Why are you feeling lonely?

Discussion in 'Loneliness' started by Blackenglish2017, Sep 30, 2017.

  1. Blackenglish2017

    Blackenglish2017 Fapstronaut

    Just a simple question......why? But your answers may not be simple. But if you know why you are lonely than you can take steps to overcome loneliness.
  2. ea1432

    ea1432 Fapstronaut

    The first reason is because I life in a (very) small french city at 1 hour of capital, it have only old peoples in this city so it's boring.
    The second is because i can not keep good relation with my friends so I lost everyone of them, in my familly anybody give me any attention.

    And third i need a feminine presence than i have not and it's the most difficult currently, when i see couple in the street i'm feeling very very sad.
  3. Flyhigh

    Flyhigh Fapstronaut

  4. AtomicTango

    AtomicTango Fapstronaut

    I'm lonely because I hate being single, but I want to better myself and reach a happier place before I pursue a relationship, if that means enduring these feelings then so be it.
    A leaf, Deleted Account and Flyhigh like this.
  5. EddyFriend

    EddyFriend Fapstronaut

    What is there tomorrow what can make you happy tomorrow if everything and everyone that make you happy would be gone tomorrow. What would be left to make you happy.
    Think a moment...


    That's the secret. You have to get yourself to the point where you can be happy alone. Even with your imperfections. Accepting is very important in that.
    Look what god gave you with your body and ycour life. What else do you want. 20 friends? The newest iphone?

    The reason why people feel lonely is because they forget about focussing on themselves and what they have in themselves. The focus is diverted and what you dont have, all the negatives attract nowadays.

    Me and God.
  6. Slothman

    Slothman Fapstronaut

    Lonely and alone two things that look alike but are totally different.

    I'm alone right now, I'm alone 50% of my time however i dont feel lonely... Why?

    Because i don't need anyone to keep me company my presence is enough. I'm happy being alone as much as being around people. And that's what you should aim for.
  7. Karimtolstoi

    Karimtolstoi Fapstronaut

    I feel lonely when I start having ridiculous thoughts like everyone is happy and has an accomplished life except me or when I am in a party for ex full with people but I fear to approach anyone and have a talk
    A leaf and Flyhigh like this.
  8. Scared Human

    Scared Human Fapstronaut

    I know exactly how you feel, friend. I'm living in an isolated town and get sad/cry when I see a girl I'm interested in. Hobbies and learning keep me happy and satisfied for a time, but there's a void only a girl and all her femininity can fill. Hopefully we can start building some confidence as we build our streaks and start pursuing some of these girls
  9. ea1432

    ea1432 Fapstronaut

    Personally when i come in a big city I can talk with girl in street/bar/make social life etc... but when i return in my isolated town is the same as you i can don't do anything. About hobbies it's exactly the same is a only thing than keep me some happiness.
    Happy to see someone than understand what i'm feeling, but i'm sure we will win and get a perfect girlfriend ;)
    Last edited: Oct 2, 2017
  10. Scared Human

    Scared Human Fapstronaut

    I've never gotten to go to a high population place before. I'm afraid I won't know how to approach/talk to girls when I do move away, because I never have before. Being alone for so long forced me to be an interesting person and I feel that I'd have some cool things to say, but I'm not sure where or how to meet girls once I'm able
  11. ea1432

    ea1432 Fapstronaut

    Actually approach girl isn't the most hard, at begininig you're scared and girls reject you but after many approach you are more confidence and awake than many girls are in generally kind and pleased to meet you.

    my currently pick-up problem is that i can not see girl again after number close or instant date close, so i continue to training me and persevere.

    be an interesting person is very good way but the most important is to be fun with a good vibe. the best advice is try to approach girl everywhere and don't be scared, scared exist just in your brain.
    A leaf, Scared Human and Flyhigh like this.
  12. Scared Human

    Scared Human Fapstronaut

    same here, friend. I can't hang out with girls because I live so far away.

    but I also never approached a girl before so that's a bit scary. I never know what to say when i first approach. I'm pretty good at pretending to be confident though, so maybe I'll try at a bookstore or something. still have no idea what to say at first, I'll just improvise maybe

    It's just stuck in my head that girls don't want me. Old ladies always give me compliments on looks, but girls my age never notice me haha
    A leaf and Flyhigh like this.
  13. Flyhigh

    Flyhigh Fapstronaut

    Then try the old ladies.
  14. gingeralan

    gingeralan Fapstronaut

    TBH I think the reason is I am not totally happy with myself. I have made a start, and am much much better, exercise, Karate, acting and comedy workshops. I am having fun. This makes me more confident to talk to others.

    I think that this is the way to go. Be yourself, and get used to your own company. One big advantage of being on your own you don't even have to consider another persons opinion. I think, to a point, this should continue into a relationship too. Don't put too much belief that having the perfect partner will sort you out.

    It probably won't in the long term. If you put her on a pedestal, your relationship will turn sour and quite corrosive, if mine is anything to go by.
  15. Scared Human

    Scared Human Fapstronaut

    porn gave me some fetishes but gilfs ain't one of them haha
    A leaf and Flyhigh like this.
  16. Byris

    Byris Fapstronaut

    It's rough for a young man to have no interactions with women his age. I've never talked to a girl my age more than 2 minutes and it definitely takes it's toll.
  17. Randomphilia

    Randomphilia Fapstronaut

    Not having any physical friends, plus an inability to make new friends due to social ineptitude and quiet distrust in others.

    Being alone for most of my life I've gotten so used to the solitary lifestyle that I've gotten quite comfy with the idea of being lonely. It's not like I'm unhappy during my lonely periods, I've found ways to entertain myself and smile no matter how lonely my situation gets.

    This reason along with the above reasons have made me feel fearful that I may never be truly free of loneliness. Yet knowing that even in solitude I can find some happiness and contentment helps a lot.

    Maybe for others loneliness is crippling and I would understand in their cases. Just personally I've learned to live it with and find some positivity in it.
    A leaf and Flyhigh like this.
  18. I feel lonely because I have no friends and I am single. I haven't been on a date in 9 months and when i see guys my age (i am almost 26) being on dates i would like to be back at getting ready for dates and all that stuff. I don't miss s (and as a ex s addict this is my major conquest :) but still i feel outside of the bubble where everybody socialise or just dates and i am out of that stuff) I am trying to make friends and then it would be easier for me to meet guys
    Flyhigh and A leaf like this.