Wet Dreams

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by MrWorld2025, Oct 29, 2017.

  1. MrWorld2025

    MrWorld2025 Fapstronaut

    Im on my day 22 of NOfap and I have been have so many Wet Dreams. and even when sleeping my mind is constantly thinking about sexual stuff :(

    what should I do ? Please Help
  2. A natural body process is not a bad thing, my friend. I assume you have retained your sperms completely in your 22 day streak. Your body needs to replace the old sperm with new ones. As a result, wet dreams will occur. It is a health thing, don't worry about it.

    As for the sexual dreams, it is just an event the mind causes to recovering addicts. I have no idea why it does this. Probably something to do with fucked up reward circuitry. These will pass with time as well. Do your best to avoid thr chaser effect.

    Our journey trudges on. May the odds be ever in your favor.
    Knighthawk likes this.
  3. Mankrik

    Mankrik Fapstronaut

    Try sleeping naked. Makes me have less wetdreams.
  4. It's normal. It's your brain doing whatever it can to compensate for the dopamine rush it's missing. I'm on day 42 and so far I've had 2 wet dreams plus 2 nocturnal emissions without dreams
  5. @MrWorld2025 ,

    Normally, I'd jump right in and say nocturnal emissions are both normal and healthy.

    So, consider me having said that.

    Now, with a name like "Mr. World 2025", is it possible you are using testosterone or other anabolic steroids? I ask because having your hormone levels raised with testosterone or other muscle building steroids is going to cause your body to go into a sexual overdrive.

    If I'm way out of line, forgive me. I did not mean to offend. Just saw the body building connection.

  6. Are you a bot? Or are you a real person typing these messages?
  7. r8js

    r8js Fapstronaut

    ... it is one of way for me to end pmo for myself and 100000+nofap members.

    just like one day at a time ....

    simple small practical effective way to end pmo....
    i m also realizing--reflecting on my posts has been difficult for me.
    i m not very good in using social network things in real and virtual life also..so end of pmo is only way for me.
    Immature likes this.
  8. @r8js ,

    It's always nice to see your posts.

  9. Not a bot.

  10. MrWorld2025

    MrWorld2025 Fapstronaut

    I used to do Alot of workout no drugs or anything like that I stopped working out because my body was building up but my face was shrinking so i stopped. I have that workout mindset If i decide something I will do it no matter what
  11. @MrWorld2025 ,

    As a suggestion, go to a doctor. Have blood work done. Specifically ask for testosterone test. Explain the huge number of wet dreams.

    pmo can screw up your hormones in horrible ways. But, there is a small chance that it's something else. No matter how small the chance that the wet dreams are being caused by a medical problem, it's worth getting a physical and some blood work, if only to reassure yourself.

    Please, let us know how it works out.
    LEPAGE and vxlccm like this.
  12. MrWorld2025

    MrWorld2025 Fapstronaut

    Man 41 days
  13. @MrWorld2025 ,

    Congrats, keep it going one day at a time.
