~*~ The 90 Days to improve your life Challenge ~*~

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by MLMVSS, Oct 4, 2017.


    MLMVSS Fapstronaut

    "In times of great stress or adversity, it's always best to keep busy, to plow your anger and your energy into something positive." - Lee Iacocca

    In less than 90 days, we will be making New Years resolutions (time sure has flown, it seems!), so to get a head start (because starting NOW is what we all should do), I am planning on issuing this challenge.

    Quitting PMO for 90 days can create a sudden void, especially if PMO has been done for hours on end. However, quitting it is only one part. There’s also filling your life with positive activities that can replace PMO; not doing this will most likely increase the risk of failure.

    My challenge to you all: pick a hobby/activity (you can pick multiples) from a list I provided below, or an activity/activities you yourself thought of, make a commitment here, then do it for at least 90 days. At the end of the 90 days, post your updates (such as your current skills in such activities, your feelings afterwards, improvements you noticed, etc); this can be in words of explanations, pictures, etc. Your updates could help many others find ways to preoccupy their time!

    If you wish, you can also post updates even before the 90 days are up. Just stay committed to improving yourself!

    Here is a simple list of things to do:

    Exercise routines (strengthen your physical condition):

    - Do weight lifting
    - Prepare for a race; such as a 5K, 10K, half marathon, etc.
    - Take a few yoga classes
    - Learn/participate in a sport
    - Swim laps
    - Cycling
    - Hiking/walking
    - Self-defence classes, such as jiu jitsu
    - Try a healthy paleo diet
    - Learn dance
    - Do backpacking trips
    - etc

    Social improvements (strengthen your social life):

    - Go to social events. Many cities/municipalities around the world do regular social events
    - Hang out with friends, especially friends who support you and share your values
    - Do more face-to-face talking; do less social media other than essentials
    - Take a trip with friends/family
    - etc

    Hobbies (expand your skills):

    - Learn to draw/paint
    - Read some novels
    - Write a novel, anthology, fanfiction or manuscript that is void of pornographic/smutty concepts
    - Learn a new musical instrument, like a piano, guitar, etc
    - Take fishing trips
    - Learn crafts, like knitting, sewing, crocheting, scrapbooking
    - Do photography
    - Go on camping trips
    - Start a collection
    - Get natural adrenaline rushes from skydiving, bungee, etc
    - Ski/snowboard
    - Play golf
    - Take a vacation and explore your destination
    - etc

    Knowledge (expand your mind):

    - Learn about cars, how they work and what each car part does
    - Learn computer science concepts, such as programming languages
    - Read works from philosophers, whether ancient or contemporary
    - Get as far ahead as you can in your class/classes (for students); don’t procrastinate
    - Learn a new language
    - Learn about a foreign culture
    - Learn chess
    - Learn how to invest
    - Watch some documentaries
    - Inform yourself of new scientific advances
    - Go back to school
    - etc

    Spirituality (expand your spiritual sense):

    - Read a holy text, such as the Bible, Tipitaka, Talmud, Quran, the Vedas/Sutras, etc
    - Do service projects whether with a religious group, a charity, a government program, etc
    - Do some genealogy work
    - Do meditation exercises to clear your mind; focus on your soul or your energy
    - Relax to the sounds and sensations of nature, whether in a forest, the beach or other empty areas
    - Learn ways to control your dreams (lucid dreaming)
    - If religious, attend a worship service more often
    - etc

    Again, there are many more activities and hobbies you can kick up; this is only an incomplete list intended to provide examples. Honestly, just do anything you enjoy that also builds you up and makes you think less about PMO.

    Even so, this may seem daunting, but to expel energy on these activities is expelling less energy on PMO or focusing on urges.

    So... Are you committed?
    Last edited: Oct 4, 2017
    Moon Shot, bold_me, Leonzh and 14 others like this.
  2. I really want to focus on my physical, mental and spiritual health. It's true that whatever makes you weak physically, mentally and spiritually, must be rejected as poison and PMO is one of them. I am commited 100% this time by remebering all the PMO consequences that made me cry.

    I want to focus on everyday physical training like weight lifting, brisk walk..meditation will be my soul practice for mental healing..and i'll read some holy books too. Social media has never been an option for me as it is an utter waste of time just like PMO.. Drawing has always been my childhood hobby but as i grown up, i lost my interest to ir, i want to regenerate that hobby once again..
    QuietPanda, R.I.I.P.E.R and MLMVSS like this.
  3. SoulEvolution

    SoulEvolution Fapstronaut

    This is an interesting thread. I'm in.
    Main goal: Read all the books in my home Library. I'll post about the books I have read. Is that cool ?

    MLMVSS Fapstronaut

    These are fantastic goals to set. Keep up with those goals and try to make a path for them to be achievable. Do them for 90 days and see how much better you feel about yourself.

    You got this!

    MLMVSS Fapstronaut

    Great! Anything to preoccupy yourself is a good treatment for PMO. It's a terrific step to take.
    R.I.I.P.E.R likes this.
  6. R.I.I.P.E.R

    R.I.I.P.E.R Fapstronaut

    Yes I am in .. I am probably doing home workouts ,with the help of a application that is 30 day fitness challenge and playing football ,doing somewhat meditation and learning aptitude, reasoning and brain games like schulte table,sudoku ,multicolored text to exercise my brain muscles(*lol*)
    So 90 days challenge is on , let's see how far I can go. I will post my updates here...
    Thank you for the awesome thread bro.
    MLMVSS likes this.

    MLMVSS Fapstronaut

    Great! I haven't thought of doing the brain exercises, but that's something I should definitely do. :p
    R.I.I.P.E.R likes this.
  8. Hey is it to late to join the challenge?

    My 2 goals would be to take a cold shower daily and read the bible for 15 minutes daily.

    MLMVSS Fapstronaut

    Never too late to jump in. Those are good actions to keep up with. :)
    Desperate_Warrior likes this.
  10. This is a great idea and thread! I hope I get the pull and motivation to join in on this challenge soon!
  11. SweetTransformation

    SweetTransformation Fapstronaut

    This thread is great for me. These last 90 days of the year I really want to take my dreams and happiness seriously. I know that PMO is not the only thing I need to change but having it out of my life will make room for better things and help provide more clarity. I aim to take initiative in my life. Besides no PMO I'm going to brush up on my language skills. I want to stick to these for now and add things to the list when the time is right.

    Good luck to everyone and feel free to offer advice and suggestions :)
  12. SoulEvolution

    SoulEvolution Fapstronaut

    I slipped. Fatal error was that I failed to plan ahead. Remained aimless for more than 6 hrs.
    This will not be repeated. Focus mode ON
    MLMVSS and Desperate_Warrior like this.
  13. Michelle10192

    Michelle10192 Fapstronaut

    Hi this is a great idea thanx for making it. I want to join too my goals are, read my holy book, walk half an hour, and journal on this site, everyday. I already do some of these but not everyday so my goal is to make these my daily habits.
    So where should we post the updates? On this forum thread?
    MLMVSS likes this.
  14. 海の見える街

    海の見える街 Fapstronaut

    That's a really great idea!
    There is actually a bunch of new hobbies I've been meaning to pick up for a while, but I couldn't care to do so.
    I'll look into it as soon as I get home later this week.
    MLMVSS likes this.
  15. MLMVSS

    MLMVSS Fapstronaut

    Good luck! I'm all for being better in 2018 also. :D

    Ouch. Yeah, it happens unfortunately, but more importantly is getting back into the system. :)

    Welcome! You can post them here, or you can make another thread here, or make a journal, etc.

    The main concept is to try to remind you on what you can spend your time on rather than doing PMO, although posting it here on the forums also can help others with their own improvement. ;)

    Nice! If you do, then welcome aboard. :)
    R.I.I.P.E.R likes this.
  16. TrevorLuciferus

    TrevorLuciferus Fapstronaut

  17. Bump! I think this is a sweet thread :D
    I am already attempting to do some of these things but I lack motivation in some. Maybe this will help me to pursue my activities to the full extent.

    For 90 days I will aim to:
    • Lose 15kg of my belleh fat with a new gym routine and cardio like swimming in our pool
    • Make 2 original songs through electronic music production
    • Socialize in person with 10 new and existing friends and deepen their relationships
    • Read 3 books, I have 3 by Simon Sinek I bought recently to share with my brother
    I believe these are achievable for 90 days (maybe except the first one) but I heard it helps to be as specific with your goals as possible. I am lazy and need to make more effort to follow through with my goals so hopefully this will be the first step towards that.
    Good luck to you all :)
    wisdomkaulen and MLMVSS like this.
  18. wisdomkaulen

    wisdomkaulen Fapstronaut

    Hey, nice goals RayZ but I think there´s something I´d like you to tell about socializing with people.I wouldn´t neccessarily aim to socialize with a certain amount of people by deepen their relationships. Doyou want to be able to trust them? Or you just wanna hang out with them? Shall they be persons you can rely on in bad times or just someone you can enjoy a cold one with? My advice would be: Look out for a very small amout of people, maybe only one or two and really deepen their relationships. I do not think it is even possible to keep a deep relationship with ten people without being betrayed by a significant amout of them. You know, sometimes it´s even good to keep a relationship superficial. Everybody knows that guy, who they only meet one or two times a month or even in a year. We really like those people because we don´t know much about them, at least that´s what I think

    I know maybe I got completly wrong what you wanted to say but however just take it as an advice or something like that xD

    All the best^^
    Eternal Fire and MLMVSS like this.
  19. MLMVSS

    MLMVSS Fapstronaut

    Haha, thank you! Great goals to keep; I hope for success in those goals as well as in your rebooting process. :)
    Deleted Account and Eternal Fire like this.
  20. MLMVSS

    MLMVSS Fapstronaut

    I agree. I'm always more for deeper friendships rather than more friendship; scuba diving rather than waterskiing.