
Discussion in 'Loneliness' started by Deleted Account, Sep 22, 2017.


How many friends do you actually have?

  1. 1 or 2

    17 vote(s)
  2. 3-6

    8 vote(s)
  3. 7-9

    1 vote(s)
  4. 10+

    4 vote(s)
  5. None

    8 vote(s)
  1. How many friends do you actually have? What's the difference between a friend and a casual acquiescence?
  2. _Daniel_

    _Daniel_ Guest

    This survey makes me so sad. :emoji_joy:

    Actually, I think of "friends" as people you can count on
    and you're close to. People you can trust.
    Just hanging out with somebody means nothing to me.

    It's sad, though. If we put it this way, I guess we're all
    in the same boat. True friends are so rare, no matter
    how popular and wealthy one can be.
    SanityOverVanity likes this.
  3. Not a single one in my case.
    Nikolai likes this.
  4. I have a couple friends, but I don't speak to them often since I've basically become a hermit.
    SanityOverVanity likes this.
  5. Blackenglish2017

    Blackenglish2017 Fapstronaut

    You do have friends. Your parents and siblings
    MeTP likes this.
  6. I have no friends at all. I live with a brother and mother and we have a good relationship. They also don't have friends. Has much time i don't know what is talking with real people with same interests or who just want someone to have a conversation.
  7. Jag1372

    Jag1372 Fapstronaut

    I have two somewhat good friends. One is a friend from high school that is one of those people that are good in small doses. Annoys the hell out of me. I wanted to forget everyone from high school. Hanged out a few more times after that initially begrudgingly. I noticed that even though he was more outgoing than me and that I don't always share the same views as him. We have face similar problems being shy, walked all over, with women. Another is a female friend from uni. Unlike, most women she did not run away after I started talking to her. Sucks for her right? Though, seriously knowing that she has a fiancé and willing to be friends chat over text no matter how long, hang out as a group when we are both free.

    For me even though one drives me nuts and the other I should distance myself from the other. Both of these people I trust and personally expressed somethings with. Makes me happier knowing that the have both stuck around for me. They are there for me when I need them. Same I could say for them.
    SanityOverVanity likes this.
  8. I have only 2 of my friend i got was from NoFap itself @A ray of hope. I had many friends but i lost them due to my ego and obviously, my pmo addiction.
  9. 10+ easily. This doesn't mean I don't have social anxiety or something, I just force myself to be in uncomfortable situations every day, exposure therapy basically. Good things happen when you put yourself out there

    My metric for friendship is if they'd let you stay the night at their place no questions asked, they're a friend
  10. Well I would say I have maybe 2.

    I use to have about 8 but they got married and/or moved away. I feel like I'm getting left behind. I don't really make friends easily since I usually get really nervous around people I've never met in a social situation. I actually have trouble trusting people and I think it goes back to my childhood, because back then I overheard two friends say they didn't like me and were pretending to be my friend. I think I haven't let it go because sometimes I wonder if my friends actually like me. Of course I know such thoughts are ridiculous because these two friends have been great but such thoughts are hard to shake. I think I'm better than I used to be but I still have room to grow. I think I should get back to reading How to Win Friends and Influence People and when I'm able to afford it I'll get therapy. But yes not having many friends can make me feel insecure. There's this dating website I sometimes look at and I see these women with photos with their friends and I feel that I'm not good enough because of my lack of friends. But really I shouldn't be looking on dating sites since I'm not wanting to date until I have rebooted.
    SanityOverVanity likes this.
  11. Uke

    Uke Fapstronaut

    I have 2 close friends, and lots of buddies. Closer friendships take more effort and time invested to maintain. Buddies are those I call up when I don't have any other way to spend my time, and vice versa. Though I don't reach out to buddies much nowadays, since the older I get, the more I value my time and how I spend it.
  12. The part where you talked about visiting a dating site really resonated with me. I occasionally use a dating site and every time I see a woman of interest, I fast forward to meeting her IRL. I think about what would happen if we started hanging some point she will realize that I have no friends and talk to no one outside of family. It'll only be a matter of time before she's turned off and moves on. I then get frustrated with myself and log off without ever messaging anyone. I've decided that I need to focus on developing a few friendships before pursuing online dating. Maybe join meetup or something.
  13. @Righthandman76 yeah it's good to have some friends before you date. I suppose I'm fortunate to have some good friends (despite not having a lot). I would say this though that women tend to make friends easier than men.
  14. You can always tell her that you ended all bullshit and senseless friendships and you are building new life and looking more consciously at friendship.
    This can also be your encouragement to break the ice and meet new people.
  15. Temujin

    Temujin Fapstronaut

    I really wouldn't worry about the no friendships thing in relation to dating.

    Just get out there and start dating.
    vxlccm likes this.
  16. meatsandwich

    meatsandwich Fapstronaut

    I have one friend, but we rarely speak.
  17. newdawnnewday

    newdawnnewday New Fapstronaut

    I have one friend who I see once a week. Even though I like his company, we don't share many personal interests and he likes to talk about himself a lot so I usually end up listening to his bs. We can have fun hanging out though. I often feel that if I were to have more friends, I'd be fine with spending less time with him or even stop seeing him somewhere down the road.I have a few other people in my life which you could consider friends but I hardly see them (once every 4-6 weeks) and I don't feel a strong connection to those people either. Sometimes you just end up seeing someone because you have shared history together even though the friendship itself is rather boring.

    I've become pretty isolated over the last few years and lost most of my friendships because I've simply grown apart from the people I used to call friends. I'm 31 right now, and I feel that it becomes harder to make new friends as I get older because so many people start focusing on their careers/relationships/families. I actually signed up at a couple websites where I can hopefully meet new people.

    @Righthandman76 as already mentioned, you can just tell her you're looking for new friends that better suit your interests. I'm getting back into dating again myself, but also put in effort towards making new friends at the same time. I've been in the position where I was seeing a girl while not having any friends and it eventually became hard on the relationship. I relied too much on her company and her circle of friends.
    Last edited: Sep 25, 2017
    vxlccm likes this.