I have somthing to say.

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by SoulEvolution, Oct 18, 2017.

Can I have a PMO free life ?

  1. Yes

    21 vote(s)
  2. No

    0 vote(s)
  1. SoulEvolution

    SoulEvolution Fapstronaut

    I started Nofap on 3rd of Dec, 2016 and the longest I have been PMO free is 16 days.
    I just relapsed after a 13 day streak. I feel hopeless. Will I ever be able to recover ?
    I have tried everything from food to gym. "It" always seems trick me into thinking I need PMO.
    It keeps finds ways to PMO, recently I removed the locks to my room. But, It tricked me into replacing a new one only to end up PMO the entire day. Just now, in disgust, I threw out the lock and now I feel better. But, I fear it will still trick me.
    I feel I was better off being a slave to PMO. But, now that I know what is on the other side; I want to, I need it, I desire it, I deserve it.
    And it kills me to know I have been unable to make it.

    What am I missing? Why am I not able to commit ?
    I know the ans but why am I not able to believe it and follow it.

    I have always been single, never in a relationship, never kissed a girl. I'm 22. Sometimes this bothers me but sometimes I feel , the right girl will come and besides I have better things to do. But, I ALWAYS seem to never go about to doing those "better things". Only fearing the hard work I would have to put in. So, I end up taking only the 1st steps, feeling great for a day and quit the next day.

    Why am I like this ? I wasn't like this. What has happened to me ? How do I follow through ? How do I not fear hard work ? Why doesn't my will listen to me ?
    Why can't I change ? How can I change ?
    I know I'll have to change my routine but why do I do it for a day or 4 and quit because its getting tough. How do I hold myself accountable?

    I dream of great things for myself but why don't I act on them. What is holding me ? Why do I procrastinate ?
    Why haven't I found my passion and why am I not grabbing opportunities even thought they are staring me right in the face ? Why don't I say "Yes"?
    Why do I watch nonsense masked as knowledge on youtube when I haven't even read 1% of my Books ?

    I swear if you meet me in real life you wouldn't doubt a thing but after reading you might get a peek of the man inside.

    But, I swear by my life and my love for it this is not the end. I will not die in regret or remorse. I was meant for great thing, Its about time I rise up. I promise myself by the end of this week, month, year, decade I'll be a happier man, a better man. I might starve, suffer and cry. But, I will not fail, I will not falter. I will end each day in joy for having created energy. I'll shape matters for the purpose of my brain for you and I to exercise.
    Today, I celebrate the death of a evil thought. Earth to earth , ashes to ashes , dust to dust.
    Now, Less talk, lesser over-thought, least procrastination and inertia.
    More decisions and actions, More productivity and engagement, Most Life and purpose.
    thetymisnw14, jest, Noelle and 4 others like this.
  2. Mahendra Bahubali

    Mahendra Bahubali Fapstronaut

  3. Inspire360

    Inspire360 Fapstronaut

    Actually for you theres an oppertunity.
    This is what I would do.
    We call it the russian recovery method.
    Step 1. Burn everything dear to you.
    Step 2. Leave everything behind.
    Step 3. Start fresh and new. (Do everything slowly dont try and transform every habit instantaniously because this will not happen)
    Step 4. Increase each and everyday you'r mental strength (meditation/prayer regulary)
    Step 5. Find space before going to bed to write down what had happend, if u can not do this then make a simple reflection of how your day went, and what you can do to improve the following days.
    Step 6. Have a wonderfull sleep and re-start routine.
    Step 7. Give me a hug and like my post.
    Step 8. If and when u fail, then take a day off but before going to bed. RE-flect on your behaviour and promise not to doit again.

    GL & HF , also go study something because from my perspective you need something in your life to get u goin
    SoulEvolution and VyMe like this.
  4. VyMe

    VyMe Fapstronaut

    Hey, i remember when i first started rebooting, took me a few tries but now I've almost made it to 18 days. I'm a 16 year old and i go to school, which is actually good for me because it takes up half of my day and then the other half is for homework and stuff, but on weekends it's always a real struggle because i have no plans so i just get bored and end my streak. What in my opinion would help is creating a schedule for every day of the week, a schedule for a weekend obviously doesn't have to be work, it can be any activity that you enjoy doing, just as long as it is written down somewhere as something that you MUST do, try to always keep on doing SOMETHING, keep your mind distracted, try meditation, anything. I know you can do it!
  5. Paul Dyson

    Paul Dyson Fapstronaut

    It seems to me like you have a vision where you want to go but you haven't yet grasped what you must do in order to get there. I see that you are working on fixing habits, like what you eat and how you exercise. That's absolutely a necessity.

    I think one piece of the puzzle you're missing is that you haven't fully developed the right mindset required to permanently change your lifestyle. It is natural to fear hard work. No one really likes to put in a lot of time and energy and get nothing back. Every living thing on the planet exist today because they have adapted in such a way to spend as little energy as possible in order to survive. That you, and I, are reluctant to spend energy in risky tasks is no coincidence.

    My advice is that you try to think of it as a journey, the end result is not what you're striving for. It just naturally comes along the way. It's the new lifestyle, the journey itself, that you want to embrace.
  6. SoulEvolution

    SoulEvolution Fapstronaut

    I like this. I'll give this a serious effort.
    Step 1. Burn everything dear to you. ---> Got rid of all "emotionally" valuable items that reminded of my past.
    Step 2. Leave everything behind. -----> Changed my Phone number and deactivated all social networking site. I'll never go back to them. Enough of that shit.
    Step 3. Start fresh and new. -------> Took up a bunch of new projects to do- Medical Image processing using MATLAB; Mobile app development using Eclipse (will work on building some sweet apps)
    Step 4. Increase each and everyday you'r mental strength (meditation/prayer regulary) ----> I promise to work out 4 days a week and work at my father's pub on the weekends.
    Step 5. Find space before going to bed to write down what had happend, if u can not do this then make a simple reflection of how your day went, and what you can do to improve the following days. -----> Changed the orientation of my bed, now I'm closer to my books and not the PC.
    Step 6. Have a wonderfull sleep and re-start routine. ----> This is where I'm most likely to fall short. But, I'm working on a time table. I'll try my hardest to be disciplined.
    Step 7. Give me a hug and like my post. ------> Get in here brother.
    Step 8. If and when u fail, then take a day off but before going to bed. RE-flect on your behaviour and promise not to doit again. -----> I promise you and to the people witnessing this, I'll not relapse TODAY, EACH DAY. I'll fight it day after day. It's not fighting 90 urges, it's fighting the urge 90 times.

    Thanks brother. Whomever you are and what ever you do, I wish you the best of luck.
    r8js likes this.
  7. SoulEvolution

    SoulEvolution Fapstronaut

    "It seems to me like you have a vision where you want to go but you haven't yet grasped what you must do in order to get there" How did you do that ? You just opened me up and cleared all the gutter I have been bullshitting myself all this time. I was all like I need to go on a vision quest all stuff. Thanks to you, all I need to do is THINK. Just THINK. Where am I? Where do I want to go ? How do I get there ?
    But, I ALWAYS seem to fall short of taking action. I think it's the proof that I'm not believing enough. And Thanks again to you. You just answered that too.

    "I think one piece of the puzzle you're missing is that you haven't fully developed the right mindset required to permanently change your lifestyle"

    How do I do this ? How do get in the zone, where I'm my focus. I lack discipline, I know it. But, I hadn't always been like this. While, I was a candidate in the Naval Academy, I was top notch. But, after I dropped out voluntarily from the largest Naval training institute in Asia, to stay loyal to my passion ( which I am yet to find) I lost a lot of that. So, I know it it is in me. It is only a matter of time that I'll resurface (*dramatic music here*)
    I promise to work on my discipline and to be the man I once was and plan on being for the better.
    Thanks, Mr.Dyson . I feel, it'll be different this time.
  8. Get a vision for something in life. Have some goals and a good self care routine. Eat 80% clean foods, sleep lots. When you have a goal that you badly want you will find that pmo will have to stop in order for you to get there, and when you get there you'll never want to go back. Sounds like typical common advice but it works.
    SoulEvolution likes this.
  9. SoulEvolution

    SoulEvolution Fapstronaut

    I want to study business. I have always been interested. Economics has always been curiosity. Policy making, politics , law are fun for me. Throughout my childhood all my father's friends were industrialists, entrepreneurs, law makers, philanthropist and grass root innovators. I found their conversations fascinating.

    As years passed by I forgot all that and changed. Now, I realize that is what I want to be.But, a lot of self-doubt and over-thinking as made me question if it is my passion. I guess I better stop worrying, get my ass to work and find out.
  10. Paul Dyson

    Paul Dyson Fapstronaut

    Thank you for your kind words! It makes it easier to carry through my own quest for a better life knowing that my hard-earned lessons are to the benefit of others. :)

    Yeah, it is my belief that every change starts with a thought. Sometimes, transforming a thought into an action is very difficult. In order to do so, you require mindfulness and you require motivation. Most of all, you require conviction. It is my experience that all these qualities dissappear during PMO. Even after a minor relapse, these seem to be dented. But just hold on for a few days, and you will start to notice their full return.

    I think that I can also explain your difficulty of maintaining discipline now, even if you were fully capable of having a very disciplined lifestyle in the Naval Academy. Am I correct in assuming that your performance were directly linked to exterior expectations? Perhaps you held yourself accountable so that mates or officers (or whatever the term is) approved of you? Now there is no one but you to truly hold yourself accountable for your actions. This is where the heart of improved discipline lies, that you look into your reflection and start to hold yourself accountable to everything that the guy in the mirror experiences.

    What often hindered me in my progress is that I tended to feel sorry for myself and that I felt that I didn't deserve the stuff that happened to me. I wanted the world to realise it treated me badly and that it should change. But the world won't change for you. That's the brutal truth. The moment I figured that out, I saw no point in feeling sorry for myself. It wont help. What will help is if I believe I am capable of change. Is a better life within my reach, a life where I am satisfied in all aspects of life? I wasn't able to really get a good streak going until I started to believe that there was such a life ahead of me. When you start believing that, no hard-work will put you off.

    I recommend that you take some quiet time and reflect over your vision and what is required of you to get there. I advise that you use pen and paper and write down worthwhile thoughts. For instance, you can start by asking yourself the question "Why do I want a better life?". Write down as many reasons as possible. Then you dig deeper, you start investigating every reason you listed. For instance, you perhaps wrote "Then I will feel I live a more meaningful life". You continue asking yourself why stuff is important. And you keep on going. Pretty soon, your vision will become very detailed. Then you start to ask yourself in what ways can you change or enhance your life to be more intuned with that vision. Perhaps you will feel a more meaningful life if you help others. Then in what ways can you help others?

    Hope that helped!
  11. Every time I do something that is going to be a "long term action" it is always and I say ALWAYS something I did NOT plan. There are only two things that I have been doing for two or three years and they are working out and making videos for my youtube channel

    NoFap is something I "just started", I did not wait until monday or day one of a month. The second think is not to aim at the end goal or the final results you should go bit by bit and learn something new as you fight through. The third is not to do a lot at once, on my first week I wanted to start meditating and this was rough on me and had the oposite effect, just go your first 30 days focused on NoFap to the point of obsession then when it is carved on your brain start making little changes for exmple tomorrow on my 32nd day I will start meditating.

    VyMe likes this.
  12. HacKadi

    HacKadi Fapstronaut

    I strongly advice you to abstein from internet. Ussualy its a strong trigger, so you want to avoid as much as possible, also it will help you to do productive things. Start to read a book you like, go for a run with friends, spend more time with friends and family, start to write a diary (super helpful, with lots of benefits). Take a week off to the beach or somwhere else to start figuring out what you want in life and to realize how much damage porn has done to your life and it will continue to do so. I´m 23 and I´ve been a porn addict for 9 years, by my estimations I´ve lost nearly 200 days (of real time) to PMO. Believe me I have a strong reason to leave PMO, find yours. There is two books that I think will help you through this process. One is No More Mr. Nice Guy! and the other ir First Things First. Also the explaining videos from Your Brain On Porn.
  13. Go for it bro.
  14. Anas4869

    Anas4869 Fapstronaut

    I'm new at Nofap, but I'm very confident that I will quit PMO for life, and I believe that everyone else can.
  15. TrevorLuciferus

    TrevorLuciferus Fapstronaut

    Sports, hobbies or anything that keeps your mind occupied and away from porn is what you need. Please, never forget that you look for porn to fulfill a void that you have!

    Fulfill that void with something else and then you will only have to deal with the addiction, not the cause of it.