Keep falling down the same hole....

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by Deleted Account, Nov 2, 2017.

  1. Hey guys,

    So for the past few weeks, I have been doing a lot of retrospection, and have been working on changing my mindset, and stuff like that. I try to stay as positive as I can be, but I feel like I'm getting overwhelmed.

    It's like, I have a day when I'm absolutely positive, I'm having a good time, and then all of a sudden I remember something (usually bad), and I get really sad. And this happens very, very often.

    Sometimes I feel like my mind wants me to give up, and stay in that negative hole, cursing everybody who's happy and doing good in life. I don't want to be that "nice guy" who watches everyone else do all the good stuff. I want to be the guy doing all those things and having fun, and living life.

    But the more I think about it, the more I feel like I'm going to remain a "nice guy". And that thought scares the living shit out of me.

    How do I stay out of that negative hole? Especially when I'm already in the process of improving myself?
  2. Single Palm Change

    Single Palm Change Fapstronaut

    First let me say, I know exactly what you mean and i'm battling the same thing. But I have a couple of strategies.

    I would say, you are maybe overthinking it, and staying in the thought loop. End the thought loop and move on.

    All these thoughts are in a way positive, because they show you your motivation and goals: to doing good things in life and having fun. So I think you should focus on this - that these negative thoughts are hiding something very positive: your true goals and motivation.

    So I would say, as an exercise try to take 10 minutes every day where you do this:
    Every time in these 10 minutes something negative pops up, or you get sad, or whatever - everytime this happens, you try and flip the thought - find the grain of gold. Find the positive side of the thought.
    And when the 10 minutes are up - then forget about it. Do something different, wash the dishes or something, clear your mind.

    After a few weeks of this, I think you'll quickly spot some improvement in this habit - I know I have.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  3. TotalLifeChange

    TotalLifeChange Fapstronaut

    You have to understand that you control your thoughts, beliefs, and the emotions that those make arise.

    You may say "I can't control them sometimes" and I get it, because I was like that not that long ago... But if you're not able to control your thoughts it's not because you can't, it's because you have let them so much out of control, that now they are more difficult to control and choose which thoughts, beliefs and feelings you prefer. You can regain that control, you just have to work step-by-step.

    So, the answer to your question is twofold:
    • first, whenever you get negative thoughts and the negative feelings associated with them: don't battle them. Let them run out by themselves. Reason is: what feels bad is actually not the thought, but your resistance to it. This is not about giving in in the sense of "ok my life sucks, I'll just admit it". What I'm saying is: "ok, I'm feeling bad, I won't battle this thought nor this feeling... ok... I'm still feeling bad... still bad... still bad... (after a while) not so bad... (after a while) ... I'm neutral to that".
    • second, when you feel neutral (first step) about those ideas, start focusing on better ideas. Just think of pleasant things you prefer. Choose one idea that makes you feel great: a goal, the idea of enjoying a relationship with a girl you like, great values like courage and the power of your will, etc. Good memories work too (very well), just don't focus on them from the standpoint of "it sucks that I don't have that anymore", but enjoy them ;) If you start getting negative thoughts and emotions again, then just repeat the previous point! :)
    Last edited: Nov 4, 2017
    Deleted Account likes this.
  4. I get what you are saying. But at that moment, things just feel so hopeless.

    Like for example, a friend had posted a picture of him, his girlfriend, and a bunch of other people all having fun in some club or something. Its like the second I looked at it, I had this thought in my head: "I will never live like this. I will never have friends like that, or a girlfriend like that."

    The moment that happens I can't think about anything else. Sometimes I even start crying too. (It gets that bad)

    I know its wrong. I know that I shouldn't think like that, but I guess some part of me believes that is the truth.
  5. Won't letting your thoughts run out by themselves actually make things worse?

    I mean, if I'm already in a negative loop, won't I just remain there?
  6. TotalLifeChange

    TotalLifeChange Fapstronaut

    Nope, actually the opposite (unless you are really in a "dark place" all the time).

    Imagine a battery charged with energy. You are discharging the battery by letting it run out.

    Try it with just one thing, one idea. Take it to meditation or silence and focus on it, feel the feelings that arise with it, focus on the bodily sensation, your breathing, etc. for a while. Don't emphasize the negative idea, just don't resist it, and examine it as is.

    Then, of course, go to the second step I mentioned, and spend as much time (or more) with a preferred thought or idea.

    Let me know how it goes.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  7. I will try.
  8. I am literally attempting to change every aspect of my life, so I guess some setbacks must come.

    Its just very uncomfortable, thats all.
    Like someone reminding you every day of how "insert negative adjective here" you are.
  9. lamstronger

    lamstronger Fapstronaut

    Bad days happen, it's how life goes. What we can do is learn from them and try to avoid making them repeat. What you can do to stay out of he negative hole is to stop masturbating, since it screws with your brain, emotions etc. Being a nice guy is fine, just don't let people use it. When you experience bad days, talk about them, don't let your emotions build up inside. Start exercising, you will have less bad days and it will improve your self esteem too.
  10. First Buy a journal if you write down some stuff you don't like or how your spend your day
    Second Change some stuff about you from the little things to big things
    Third Get hobby anything from drawing to played video game.
    Four Quit Social Media(Social Media is a time waste, my opinion)
    Five Have Hope.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  11. TotalLifeChange

    TotalLifeChange Fapstronaut

    I've been there, and my first recommendation is to focus on one big goal at a time.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  12. Single Palm Change

    Single Palm Change Fapstronaut

    1) You have to know that it's a bad habit. Thinking negatively is a bad habit. There is nothing fundamentally wrong with you as a person. It's "just" a very heavy habit. Habits can be changed.

    2) in the beginning, all positive things you start up are going to feel fake. Smiling when you think you are sad feels so weird. It will feel wrong, unnatural and so hard that you will want to quit - of course that's because of the power of the bad habit.

    3) Take tiny steps. But take them every day. Force yourself to do it for just one minute each day. Soon you will be able to do more than a minute. Habits work by repeated accumulation.

    You can do this. You have pictured a better life and you can have it. Work for it. You can do it, a little piece at a time
    Deleted Account likes this.
  13. I think, maybe I'm not being patient. It's like I'm rushing into these things, expecting some kind of overnight transformation.

    Its like-

    I am undergoing change -> I expect to see progress -> but I can't see progress (its too soon)

    And when I can't see progress, I can't tell if I'm making any or not.

    Thats why when I see one of those "triggering" posts, my mind immediately tells me that I'm not there, or that I won't make it there.

    Yesterday was bad too. I edged, but didn't give in (thankfully).
    Single Palm Change likes this.
  14. Single Palm Change

    Single Palm Change Fapstronaut

    Exactly, you are making progress but you can't see any effect yet. This is a tough time, but it's worth it. While you may not see any effect, you still know what to do and what not to do. So stick with your plan and if you fall of the horse, get back up.

    I'd like to share a quote: "training works by establishing a new situation for the body and mind, and then training for a long time. Gradually the body and mind will change to fit the new circumstances"

    So you see, If you don't have a plan, then it doesn't matter how much effort you put in. If you don't make an effort, it doesn't matter how many goals and plans you have.

    Changing is hard work. You can do it. Trust your goals and try to make a little progress every day. It's gonna feel fake, and success will not come next week, or in a month. Good things will come when you are ready for it. They are not going feel like winning the lottery, they are going to feel like meh, is that it? Because goals really are illusions - what matters, what succes really is, is your mindset and your willingness to struggle, work for it. To keep doing your best every day - that is success. And sooner or later it's gonna pay off. But the results are just signposts along the way.
    Go for it.
    You have taken the first steps, now keep going!
    Deleted Account likes this.