
Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by Deleted Account, Sep 17, 2017.

  1. Does anybody have expeirence w this ADHD medication? I've taken it many times and it's great with studying and focusing on what you need to do (i highly believe i have ADHD and i know for a fact im lazy sometimes, like now.) I also have reason to believe that taking this drug on a regular basis will be good and bad for me.

    I took this medication 5x a week my senior year of highschool (i didn't have a prescription, so i bought it from a friend illegally, which is very commonly done). My grades raised significantly and it was a good feeling. Also, I was taking 70-90 mgs (which is a high dose) and it got me high like coming up on mdma but not rolling. I liked the feeling, but i only took it for academic reasons, i wouldnt take it if i didnt have to do schoolwork.

    There were some downsides. One of the most relevant disadvantages was, in males, it would temporarily make your "member" shrink and you dont really have much libido. I believe this is due to the fact i was taking such a high dose and your blood changes purposes (much like cocaine, if youve ever expeirenced that, theyre stimulants.) Also, other common disadvantages are a loss of appetite and just the fact you have to take a drug to succeed in school lol

    Well i was thinking if i got a prescription and took it semi regurarly, even at a low dose. It will help significantly with organization and help a little with nofap. The problem is my parents are sketch and dont like that. Perhaps I could get my own prescription, but idk if my insurance will cover it, how much it will cost for the drug/doctors, or how to do adult like that yet. Im 20
  2. A41:14A

    A41:14A Fapstronaut

    drugs are generally bad for you, 'mmmkay.
  3. A41:14A

    A41:14A Fapstronaut

    Seriously dude, most people i've known that took 'speed for kids' in high doses, from adolescence to adulthood - lost their teeth and got f¤cked up mentally along the way.. (and they were prescribed it) Take care with yourself..
  4. Are you implying that vyvanse longterm usuage causes tooth loss? Bc if you are I think you need to seriously know what your saying. It's a very common prescription medication highly used by a plethora of medical professionals.
  5. A41:14A

    A41:14A Fapstronaut

    Are you implying that you've been prescribed this drug by a medical professional?
    See you in twenty years bud. Enjoy.. (i don't know anything) Peace.

  6. Um yeah actually. Well I'm not implying, I'm stating a fact that doctors prescribe this medication to thousands of patients each year. I have been tested and have ADHD (when I was a kid), so yeah I can definitely get a prescription. Your acting like it's meth. Meth loses your teeth and messes you up mentally. I'm talking about the ADHD medication Vyvanse and Adderall. I'm just making sure you know bc you're acting like it's an illegal deathly drug. You should look it up
  7. Nomenyeux

    Nomenyeux Fapstronaut


  8. Nomenyeux

    Nomenyeux Fapstronaut

    First it seems good and like you can control it. This was how it was for me before I got my last degree. Eventually you will find a rationale for increasing your dosage; Once you put a little bit if it in your body you can rationalize just about anything you want.

    I took Adderall for about 6 years. At first it was fun and games. Now I am stuck hearing voices with horrible hell memories and lusts that continue to haunt me. I don't take that stuff anymore.
    Last edited: Sep 18, 2017
  9. Nomenyeux

    Nomenyeux Fapstronaut

    Just warning you. Eat what you need. I'm out.
  10. VitoMisto

    VitoMisto Fapstronaut

    Legit ADHD case here, and I take Vyvanse.

    I was diagnosed at the age of 23. It was hard to get diagnosed- I had to see a psychiatrist, and had to have my GP and cardiologist sign off on it after I took 5 rounds of testing and had a police background check. See a doctor and find out if you actually have ADHD first.

    First of all, you need to take this drug seriously. It is literally legal speed. It is pure amphetamine. Always take it at the same time on the same days. NEVER "double up". It is a felony or indictable offence to possess it without a prescription. Watch to make sure you eat enough and stay hydrated.

    Also, when on it and finding the right dose under your doctor's supervision, consider titrating down. As I lost weight when I originally started taking it, the initially theraputic dose became too high for my bodyweight- I had to go down 10mg. I had the same concentration, with less cottonmouth and irritability.
  11. Ashin_kusher

    Ashin_kusher Fapstronaut

    I messed around with this stuff for a while to work more. There's literally no way it's healthy for you lol. I didn't care about my health when I was using them. I think a lot of people go through a phase where they experiment with drugs like this. The only girl I know who does them all the time is batshit crazy and always trying to start arguments and make herself a victim. I can't stand that bitch lmao. It's my friends ex girlfriend, I still see her sometimes because I sell weed to her sometimes haha. Sorry for the long story.
  12. You make it sound so intense. Given, I never had a prescription but I just use to take 70-90 mgs almost daily for a couple months. Let's just say, I got alot of shit done those months.
  13. Taking a dopaminergic stimulant to help aid you in quitting porn is like smoking meth to aid you in giving up caffeine. It completely defeats the point of what you were trying to do.

    The thing that can make porn very damaging is the fact that it creates a dopamine feedback loop. You are exposed to so many different models/actresses/participants when scrolling through and finding a porn video, that your brain goes into overdrive. It can't tell the difference between real women and women on a screen, so it thinks that you have thousands of willing sexual partners just offering themselves to you. This causes a flood of dopamine as your brain says: yes, keep doing this, it'll help us reproduce!

    Then, as you go from video to video, even more dopamine is released in response to the novelty of each new actress, each new kink, each new scenario.

    What this results in is just a massive overload of dopamine.

    In response, your brain tries to achieve homoeostasis. It begins to down-regulate D2 dopamine receptors, where dopamine normally binds, to prevent you from getting too much of an effect from those high levels of dopamine. This means you begin to lose sensitivity to dopamine, which means you start losing its effects in normal day to day life. Food stops tasting as good. Regular activities stop being as pleasant. You start feeling bored.

    Do you remember how everything was fun and exciting when you were like 4 or 5 years old? Even just running around and imagining things, or playing with toys or sticks? Think how much less fun things seem to be now? That's a result of D2 receptor down-regulation from porn, excessive internet/computer use, video games, TV, etc. As those receptors down-regulate, life stops seeming as interesting, and becomes more boring. You have less energy, feel less motivated, and have less desire to socialise.

    On top of that, this down-regulation means that you get less of that dopamine high from porn, even when the same amount of dopamine is releasing. So now you have to find more new videos, explore more unusual kinks and fetishes etc just to be able to get the same "high" that porn used to give you. This is how the most unusual fetishes typically develop, it's our brain trying to seek out some form of novelty so we can chase the dragon and get that elusive fix we used to get when we first started watching porn.

    Right, so we've established why that's bad? Well, Vyvanse is a chemical known as Lisdexamfetamine, in the body it converts into Amphetamine, and specifically the stronger Dextro enantiomer, Dextroamphetamine. Dextroamphetamine is a strong dopaminergic stimulant, that causes the release of massive amounts of dopamine, as well as norepinephrine, and a very small release of serotonin.

    A single small dose of dextroamphetamine releases MUCH MUCH more dopamine than even the heaviest 16 hour porn binge. This produces all of the same negatives too, including D2 receptor down-regulation, and the resultant decreased energy, increased boredom, etc.

    This is why for those with ADHD who are prescribed drugs like Vyvanse, they are typically 1) prescribed very low doses, and 2) they are meant to take them every single day for the rest of their life unless they are given a change in medication. This is because the drug is causing lasting changes to the function of their dopamine receptors, and so if they were to stop, they would feel terrible: low energy, low motivation, bored all the time, depressed, etc. By continuing to take the drug daily long term, they at least have the increased dopamine that masks the long term negatives. This is similar to how you typically don't feel your worst during a porn binge, but only after, when the increased levels of dopamine have left your system and are no longer masking the severe down-regulation you have.

    In short though, unless your doctor has prescribed you it, it's an incredibly stupid idea to take it if you're trying to get the benefits of NoFap, since it will cause much more damage than porn did itself. It will prevent you from seeing any NoFap benefits. Even if your doctor prescribed it to you, I would consider stopping your prescription unless you find it absolutely necessary to survive, because you will not be able to reboot while taking a dopaminergic stimulant, period.

    Also, amphetamine, like any other stimulant, MASSIVELY increases your desire for porn and masturbation, and because of the increased dopamine in your system, you don't just do it once either. The increased dopamine blocks the prolactin that is normally released on orgasm to tell you to stop being aroused, so after you cum on amphetamine, you don't lose arousal, and simply get more turned on and keep going. It's great if you and your girlfriend want to go 10 rounds (why do you think coke and amphetamines are so popular in the porn industry?), but if you're trying to avoid masturbating, then it's literally the worst thing you could possibly take.

    In short: Absolutely terrible idea.

    The positive effects of NoFap come from the fact that you are stopping that D2 receptor down-regulation, and in fact allowing those receptors to recover and up-regulate again. If you're taking Vyvanse, you're doing the opposite, and making that receptor down-regulation worse.
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 21, 2017
  14. Understand the dopamine situation. Taking a low dose of vyvanse won't make you have zero nofap benefits lol If I said I wanted to take Vyvanse specifically just to stop pmo I would agree w you but I'm not. I'm saying it has a good amount of benefits and I just threw in there that it could also aid in my nofap journey, as well.
  15. VitoMisto

    VitoMisto Fapstronaut

    If you don't actually have ADHD it's a bad idea. Don't substitute an amphetamine addiction for a porn addiction.
  16. Yeah I would agree. I'm like 90% I have adhd. I have all of the signs.
  17. Harry Maclad

    Harry Maclad Fapstronaut

    I was prescribed this because my doctors thought I had ADHD.(when I actually didn't, had trouble with porn and masturbation) Vivance was great for first few days but then I got used to it and need more(for example 20mg to 30mg etc) to keep on focusing like I did the first few days. To me it was like a drug and after 3 weeks of taking it I decided not to take it and after a couple days I was fine(ohh started NoFap at that time so probably reason why!) Just make sure that you actually have adhd!
  18. VitoMisto

    VitoMisto Fapstronaut

    That's why you see a doctor and- to find out if you actually have it, not just to get a 'script.

    If you really have ADHD, you might be better served with methylphenidate (Concerta) or if it's mild or sub-syndromal, you might not even need medication at all. The doctor will supervise your titration period and ensure you are on the correct dose. 10 mg too much or too little can make your life demonstrably worse.

    JesusGreen's excellent post said nearly everything, but I will add 2 points:

    1. When you have ADHD your brain is wired differently- the right stimulants at the right dosages will actually allow your brain to stop searching for dopamine in overdrive so you can actually concentrate on stuff- the opposite effect from what someone without ADHD would have. If you feel "high", you are either taking the wrong medication or too much of it.

    2. Stimulants, amphetamines in particular, constrict your blood vessels, something you have to be mindful of because it can leave your sex drive the same or higher, and give you difficulty maintaining an erection. If you are taking stimulants improperly, you might be be extra horny, hyperfocused on porn, and bashing away at your limp penis long after it stops feeling good.