Utter apathy

Discussion in 'Loneliness' started by Peacekeeper, Oct 28, 2017.

  1. Peacekeeper

    Peacekeeper Fapstronaut

    This has been an issue for years. I just have zero drive to do things. I've done everything in my power to change this. Meditation, exercise, socializing, NoFap. Nothing works. My life consists on being in the computer and listening to music. I've tried going out and I just want to go home. My libido is ultra low even after weeks of NoFap. I can't remember the last time I've felt joy for something. I'm highly functional even socially but there is an emptiness inside me that just doesn't go away.
  2. Have you thought about seeing a therapist to get to the root of the problem. A trained pro might help you fix or at least identify the problem.
    Peacekeeper likes this.
  3. Peacekeeper

    Peacekeeper Fapstronaut

    I am seeing a therapist but doesn't know how to fix this. He is very skeptic of the libido thing when I tell him it's not psychological.
  4. Peacekeeper

    Peacekeeper Fapstronaut

    It's like I'm stuck in a permanent flatline.
  5. Could certainly see how a flatline could affect your psychological state. Maybe you should try a CSAT therapist instead.
  6. Peacekeeper

    Peacekeeper Fapstronaut

    Sorry what's a CSAT therapist?

    I believe this is physical. I look my self in the mirror and it's like I've lost a lot of muscle mass and my skin looks really pale. Maybe my body is repairing it self that's why my libido is low, it's using the energy to build muscle.