New trying to quit Porn, curing 19 years addiction

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by rudderman, May 9, 2024.

  1. rudderman

    rudderman Fapstronaut

    Hello, i have finally decided to quit Porn, im 30 years old still a Virgin but will get married in 6 months. I really damaged my brain/life/work spent countless hours on porn, it started from soft porn then like everyone it got more specific then turned to fetishes and fantasies, now i will get married and i have 6 months to overcome this challenge. i am usually good with goals though i was 120 kilograms managed to lose all the weight i still go to the gym. learned to play guitar after setting a goal. quit smoking now i believe i have set a goal to stop porn, i am a gamer it can help with the boredom for me at least i live in a third world developing Muslim country where its not so bright. i never really tried to quit porn ever during all these 19 years. do you think its possible? what else should i consider?

    Spenglerian and Leeo_30 like this.
  2. Leeo_30

    Leeo_30 Fapstronaut

    Hi Rudderman,

    I wish you good luck on your journey and I believe in you!

    Are you new to the topic or do you struggle since months / years with your addiction?

    First step: Accept, that you are addicted. It is OK. You dont have to punish yourself. It doesnt make it any easier.

    So you had already managed to drop your weight AND quit smoking! Congratulations! Maybe quitting P is easier, maybe it is harder for you. You dont know yet. All you can do is try as we all are trying.
    If you relapse, keep in mind, it is part of our journey.

    Nice for you that you started playing guitar! Keep up also up gaming if it helps you to stay away from P.
    Btw where are you from?

    And of course it is possible! I am 100% sure! It is just the question, how good you understand your behaviour, how good you understand the MINDFUCKS, where your brain is tricking you in wanting to watch P. When you are conscious about those factors and you have a clear vision for yourself, where you want to be, then it is just a question of time.

    What are your motivations? look to my first post. I posted 9 reasons, why I will do it! What are your reasons? Why are you thinking of yourself, that you will do it?
  3. Be Inspired

    Be Inspired Fapstronaut

    Stay away from social media (i.e. Facebook, Instagram, etc.)
    90% of relapses start on social media.
    Leeo_30 likes this.
  4. SpartanPotential

    SpartanPotential Fapstronaut

    Let's go Rudderman! Goodjob on comitting!
    rudderman likes this.
  5. rudderman

    rudderman Fapstronaut

    I heard about nofap on one of joe rogans episodes, i never saw it as a problem but now i see how much it has affected me, i am sure i have pied as i dont get hard anymore, i am getting married soon and im worried what my future will suffer if i keep doing this. Also i dont have a lot of time no i do two jobs whenever i have time i masturbate on off days 4-5 times daily before sleep and when i wake up , this used to be much more but i just dont have the energy, im also scared about the tests we do her before marital agreements, i live in the middle east, i have no idea what tests they do or if im not able to pregnante a woman. I am just really doing it for me for now i realize how weak of a man i am to be honest not being able to control my urges and i feel depressed. I never tried nofap but one time i managed to stop for 15 days it was a long time ago. I will update daily here i am still reading about nofap and its resources and i see many people have recovered. I hope i can too i’ll stop watching porn and masturbation both together hopefully. Thanks a lot again for the encouraging words
  6. rudderman

    rudderman Fapstronaut

    I dont really use social media anyways on average my screentime is 3 hours per day but yez I understand i’ll see how it goes thanks a lot
  7. rudderman

    rudderman Fapstronaut

    Thanks a lot really appreciate the kind words
  8. Be Inspired

    Be Inspired Fapstronaut

    3 hours per day on social media?
  9. Leeo_30

    Leeo_30 Fapstronaut

    Seems really urgent for you. I suggest visiting a psychotherapist to support your journey.
    When changing habits and lifestyle i recommend you read about "victim mindset". It helped me a lot in the beginning of my journey.

    Wish you a lot of strenght!
  10. rudderman

    rudderman Fapstronaut

    I just checked it’s approximately 15 mins for instagram per day, the rest is safari from my porn habbit which hopefully it will change
    Be Inspired likes this.
  11. rudderman

    rudderman Fapstronaut

    Psychotherapy is not an option for me we dont have any good ones. Also talking about it here is much more comfortable for me i cant bring myself to tell anyone face to face about this problem.
  12. rudderman

    rudderman Fapstronaut

    For day one, slept fine didn’t have any urges at all , mentally still strong for now
    Montfort and SpartanPotential like this.
  13. Leeo_30

    Leeo_30 Fapstronaut

    I understand. I would say that most people on this plattform start their Journey with that mindset.

    I dont want to give you advice, which you didnt ask for. If you want, let me know.

    try your best!
    kaerhal likes this.
  14. rudderman

    rudderman Fapstronaut

    Kind regards thanks a lot for the encouraging words. This community so far seems very supportive and it gives me a sense of purpose. Like seeing the stories about people overcoming their addiction and i see and relate to a lot of people here.
    Still going strong for today i didnt even think about P was busy all day.

    hopefully i can keep staying strong.
    Thanks again
    Leeo_30 likes this.
  15. Leeo_30

    Leeo_30 Fapstronaut

    Yes they are! Success is possible for everybody who is willing to aim for more!
    Nice to hear! Keep up your good work!
    I go to bed now, have a nice evening and a happy weekend!
    rudderman likes this.
  16. Be Inspired

    Be Inspired Fapstronaut


    A good psychotherapist is tough to find anywhere in the world.

    A good psychotherapist is impossible to find if you are not looking.
    rudderman and Leeo_30 like this.
  17. rudderman

    rudderman Fapstronaut

    Day 2 was easy too slept like a child no crazy urges. Still going strong

    i have applied a system where each time i get an urge to M or watch P i have to do 10 squats. I’ll see how it goes
    SpartanPotential likes this.
  18. rudderman

    rudderman Fapstronaut

    Day 3 Success, sleep was delayed by an hour but kept my cool and didnt do any PMO going hard for Day 4, forgot to mention i deleted all the saved p files i had from my hdd and phone from Day 1. lets get itttt
    SpartanPotential likes this.
  19. SpartanPotential

    SpartanPotential Fapstronaut

  20. rudderman

    rudderman Fapstronaut

    Day 4 Success, had a hard time to sleep took about an hour but didnt orgasm stopped the dirty thoughts and kept going forward. I'm always trying to talk to myself when i get the urges now and i just shut it off completely.

    something happened which hasn't happened for me in a long time, im starting to see dreams again i cant remember the last time i had one. the past 3 days i have seen 3-4 dreams which is exciting. Keep going at it. its my first time doing this and from the guide it says urges start to kick in from day 5 to 7 i think. but its true these urges usually go in a matter of minutes. stopping my PMO habbit is also helping with my cognitive functions too i feel much more alive at work, getting more work done and actually started reading my precious books again. Lets get to day 5