Tram for opiate withdrawl

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by NemissisByName, Oct 7, 2017.

  1. NemissisByName

    NemissisByName New Fapstronaut

    hey everyone, I am a long time sufferer of a chronic back pain problem.

    Now I have a prescription for tramdol er -100mg 2x daily
    Tramacet ir -37.5mg 4x daily

    I would routinely not take my medication and self medicate with oxycodone or morphine that was always readily available to me.

    My habit got to the point where I was taking 80-120mg oxycodone/day which was expensive and caused some financial hardship.

    I found the lowest dose I could taper myself down to with barley noticeable W/D was 20-30mg oxycodone/day

    While in W/D late at night (I can not sleep more than 20 mins at a time in withdrawal) my hips and lumbar back got excruciatingly painful so I took 3 tramacet IR and within an hour slept like a baby!

    So started me the journey on taking IR tramacet 4x day with virtually no symptoms. Although it was not very affective for my back in the morning when it is exceptionally painful. So I went to my GP and explained this in which I got my ER tramdol.

    I have currently been taking 200mg/day of extended release with very minor symptoms of withdrawal and SOME pain and I use my IR for some breakthrough relief if needed.

    Just curious if anybody else has done this to keep on functioning at work, home, I have found it to work very well for me personally. I happily take my prescribed medication without ANY dopesickness from oxy or morphine.

    I know some people may think of it as trading one habit for the other but I also do need pain relief and my meds are a lot cheaper than street pharmacy.

    If anybody is in the same situation as I or close or has used this method let me know how it worked for you. Also if anybody tries this and gets the the point I am at which is a major improvement it would be cool to hear that I could help u out.

    Any professional opinions on this also would be happily accepted as my GP is not aware I was a street addict.

  2. Dr_prof

    Dr_prof Fapstronaut

    I would suggest that you consider methadone or subutex. Both are used for the withdrawal from opiates but have a much longer half life- methadone 24 hours, tram*dol 6 hours and subutex 36 hours. Thus the withdrawal symptoms are much less.
    you can then gently detox off either methadone or subutex to a level you can manage better.

    Ive treated as a GP, many patients in this way with chronic conditions and it works well. However, you may need to go to a specialist clinic to get it started as its behyond most gps remit ;)
  3. NemissisByName

    NemissisByName New Fapstronaut

    Will methadone or subutex be as affective for pain relief for me as tram*dol is?

    I really don't want to be labelled as a drug seeker by my GP by going to a OATS clinic. Worried it might kill my hopes of getting something more effective in the future as I am in real pain, my purpose was to stop using illegals to get high. Not lose my pain management.

    Thanks for the reply
  4. Have you considered natural treatment? I have worked in a Lifestyle Center and I have found that there are effective ways to treat such kind of pain. For back pain in particular, hot and cold treatments work very well, i. e. apply a hot fomentation (wet towel steamed or microwaved and wrapped into dry towel) to the area for 3-5 minutes, followed by a cold mitten friction for about 30 seconds. You do 5-7 exchanges. Furthermore, there are special exercises that can help alleviate back pain. Are you seeing a physical therapist?

    Furthermore, there are some herbs that are particularly helpful for pain. White Willow Bark for example. This is the herb that they use to make aspirin. A stronger one would be Jamaican Dogwood. At the Lifestyle Center I worked, we would give this combination to cancer patients. You can find both at Amazon. I make tinctures out of these herbs and for me personally, it has worked very well for menstrual cramps. You can also brew a tea with them (at least one teaspoon per cup of water, gently boil for 20 minutes). Of course this is not as strong as prescription or over the counter drugs, but it's without any side effects.
    Single Palm Change likes this.
  5. Dr_prof

    Dr_prof Fapstronaut

    It will be more effective than trama*dol a-nd longer lasting too. If you want to reduce opiates such as tram*adol to the minimum amount to be effective (removing your tolerance) you will find it easier with longer acting opiates such as meth. Just a thought.
  6. Single Palm Change

    Single Palm Change Fapstronaut

    I second going to a Physical Therapist.

    Unless something is broken, the reason for back pain is postural and you need to teach your body to hold itself correctly, this can only be done by getting in touch with an expert and getting the right exercises.

    I had lower back pain for months that sometimes made me fall to the ground in pain. It got to the point where I could no longer work. I went to a chriopractor and then a physical therapist and got some exercises. After I had done the exercises for 1 week (only 1 week!), I could go back to work. After 3 weeks, I was pain free. I don't know your condition but I recommend physical therapy all the way.