I'm Lonely, Depressed, Have no purpose in life, and 25 years old.

Discussion in 'Loneliness' started by FapFapFapNoMore, Nov 5, 2017.

  1. FapFapFapNoMore

    FapFapFapNoMore Fapstronaut

    It's true. I am socially inept, culturally unacceptable to the society, does not fit in, have social anxiety, addicted to porn, addicted to drugs, addicted to the screen, addicted to instant gratification. I am in college...almost graduating. Still addicted to whatever I was addicted to in high school: porn, sex, drugs, etc...
    I need help. I don't want to take medications, ssri's, antidepressants, etc...
    I thought about suicide so many times....
    I did it a couple times...yet lived.
    I am just hanging by a thread here...the only thing that's holding me back from killing myself is my family.
    I don't want my parents to see me dead. It would affect them greatly.
    I blame them for putting me here on earth. I have such a crappy life. I was abused sexually, emotionally and physically when I was a kid, I was neglected. I developed separation anxiety when I was 11 years old. I developed major depression when I was 13. I was a sickly kid. When I was 3 months old I had hernia. Now, I am the most insecure person in the world. I am crap.

    I just want to feel better. Tell me, how does a happy life feel like? I can't remember.
    youliveyoulearn, ValorVale and A leaf like this.
  2. Jocker

    Jocker Fapstronaut

    And it's all crap...!!
    First of all you don't have shit life.
    Second you don't need to know how happy life is cause can experience by it yourself.
    Third suicide is not an option.
    Fourth you need to change the concept of you're mind.
    Fifth you need some love get a girl fall in love.
    Sixth you need to get out more often get social that will help you.
    Seventh don't be a caveman just addicted to porn other stuffs.
    Eight start working out it will make you feel better look better.
    Ninth make a hobby if you don't have it will keep you busy.
    Tenth you're the not the only one that says this stuff.
    Phong, usef Abs, WorthyYeti and 5 others like this.
  3. seaguy44

    seaguy44 Moderator Assistant

    You can have a successful life! It’s hard for each one of us and together with this website, we can succeed!!!!!!!

    I am now on 65th day. This wouldn’t happen if it weren’t for the support I got from other people here.

    Write down daily goals on what you want to do for the day.

    Example: Tomorrow when you wake up, do one push up. Then on Monday, do two pushups and build up your goals slowly and you will get there. It all started for me - Day 0 and now on Day 65. It’s possible. You can do it!
    Phong, Aiyoshi, usef Abs and 5 others like this.
  4. Evig Faith

    Evig Faith Fapstronaut


    I just wanted to reply to this and say that I was once in a similar circumstance. Like you, I was depressed. I was in abusive relationships that I couldn't leave. I felt so worthless; like rubbish. My mother died when I was 12, while my dad and his wife didn't support me all too well. I thought I didn't matter at all, and that ending it all will be a win-win for everyone. A nice, terrific termination bliss.

    But, that didn't happen. I was saved by one of my childhood friends (who, unfortunately, took his own life not long ago). He's shown me love and support; he was like a father figure at me, despite only being two years older than me. All my burdens I shared with him, and he was open to listening.

    He tried to put everything in a big picture so I can understand it. One that particularly stuck out to me was this one:

    "Whenever rain represents depression, and Sun represents pleasure, remember this: A landscape plagued with constant rains ends up a lush rainforest, while a landscape blessed with constant Sun can only host wildland fires. Rain is depressing, but it's needed for growth; it prevents an even more extreme form of inferno-like self-destruction."

    That one stuck out to me; any trial or hardship we have in our lives, we can turn those into a learning experience and we can also help and support others with our experiences in that. Meanwhile, look at the blessed life of someone who grew up sheltered and fortunate. They completely break down over something insignificant or materialistic.

    You are wise, and you are strong; Stronger than you apparently realize.

    I also started to seek out things bigger than I am, and I received that help from my current boyfriend. One of the lessons he taught me was of the universe. The universe is huge; we cannot comprehend it. With its size, we appear insignificant and almost like nothing.

    But the universe couldn't exist without the most basic materials. Matter, dark matter, antimatter; all are small, seemingly-insignificant components that actually are required in a star, or a galaxy.

    You are the same way. You may seem small and useless, but you have the power to contibute to society, or even to nature. It's tough to notice, but anything we do, we can shape them (boyfriend also equated Newton's second law to back that up).

    Just start out slow, okay? Every day, write down 5 things you are grateful for. Gratitude is a fantastic way to get rid of the negative thoughts. Also, if you relapse, don't consider yourself a failure! At times, relapses are necessary experiences to learn, through wisdom, how to cope for next time.

    See if the change in thoughts help you in any way. It's very possible that something more may be going on considering session causes, however.

    I wish you luck, man.
    Last edited: Nov 5, 2017
    Raven1992, SoKuN, DeProfundis and 7 others like this.
  5. Beamer

    Beamer Distinguished Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    My Journal
    Hey there buddy,
    I'm glad you wrote out here your deepest thoughts about how you feel and why, it's a brave thing to do ! So, hey, you are not crap ! You are a precious human with
    the same rights and desires like everyone else to live a happy life !
    Now, suicide is never the solution for anyone, it never ever is! You don't wanna die, you just want to stop the feelings you are now having, day in and day out, that's
    something entirely different ! So, forget about that please!
    You're right that it would also destroy your parents life, so, again, don't go there please !
    You said it yourself: "i just want to get better", and that's exactly right !
    So buddy, the thing you have to work on above all is yourself: you have to be kind for yourself, love yourself, you're not crap or something. You're worth it, as much as anyone !
    The problems you faced before and still face everyday may seem huge to overcome, but they are not your fault, they really are not !
    So stop feeling guilty about it my friend, feelings of guilt will not help you solve your problems. Lose the guilt, it will hamper any solution to your problems. This is key.
    We cannot offer you a magic pil or something that makes your problems go away at once or something like that, but there are lots of really helpful people here in the NoFap community
    who can talk with you and support you to tackle your problems. Day by day, small steps but forward and constructive ones !
    I myself am on this site for less than a month, and i can tell you, my life has already completely turned for the better. Connecting people with the same goal (NoFap here) is extremely
    powerful my friend. Get to know some people here, talk to them everyday, be part of this community and you will find support you never knew was possible ! Really !

    Since you mention you have also some other problems than porn addiction, i do suggest that you seek out some medical help.
    We all bear our cross on the back my friend, but some are made of paper, and some of iron, and yours is very heavy, i realise that. But you can work on it ,day by day, and get to a better life,
    a happier life, but you can't give up now ! Just don't ok ?
    Considering your problems now, you really only can go up in the future buddy, but you yourself must really work on your future, there is no other way. We'll help you here if you want to. You're still very young, you made it this far with all these problems, so you're stronger than you think you are, you must keep fighting ,day by day ! Remember that the night is the darkest just before sunrise !
    I wish you lots of strength my friend,and please, don't be a stranger here, let us know how we can help and support you !
    All my best and stay strong my friend !
  6. lamstronger

    lamstronger Fapstronaut

    Hey man, wasn't a happy read. Glad you lived and live on. I'd like to say things will get better, but sometimes the don't. You just have to move on. Seeing you write this thread, makes me think, that you want to live and change. I read you're almost graduatiing, that means a you're going to experience a whole new world, meet new pleople, have new experiences. Don't let your past define who you can be. You have potential. I don't know, what a happy live is tbh, I have regrets too, but I keep going forward. I vent my frustration and anger in the gym, which helps me feel better. Try that, you'll see what I mean. I also try to not make the same mistakes and be the best person, that I can be. Best of luck! Live on.
  7. Byris

    Byris Fapstronaut

    I'm not gonna give you a bunch of shit how your life is great and all. You got handed a shit hand. I was thinking the same kind of stuff you're thinking, so I know my words won't really impact you much, but I feel like I have to try at least. If you're in the state where you want to wallow in self pity like I did, then you can just disregard all I've got to say. But if you actually want to get better, you have to work on it. It sounds silly but losing weight and getting in shape did wonders for my mental health. I'm not fully recovered yet, but you should consider doing that. Good luck man.
    Raven1992, Aiyoshi, A leaf and 2 others like this.
  8. Miguel Rocha

    Miguel Rocha Fapstronaut

    I'll go straight to the point:

    See this video and this one.
    Beamer and FapFapFapNoMore like this.
  9. FapFapFapNoMore

    FapFapFapNoMore Fapstronaut

    Thanks for the tip, I agree I do have to work on it...thanks and good luck to you too.
    A leaf and Beamer like this.
  10. FapFapFapNoMore

    FapFapFapNoMore Fapstronaut

    I like the video man, he speaks the truth, and we live in a world of instant gratification. We always need to be productive.
  11. FapFapFapNoMore

    FapFapFapNoMore Fapstronaut

    Thanks for the heads up brother, I look forward to live a new life after graduating..its just that today....and sometimes another day...It's so crazy I tend to look for other forms of pleasure and I need to stop that cycle. If I keep on going to this addiction cycle...I don't see a good future after graduating because that cycle sucks in my energy to do stuff....I gotta get out of this. I really want to improve, meet new people and have new experiences and conquer my potential. Thanks for the heads up.
    Beamer likes this.
  12. FapFapFapNoMore

    FapFapFapNoMore Fapstronaut

    Thanks a lot man, I've been so hard of myself lately, and I tend to put down myself a lot. I have very low self esteem and I'm not living life the way it's supposed to be....when I look at happy people...I get jealous..:( I won't give up now. Thanks for the encouraging thoughts!. You're right, I am stronger than I think...I can do this...I wish you good luck too.
    Aiyoshi and Beamer like this.
  13. vicent

    vicent Fapstronaut

    everybody will live this situation man,personally sometimes i feel lonely like my life is a crap or feeling like God doesn't like me because aint have money ,high confidence ,beautiful girlfriend but i need see the good side of my life i have family and friends a food to eat something that is priceless.being lonely sometimes help you to make a self-reflection about the life.
    First your need to be happy to make other people happy.
    Stop feeling sorry about your self
    accept your past cause everybody make mistakes live the present
    being happy is spiritual thing and not material thing "FIND GOD"
    Hitto likes this.
  14. Hitto

    Hitto Fapstronaut

    I would advise you to seek help if you contemplated taking your life and have failed I'm not a psychiatrist but all of your problems are stemming from identifying with your mind way too much the brain tricks us to feel shame about the past and makes us anxious about our future it is our jobs to be more conscious of are thoughts and not to feed them and live in the present moment this is further explained in the power of now by Eckhart tolle also don't ever think that you are going thru this alone there are plenty of us who have these feelings and pmo is the cause but we are here together fighting together don't take your life that's a gift from god your life situation doesn't define who you are and your life hope this helps get well soon
    Aiyoshi likes this.
  15. Hitto

    Hitto Fapstronaut

  16. Yanis

    Yanis Fapstronaut

    It feels great to be happy. You are born to be happy.

    Very good. Those who are sincerely asking for help will get help.

    YOU wanted to be here and you have chosen your parents. Think about it!

    Great! It is well possible you will feel better.

    I agree. Love thy neighbour as thyself. Means: I can only love other people when I love myself. Self-acceptance for a lot of people is a real challenge.

    Forget about leaving this world. You came into this world because you wanted to be happy. And this is well possible.
    I was a moderator in a German speaking suicide-forum for 3 years. This job you can only do if you are authentic, if you know the hell of depression. All I want to tell you right now: There is always hope. And you have much more strenght than you can imagine. Everything will turn alright.
    Hitto likes this.
  17. whitjay

    whitjay Fapstronaut

    Hey bro. I can relate in some ways, though I don't think my challenges are quite as heavy as yours. I am also 25, aimless, unemployed, lonely, very low self esteem and social confidence. It is hard to know what to do and hard to feel like I am worth much. I have thought about suicide though not acted on it, many times an early deliberate death has appeared to offer a massive relief apart from the impact it would have on others.

    One thing that I have learnt is that it takes time and work to be kind to yourself again when you are really down on yourself. I have found it very hard to just believe that I am ok, that I'm worthwhile, that my life won't just be grades of suffering. I can't accept it all in one go, I have to think each day -- well.. maybe I'm more worthwhile and capable than I think --. Sometimes I get on self-improvement binges for a while, sometimes it helps, sometimes I crash then feel like more of a failure, but it all comes down to feeling worthless at the core. All my problems would be alright if I just felt like I was OK inside, if that makes sense. Maybe that affects you too. It comes into us from other people in various ways and it takes time to recover the inner glow.

    The truth is we all are alright, just because we're here, there is no condition on that. And so much is possible whatever the situation. You are too, it just might take some time to remember that, but you can do it, in little pieces everyday, just remember that you are much more able, more lovable than you might think right now. One day you'll get there and you'll see how much people around you care and how much it is possible to enjoy life. And then after the hardship you've been through you'll be a massive inspiration to others in their time of struggle.

    You'll make it bro, we all will. Just keep going a little bit each day. You don't have to feel awesome all at once.
    FapFapFapNoMore and Yanis like this.
  18. Yanis

    Yanis Fapstronaut

    Very good.

    So true. Today you may be a person desperately calling for help and tomorrow you may be the person who gives hope to others.
  19. abouttime19

    abouttime19 Fapstronaut

    Good to see that you're reading and responding back to the community.

    It seems like there are a lot of motivational content here.
    So let me hit you with some honesty.
    It will only get harder after college. There is NOT a lot of options after college where you are forced to be around people. College provides an atmosphere where you run into new people every day, and in some case, forced to participate in a group. Start with small talk, and try to build a relationship.
    Also, there are 100's of organizations that you can join (running club, soup kitchen, campus program club, etc), that can get you acquainted with the students.
    Use this to your advantage. Get comfortable being uncomfortable. Just put yourself in these situations. Force your schedule to be busy and to be around people (not only for social reasons, but to have their eyes on you to prevent you from going to your screen).

    Something that helped me A LOT is to read about this disease.
    PMO truly acts as a drug, it can lead to array of consequences - memory loss, fatigue, brain fog, loss of voice, body ache, headache, poor decision making, socially challenged, weak bones, depression, short attention span and so much more.
    I say start with Gary Wilson's "your brain on porn", it will bring you up to speed on this epidemic.

    For immediate relief, try taking Calcium/VitaminD/Magnesium (if all in 1 pill would be great) and Vitamin B12 complex.
    Eating zinc can help boost your T-level.
    Miguel Rocha likes this.
  20. Ali_naqvi09

    Ali_naqvi09 Fapstronaut
