My challenge, 6 month without PMO, Social Media, Gaming & News

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by Leeo_30, May 5, 2024.

  1. rudderman

    rudderman Fapstronaut

    best of luck brother i just started with my 19 year addiction too im 30 too so i can relate. lets do this shit
    Leeo_30 likes this.
  2. Leeo_30

    Leeo_30 Fapstronaut

    Thank you, good luck to you as well! You will do it!
    rudderman likes this.
  3. Leeo_30

    Leeo_30 Fapstronaut

    Today was a good day. I had troubles to go to sleep and I slept felt asleep at about 2 AM.
    Normally, I am unconsious the day after. Less concentration, less willing power and anxious to fall for P.
    Not today! My horniness was at about 4/10, I had many fantasies about P but I stay strong. I tried to stop thouse thoughts as soon as possible.

    My meditation session today was amazing! I had a few minutes without any thought!
    What did I do? I made the 61-points-relaxation technique: Thought about the top of my head, told myself in thoughts "one, head", simultaniously I took a deep breath. Then I concentrated on my third eye "two, third eye", breath, "tree, left eye" ... Had to be really concentrated but my reward was that nice state at the end!

    give this day 8/10 points.

    I chat on NoFap with two guys, @CaptainMate & @Zweitechance thank you for your support!
    CaptainMate likes this.
  4. SpartanPotential

    SpartanPotential Fapstronaut

    Hi Leeo,

    Just read your post. I wanted to let you know that in my opinion you are doing great in changing your habits. I read that when triggered you seek contact with your GF, which is one of the best things you can do! Because PMO'ing happends in isolation, so this is what you want to break, and you did. So keep this up!
    For meditation I use Sahaj Samadhi, I think it would also fit you well.
    Also if hit me up if you wanna talk, let's do this together
    CaptainMate and Leeo_30 like this.
  5. Leeo_30

    Leeo_30 Fapstronaut

    Hi @SpartanPotential Thank you for your comment! Yes this really helps. It was a big transformation in that specific case. I was always independent and had because of that, a lot of difficulties asking for help. I think this is a problem for a lot of males.

    So now I am, when I am conscious enough, turning to my GF as soon as I got triggered.

    Thank you for your tip about Sahaj Samadhi. I Am going to contact you.
    SpartanPotential likes this.
  6. Leeo_30

    Leeo_30 Fapstronaut

    WEEK Review

    Today was, over all, a good day! Made my tasks, got in contact via LinkedIn a.s.o.

    Horniness today: 6/10

    Positive things this week:
    - I feel really strong
    - My testosterone level is increasing every day
    - I feel really happy and confindent
    - I feel like another person. In winter I am more shy, dont want to go out etc.
    - I am really socializing, want to get in contact with people

    Paying attention (for reviewing in future)
    1. Stop your thoughts immediately, when they start getting filthy. When your testosterone level is high, your horniness is also high.
    2. I couldn´t sleep in my bed with my GF for the past 5 days. I was too awake or too horny. The next days were always tricky. because I was horny as well. Pay attention, those are the weakest moments. But you did it! So in future you will do it again!
    3. Implement Meditation again, it helps you to calm down, not getting angry so fast.
    4. With higher testosterone you get a bit less emotional to your GF. Pay attention! She loves you, show her affection!
    5. If you feel horny, go out jogging! It was an amazing feeling like beeing invincible!
    SpartanPotential and CaptainMate like this.
  7. Leeo_30

    Leeo_30 Fapstronaut

    Today my mainfocus was thinking about my marketing and structural strategy for my business.
    I was productive and read a bit.
    I am also fasting for 36h. In the afternoon I entered our bathtub and read. I was really horny, 6/10 but I managed to stop my thoughts which were present. Good for me!

    Because I just slept at 2 AM last night (I couldnt find rest) I was tired today. This evening I am going to sleep for myself. No stress anymore! I put enough pressure on myself.
    Sleep is important, I need to be concentrated next week.
  8. Leeo_30

    Leeo_30 Fapstronaut

    Yesterday was a good day. Was productive and into Flow. In the evening my GF and I tried Karezza the first time. Was an interesting experience - fully be focused on sensations and not wanting to have an O.
    In my mind it was more exciting than it was in reality - like imaginations from PIV or P which are stronger than reality.
    Horniness: 4-8/10

    I tried to sleep in my bed with my GF. But I had again troubles. Went back to our livingroom. I will sleep now for a couple of nights in our livingroom. Maybe unconsciously there are some issues. Can not figure it out yet.

    Today I was not really in good mood. Couldnt work concentrated because of too less sleep. Also I felt like the energy from abstaining of PMO was gone. Maybe of Karezza yesterday? But I didnt had an O.
    Horniness 1/10, like gone. Good for me, it sucks when I always think about filthy stuff.

    I dont have troubles with abstaining of PMO. When this feeling of invincibility, outgoing, beeing extroverted (I am an introverted person, socialicing, strength a.s.o. is staing during this time, I will never go back again to P. And abstaining from MO is key in my opinion.
    In my past I just abstained from P, this is the first time no PMO for me. And it is a really gamechanger!
    Sometimes it is difficult because of horniness but it is SOOOOO worth it! The power within me, unbelieble!!!:emoji_fist::emoji_fist::emoji_fist::):):)
  9. Leeo_30

    Leeo_30 Fapstronaut

    Since last Tuesday my testosterone decreased. Maybe I am now on flatline. My thoughts are not all about sex anymore, which I am thankful for.
    But my motivation decreased a bit as well. I had a fire in myself, now it is a little flame.

    Yesterday I went again in the bathtub. Was in control the whole time not getting too horny. After that I satisfied my GF, I was strong enough not to ejaculate.

    Today I had trouble starting with work. I don't have a target and that was my problem. Now I fixed it and hopefully motivation is starting again.
    I have so much to offer and people should see my solution for their problem!

    17 days in, really proud of myself!
    Ernie24 likes this.
  10. SpartanPotential

    SpartanPotential Fapstronaut

    Haha bro, you know you are dedicated when, you let her finish en then don't finish yourself. Respect brother. I know how hard that is. I have tried Karezza also. But especially in the beginning really helpfull, to not rush to orgasm. Also orgasm can take so much energy sometimes en the fookin' chasers after...

    You are COOKING man. 17 days
  11. Leeo_30

    Leeo_30 Fapstronaut

    Thank you!
    Yes, I know I make this challenge but I really dont want to waste My Energy. So Orgasm is Not Even an Option anymore!
  12. Leeo_30

    Leeo_30 Fapstronaut

    Today is day 23, made it this far and will definitely go further!
    We moved some furniture in our flat so that I have more light in my room.
    No urges and when I have them, I am really in control.

    The difference between no P and no PMO:
    - No P: Just focusing on avoiding P. I am responsible how to react if I get triggered. And this something is from outside myself. It is way easier to get triggered when I am in a low state.
    - No PMO: I feel that I myself am in control of my sexual urges. From outside, it seems more difficult. Paradoxically, it is easier because there is no Chaser-Effect.

    I really feel the first time in my life that I have control over my sexual urges. I don't want to waste my energy when I sit in our bathtub or when I stimulate my GF. She gave me a Handjob, but I didn't want to come. I was really horny, but it is different - I enjoy the highs but don't want an O.

    Downside: I cannot sleep next to her anymore. I try it every week one time but never managed to sleep in.

    How is it working with not PMO related goals?

    News: Didn't watch any.
    Gaming: Just Tetris on toilet. 1x I played with my GF on our Nintendo Switch.
    Social Media: Visited 1x Instagram for inspiring purposes for my work. YouTube I watched funny stuff like 2x, but just with my GF. For myself, I just visited it for tutorials and educational purposes.
    LinkedIn: I allowed myself this platform because of my business. I am too much on it, especially when I am not concentrated any more. It doesn't feel good for me. Just 2x a day should be sufficient. Want to change that.

    My dart game is really fun, almost every evening I play for myself or with her when she is in mood. Further, I picked up Rubik's Cube again, the ghost cube. Tricky one. Want to manage it and then managing the more difficult algorithm of the 9×9x9.

    Since I am now on this website, I visit it almost 3-5x a day. On one hand it is good because I read success stories and motivate other people, on the other hand I strongly believe that it is just a tool for staying away for myself but in the long run I don't need it anymore.

    I try now to reduce my visits here. Every 2 or 3 days should be sufficient.
  13. Leeo_30

    Leeo_30 Fapstronaut

    Nice week, full of motivation. Since yesterday, horniness is starting again. I am happy because of testosterone feeling but I need to be conscious.
    again likes this.