Comments on Profile Post by Faithe

  1. Faithe
    I know there's such a thing as godly sorrow and genuine conviction, but there's an extra need to be careful that you aren't letting the enemy beat you down with harsh words and judgement disguised as "correction". That is the distinction that I'm trying to find. Know what I mean?
    Sep 27, 2023
    +TenPercent, White Sheep and Toni7 like this.
  2. DeepRecovery
    This is very important, a lot of people seem to think being hard on themselves will make it less likely to not do it again in the future, but there seems to be no interest in learning anything of detail to prevent it from happening again, any detailed discussion is pretty much met with silence.
    Sep 28, 2023
    +TenPercent and Faithe like this.
  3. DeepRecovery
    If this results in dropping out of the community or any effort at recovering this is very dangerous, if nothing else it takes a long time until the person gets out of the depression to start again, when it doesn't have to be so long if they just didn't beat themselves up.
    Sep 28, 2023
    +TenPercent and Faithe like this.
  4. Faithe
    Agreed. Bullying yourself should not be confused with discipline. Be as gentle yet firm as you would if you were telling it to a friend who had opened up to you about it. If you know that a thought that comes into your mind wouldn't edify a friend if said aloud, then why would you think it would edify yourself?
    Sep 28, 2023
  5. Faithe
    And you are right, anything that puts you farther away from community and support is not from a good source.
    Sep 28, 2023