiene not take care of this by itself? Lol. See a doctor.
  2. plant goodness

    plant goodness Fapstronaut

  3. Poseidon

    Poseidon Fapstronaut

    Do you work for them? All your posts mention that brand name. #Fishy
  4. Dayanew

    Dayanew Fapstronaut

    It's interesting that you only noticed this occuring while you were in a sexual relationship with this female as many different vaginal infections, bacterias, etc can effect and be spread to male partners. Yeast infections for example, which most women will experience at some point in their lives, can be passed to their male partners during intercourse. Although it isnt terribly common and even less common in circumcised males, it does happen and will usually present as an itchy rash around the tip/head of the penis. Vaginas naturally are full of bacteria, that are beneficial to maintaining a healthy ecosystem within the vagina. Any number of things though can disrupt the ph of the vagina, throwing the balance of bacteria out if whack and result in infections for her and even possible irritations or infections for yourself. Especially if you have a history of incredibly sensitive skin and/or have any abrasions on the skin of the penis allowing bacteria to enter.
    If you frequently have skin issues, such as contact dermatitis, on other areas of your body, you should always test products before using them. Soaps, lotions, wipes, etc, should be tested on your skin AT LEAST 24 hours in advance before you use them on your entire body by rubbing a small amount on the skin on the inside of your elbow and the skin behind your ear. Some reactions can/may take up to 3-5 days to occur, but serious reactions will usually occur within that first 24 hours. Only ever test one product at a time and wait a week between testing new products if you can to accurately note how your body responds to each one. Also, the head of the penis produces it's own natural lubricant so most men do not need to moisturize there.
    Here's a link to a medical site with information about cleaning the penis that may be very helpful and beneficial to your thread.

    As it was already mentioned, you should get tested for STD's to rule out anything from her or anyone else as a majority of STD's will not show any signs or symptoms in many men. Also HIV/AIDS and Hepatitis C screenings are NOT routinely tested along with STD screenings and need to be requested as they require separate permissions and paperwork.
    Last edited: Aug 8, 2017
    DeepBlue likes this.
  5. Kenzi

    Kenzi Fapstronaut

    Yep... You should wait 6 weeks in between sex partners as that's how long your ph balance takes to reset itself back to normal before you can take on new bacteria.
    Having a bunch of short relationships increases these risks of infections.
  6. inkmonsterandy

    inkmonsterandy Fapstronaut

    This is probably common logic but wiping front to back esp. for us guys after answering the call of nature kills a lot of the 'funk'. The perineum is a breeding ground for ignored bacterial nastiness, even after an epic wipefest . Also I've started using dove men's lotion down in them parts if it's a hot day.
    Last edited: Aug 8, 2017
  7. DeepBlue

    DeepBlue Fapstronaut

    I got a rash while I was with her so had a full STI screening so we're good on that front (it was contact dermatitis) - and she was a virgin anyway. The doctor actually recommended I don't use any products whatsoever (including unfragranced soap) between the knees and belly button - I was a bit sceptical about this since the doctor smelled strongly of BO herself.

    I think it probably was related to the soap and or the moisturiser though (I just use shower gel now) so hopefully it's not an issue in future. Otherwise I'll go back to the clinic and get told not to use soap or some shit again. Hopefully the taste wasn't too bad anyway as she gave me head near enough everyday.
  8. DeepBlue

    DeepBlue Fapstronaut

    I am going to guess this is actually a more common issue than most guys are aware. I've heard of a few people having bad tasting male partners who never told them, and equally I've come across a few grim tasting vaginas in my time and haven't usually mentioned it to them.