does sexting count?

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by cleaningupmyact, Jun 15, 2023.

  1. my guess is yes, and obviously, but i wonder sometimes (maybe its just P brain though). I am talking to a real person, making friendly talk in between too. curious to know any studies or vids on it?
    donjohnson1989 likes this.
  2. 3nigma

    3nigma Fapstronaut

    If you don't consummate your desires in real life with the woman you're sexting, you're just going to end up looking at porn and masturbating. Sexting is a recipe for blueballs.
  3. SoberGuy

    SoberGuy Fapstronaut

    Well, sexting is closer to reality than watching P althought you're still not touching anybody. You guys can share erotic pics with each other and still nothing real. I guess it could be a relapse because at the end of the day, if u keep only on sexting, u will step forward P stuff (talk by experience)
  4. thanks. I did notice the drive to go more towards P afterwards. yeah maybe its ok if not in recovery (maybe, for like a long distance thing?) but prob still really bad for me while im in this state.
  5. zloylance

    zloylance Fapstronaut

    from my own experience sexting is most stupid thing ever!!!
    its like P but without P..
    if it has pictures, then its P, and if it doesnt have pictures, then you use your imagination and that leads to arrousal and its like P > M > O... same effect.
    question: why on earth you want this??
    if you like that girl, just invite her to a dinner!
    if you get good connection then you WILL have sex with her.
    why on earth would you prefer stupid whatsapp/messenger sexting to real personal connection and pleasure of real sex with girl you like?
    (it was rithorical question of course).

    its a very simple algorithm.
    you chat a little bit with a girl, (without sexting BS), and invite her to meet,
    if she accepts - fine.
    if she declines, ask again few days later.

    if after few times you ask her out she doesnt go with you - just stop talking with her.
    its very simple, most likely she doesnt want to meet you but all she wants/needs is to FAP and not feel lonely but physically/personally you are not interesting to her - send her away.

    dont waste your time or energy on a girl (a picture in the phone) who doesnt want to meet with you.

    all these chat, dating sites and virtual connections are total B.S.

    you either with person or your are not, there is no middle ground.

    ffs.. i am talking like 50yo, :D

    in any case, dont relapse my friend!!!

    bsdfj and SoberGuy like this.
  6. freedom is coming

    freedom is coming Fapstronaut

    I included sex chat sites in my day counter because they are not healthy. It is a fantasy that was part and parcel of using porn.
  7. zloylance

    zloylance Fapstronaut

    i would say it simply:
    if your "communication" with person includes actual physical contact then do that contact.
    if not, then dont talk about it, show it, look at it, discuss it, etc..
    dont talk, just do!
    anything other than actual physical intimate contact in bed with woman (or a man) is fake!
    porn is fake, sexting is fake, anything that creates pictures and fantasies in your head and makes you horny is fake and BS.
    you just become horny and want to PMO by any of those triggers.

    i tell you what, if you really want to do "sexting", just invite her to dinner, go eat outside, take a walk together,
    then just kiss her and tell he you really like her and want her.
    most likely you will have sex, maybe not this today or moment, but if you are good and real, you will have sex with woman.
    just not stupid PMO and sexting..
  8. bsdfj

    bsdfj Fapstronaut

    Reading about sexting for a few weeks... hands down best answer I've ever read and the one I was looking for.


  9. nomo

    nomo Fapstronaut

    I would only be sexting with someone who I plan on having a sexual relationship with. For me the relationship would probably come before the sexting. I would think it would be hard to be sexting with someone that you haven't met first. I'm not experienced with sexting, because I'm 65 and married. Sexting came after my time in the dating scene.
    cleaningupmyact and bsdfj like this.
  10. LifeSaviour

    LifeSaviour Fapstronaut

    Sexting is a artificial stimulation like P. When you're on NoFap, you need to live like your grandfather by having no access to anything that stimulate you. No erotic books, no sexting, no peaking, no edging, no fapping, and of course NO PORN.
  11. I_Am_Strong_54

    I_Am_Strong_54 Fapstronaut

    Probably in the minority here but my opinion, if you're in a committed relationship with someone, have been intimate with them, and for whatever reason (maybe one is traveling for work or one of you had a shift change at work for a couple of weeks) you can't be with them and your conversation leads to sexting, I think that is okay.

    I think the problem is when you meet a random stranger in an adult chat room and start sexting with them through the chat room or on your phone. That to me would be a sign of the addiction. In my worst phase of my addiction I did get into the adult chat rooms. At first my reaction was "this is great so many horny and sexy women." Lots of sexting going on there. And then after a few days reality slapped me in the face and said "You know these are probably dudes you're sexting with." And that was the end of sexting with strangers for me.
  12. JiuJitsuGuy

    JiuJitsuGuy Fapstronaut

    What if you get addicted to sexting? Does it count? What if you get to a point where you need to be sexting with someone? Does it count? I think you know your answer. Your brain is addicted to easy dopamine.