First day!

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by welshdave, Jul 14, 2014.

  1. welshdave

    welshdave Fapstronaut

    But I have already failed twice.:(
  2. johnno

    johnno Fapstronaut

    Not a great start?! But can only get better...
    I found it pretty therapeutic to write why I ended up here, and where I wanted to end up. That'll help you find your triggers, and how to deal with them. Tell everyone your story, whats the worst that can happen? If you don't want to then read through others posts, you're bound to find people in the same situation and maybe they've found ways to improve their situation.
  3. welshdave

    welshdave Fapstronaut

    Not sure what the triggers are, anything can just start me thinking. I PMOing many times when I am not seeing my girlfriend. I think the main issue is on days when I get to see her (we live apart but I see her often, weekends and days in the week. we have been together nearly 6 years) I tend to edge. This can be can go on for many hours and ruin the whole day, the reason is if I have an orgasm I feel I wont be as willing to have sex with her, this is really what I want to do, as you can probably guess. The most upsetting thing is that she has caught me masturbating to porn in the past, she is really upset when this happens and I am disappointed in myself. In looking at other girls she believes that I find her unattractive but this is far from the case as I want sex with her at the drop of a hat. She is the most beautiful girl I have ever met. She makes me so happy and I can not imagine life without her.

    I really wish I could just stop, but this has been impossible, to the point that I constantly think about sex and the only way to reduce this is to have an orgasm. I have just blocked porn on my computer and have talked about it to my girlfriend and asked her to change the password other wise I will just look at porn again. I really want to give it a go but temptation is everywhere, adverts pictures and other stimuli. It has been about a day and a half and I already think I am going crazy.
  4. welshdave

    welshdave Fapstronaut

    Going well so far!! I have decided to get myself a treat every month I go without.
  5. Once&4ALL

    Once&4ALL Fapstronaut

    Glad you are doing well Dave, hang in there.
  6. welshdave

    welshdave Fapstronaut

    I failed today. 5 days isn't too bad, it is progress.
  7. welshdave

    welshdave Fapstronaut

    I MOed today but I have not viewed porn. This website has helped me to cut back, instead of every day it is an average of every four days. This is progress I guess.
  8. Saserman

    Saserman Fapstronaut

    Keep making it a goal to beat your previous record. Keep thinking in an optimistic manner and saying to yourself that if you reached that long last time you can definitely at least that long or longer next time.
  9. welshdave

    welshdave Fapstronaut

    Bad day today, failed. This is so difficult.
  10. Steve.tmq

    Steve.tmq Fapstronaut

    I find the 1st day and the flatlining days are the hard ones. I find if I feel like doing things I ask my self Whats the point? What will it do if I give in? The answer is always "not much and a step backwards" but I don't beat my self up if I do slip just reset my counter and start again. Get a counter and set a gole that is not to hard at frist.
  11. Steve.tmq

    Steve.tmq Fapstronaut

    Well I'm back at the first day after a slipup last night. Don't know why I fapped and finshed so close to the end on at the night of the 7th day.
  12. not2late

    not2late Fapstronaut

    Steve, Welsh, I'm there with ya.
    A few weeks back I made it to 5 days after some silly article on on how the brain reacts differently to thinking. Thinking 'I won't' instead of 'I can't' apparenlty makes all the difference for the mind (this article was not related to p). I tried it and made 5 days, which for me is a huuuge deal. And I didn't know why I stopped, I was feeling great. Now I'm back at the start. My life has never been so bad because of the consequenses of my actions(details in my newbie post) and I really need to quit. Don't let things happen like I did.
    Good luck with your next try, this is my first day and allready I'm feelling 'attacked' by thoughts. It's difficult but we're gonna get there!
  13. welshdave

    welshdave Fapstronaut

    Sorry I have been away. You both seem to be doing really well! I has been very bad the past few days, it feels like I am just giving up.
  14. not2late

    not2late Fapstronaut

    Well, since this is a forum with personal opinions, I'm just gonna show you something which broke my heart and started healing me at the same time:
    The narrator says it all. But for you Welshdave, I would like to tell you this from the video:
    Is this really what you want? Because the easy way out will allways be there.

    Hope it helps, be dedicated. You know how your life was with pmo. Now think about what your life could be without it. Read the blogs about people who were succesfull. Trust me when I say I've been there. I've been down. I've done that shit for 3 years. And now I'm doing well, better then ever, because I NEVER NEVER NEVER want to go back.

    Don't give up brother.
    Good luck, you're allways welcome to pm me in times of need or to let of steam. I'm just a guy checking this forum twice a day, but so are all the other guys on this forum.
    Good luck, hope this helped.