Prayers For Las Vegas Nevada

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by CaptinCaveMan, Oct 2, 2017.

  1. CaptinCaveMan

    CaptinCaveMan Fapstronaut

    Just setting a moment aside today to know my problems aren't that big.

    May God help the families and victims recover.

  2. Yea, it's hard to complain when you see things like this happen. We're porn addicts but we're still alive.
    Chris3000 and CaptinCaveMan like this.
  3. Poseidon

    Poseidon Fapstronaut

    RIP to all the victims.
  4. Yeah prayers for all affected with 515 injured and 58 slaughtered! Evil cunt! :mad:

    He was another nutter "exercising his rights" to own an arsenal of weapons! :mad:
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 2, 2017
    Fork2323 and Deleted Account like this.
  5. TheLoneDanger

    TheLoneDanger Fapstronaut

    Just stop with that shit. Automatic weapons are illegal, so I’m not sure what compels you to make such a snide remark about gun rights. Shame on you for politicizing such a horrible tragedy already. I mean, seriously, you couldn’t wait a day before you went political with this??
    Last edited: Oct 2, 2017
  6. RecoveringFapaholic

    RecoveringFapaholic Fapstronaut

    The recent attack in Las Vegas shocked me. I didn't even know it was possible to kill and maim that many people. These attacks are abhorrent and I'm not trying to make it sound like these sick bastards are achievers for slaughtering so many innocent people. Unfortunately, there are many idiots on the internet who think that this shooting was a hoax. Last year they said the Orlando Massacre was fake and I know for a fact that it was real. I live near Orlando and my neighbor's son had several friends die in that attack. These guys think that all these shootings were staged by the government as an excuse to strip us of our freedoms. I almost considered myself one of these freaks a while back. Now I'm mature enough to know better.
  7. Just stating the facts Sir. For example, I correct your assertion that "automatic weapons are illegal". Wrong! They are legal.
    Fork2323 likes this.
  8. MLMVSS and TheLoneDanger like this.
  9. You would know. :rolleyes:
  10. [​IMG]
  11. So far, every single thing he had was legal that we are aware of. Shame on him for politicizing a tragedy? How about shame on us as a country for letting this shit become so normal that we barely bat an eye when there's an act of mass murder. No country on Earth goes through this, except for us of course because we're #1.
  12. The main culprit behind these lies is none other than Alex Jones. Jones is a sick bastard and that's the nicest thing I have to say about him.
    Lazarus Shuttlesworth likes this.
  13. TheLoneDanger

    TheLoneDanger Fapstronaut

    Automatic firearms have been banned in the United States since 1986. There are still pre-1986 automatic weapons in America and there are loopholes and workarounds to obtaining those weapons. Additionally, one can modify semi-automatic weapons both legally and illegally. As of the latest report, authorities found bump-stocks, legal devices that convert semi-automatic weapons to fully automatic, in Paddock’s hotel room. For the record, I do not agree with the laws in place that allow for such devices or loopholes, so let me make that clear. But if we really want to talk “facts” about this case, neither of us was being forthright yesterday about the legality of automatic weapons.

    This tragic event in particular hit a little too close to home for me personally, so I was a little on edge yesterday. Given your tendency to occasionally use condescension as a method of debate, I saw your remark as you jumping on the opportunity to make a political statement about policy in the United States. I didn’t feel it was necessary to take that approach so soon during such a mournful period yesterday. If that wasn’t your intent, I apologize. But that’s how it looked, at least to me.
  14. In actual fact, the 1986 legislation prohibited the manufacture of any new machine guns from then on. However, automatic guns owned before then are still legal today as long as they’re registered and approved by the ATF. So, speak for yourself, because I was being forthright in my statement about the legality of automatic weapons!

    Just because you were a little on edge yesterday is no excuse for having a go at me for making a legitimate point. Furthermore, I do not accept I use "condescension as a method of debate". Moreover, you misread my intention.
    Fork2323 likes this.
  15. Yeah, agreed. So, why is it shame on me for making my point yesterday? But what do you mean that "we go through this because we're #1"? Surely, you go through this because you do not have sufficient gun controls!
    Fork2323 likes this.
  16. I'm pretty sure he was being sarcastic and that was his point, actually, but I could be wrong. Thats how I read it.
    Fork2323 and Deleted Account like this.
  17. This deranged individual would have used any methods at hand to carry out the attack. Don't blame the guns, blame the sick, twisted person responsible. When terrorists use cars and vans to plow through crowds, we don't all universally say we need to ban cars and vans. In a free society, you don't curtail the rights of everyone because some people aren't responsible enough to exercise those rights.

    Banning guns only removes them from law abiding citizens. Does anyone really think criminals will let a ban stop them?
  18. Just mocking the way Americans view their own country. We're the best at everything supposedly even though we're behind most developed countries when it comes to being.....developed. They say America is so "exceptional", well we're definitely exceptional when it comes to having massacres.
    Fork2323 likes this.
  19. Uh....yea. Every single mass shooting I've ever seen has been done by people who legally bought everything. Tell me this, why do you need a weapon that can kill a room full of people in less than 5 minutes? Exactly, you don't and neither does anyone else.
    Fork2323, Unas and Saskia Simone like this.