Comments on Profile Post by Faithe

  1. Faithe
    I mean of course there's the occasional rude or strange thing in the Christian Fapstronauts group but... I didn't realize how misogynistic and high-strung some people can be.
    Aug 16, 2023
    White Sheep and Toni7 like this.
  2. Talz
    There is a lot of hurt, loneliness and trauma on these forums. That's where it comes from.
    Aug 16, 2023
  3. Mr.Tony
    There are still good people around here, believe me when I say this, I've been part of this community for so long now.
    Aug 17, 2023
  4. Faithe
    Of course. It's good to air out dirty laundry in a safe place. It's just sad to see people speak so void of any hope, love, or gentleness. Especially when so many don't even seem to want to change. They only have sex or gratification as the end goal in mind, nothing beyond it. No additional growth or hope. I wanna pray for these hurting people's hearts to soften and for true healing.
    Aug 17, 2023
  5. Faithe
    I'm grateful for the genuine and kind people that are here as well. It is a breath of fresh air. I need to just not "doom scroll" lol.
    Aug 17, 2023
  6. GodsDaughter
    @Faithe I hear you. That is primarily why I (and a few other Christians) tend to only hop on NF to journal or encourage one another privately & immediately sign off. It's so important for us to stay focused on our own healing & remain unspotted from this world. If I stumble on a "doom post" or read something evil on here, I simply pray & release them. May you be encouraged & know you are not alone.
    Aug 20, 2023
    Montfort and Faithe like this.
  7. Faithe
    Thank you, @GodsDaughter. I think it's a good idea to hop on for a bit to journal and catch up with other believers and then hop off. I'll pray about it more and let those things go. Thank you for the encouragement.
    Aug 26, 2023
    GodsDaughter likes this.
  8. kropo82
    > There's a lot of anger and bitterness on other forums and threads outside of the Christian one that I'm familiar with. It breaks my heart.

    I find it important not to get drawn into those threads. It is so easy to want to dive in and correct the wrong-headed things that get said. But it is important to remind myself why I am here, to find support in beating my porn addiction and to help others on the same path.
    Sep 5, 2023
    Faithe likes this.