Are all of us with PMO addiction mentally ill?

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Deleted Account, Oct 10, 2017.

  1. This question occurred to me because of the effects of our actions on the brain chemistry and the fact that 10 October is World Mental Health Day!
  2. Buzz Lightyear

    Buzz Lightyear Fapstronaut

    In the common use of that term, no. The fact that you have the rational desire to fight back indicates the opposite. Mental illness is of a different kind and order to an addiction. You might get addicted to drugs used to treat mental illness for example.... but the mental illness in not an addiction.. it's more an underlying condition.
  3. Nah. We're just porn addicts. Which honestly probably makes us more normal than we might think.
  4. Well, addictions are listed in the DSM.
  5. I do not think porn addiction is normal. I do not think most people have porn addiction. I think most people have or do use it and can take it or leave it.
  6. My point was so many people seem to have a porn addiction that by sheer volume it's almost status quo.
    Knighthawk and Don9087 like this.
  7. Although Sex Addictions (including PA) are not.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  8. It only seems that was because we are in a self-selecting community, IMO.
    Don9087 likes this.
  9. That's right, because the majority of the medical community have not accepted the science of this yet.
    waterworld likes this.
  10. I'll need to see your data on this.
  11. :confused:What data? Where is your data? :rolleyes:
  12. James0224

    James0224 Fapstronaut

    Definitely not! There are so many different reasons why someone might be addicted to PMO. It could be a way to relieve stress, something to fill an empty space in your life, such as loneliness (which i think i am under!), something you do out of boredom. It might be related to serious issues or not-so-serious issues. Also, a lot of people are not happy that they are addicted to PMO. A very common symptom is to feel bad about yourself after a few moments after ejaculation. Therefore, PMO addiction can arise from very common and usual things but it can also be fixed with the right attidudes, thoughts, people and exercise.
  13. Gotham Outlaw

    Gotham Outlaw Fapstronaut

    About the time I started to quit porn I read that porn releases similar levels of dopamine to heroin, the most addictive drug. Porn is even harder to quit because you can get it anytime for free. It's possible that some people can take it or leave it, but I don't think most people can.
  14. I'd like to think no. I have incurable anxiety, I'm on the life long Autism spectrum and I'm hoping my Depression isn't forever either. Those things I consider a mental illness whereas I can actually kick PMO addiction without drugs or any other thing.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 15, 2017
  15. ...bipolar here (documented) anyhoo, safely say i was self medicating via dopamine generated by porn and other substances. That said, mental illness(es) can be exasperated by induction of PMO but to say P causes it, nah
    an addiction ? yeah i would go along with that diagnosis, sadly i've found support for recovery off street drugs fairly available however even this morning while at a sobriety group upon mentioning progress made against my online addiction most hung their heads in silence

    not particularly ready to address it i guess
  16. I have OCD and some anxiety issues but I wouldn't necessarily blame them on porn. Even now that I've quit PMO, sometimes it feels like my mental health issues are worse than when I was on porn. So no, I don't blame porn for my mental health issues.
    Deadlihood and Deleted Account like this.
  17. I doubt it, but it might be that a greater proportion of us have some kind of problem that PMO effectively acted as a drug for.

    Sometimes part of me wonders if I shouldn't just accept the PMO. It isn't ideal, but maybe it was what worked (like someone managing conditions with pills which have side effects). Maybe perfect is the enemy of good, or functional, or whatever.

    Yikes, that got dark! That was probably pretty close to a liveblog of the addiction rationalising.
  18. JR5150

    JR5150 New Fapstronaut

    No because mental illnesses can't be reversed. where as addictions can be.
  19. I have a mental illness, and although I'd love to be able to completely agree with this -- I don't. I think the problems are often separate, even though they can interact and influence each other, people with a problem with Porn don't necessarily have a problem with mental illness.

    It may be more common to have mental illness when you have a problem with Porn, I don't know, but I wouldn't say that everyone with a Porn problem has mental illness. That's just me though.
  20. A346

    A346 Fapstronaut

    Me acting on my porn induced fetish has caused me mental health issues. I had serious anxiety and depression from the shame it caused. this leading to therapy and medication. Not sure about pmo I just think it's not good for your mind period.
    turquoise likes this.