Anyone trying to stop smoking as well ?

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by ixpieth, Jul 27, 2014.

  1. Pope668

    Pope668 Fapstronaut

    It's been awhile since I could post here but I was doing well until Sunday where I slipped again after having a few drinks. Think I will re-read the book again starting today. However tomorrow will be day 3 again.

    And there is no way I'm giving up sweets though...
  2. diesel2256

    diesel2256 Fapstronaut

    Had the worst throat infection of my life after deciding to quit smoking. Go figure.

    So far, this has been super easy -- mostly because I've been sick -- but the realization that I'm not actually giving up anything is huge. Time will tell after I feel 100%, but things are going good so far.
  3. pauln

    pauln New Fapstronaut

    Diesel I am in a similar situation as you. I quit smoking on the 19th of August (my birthday) and have not PMO'd since the 21st of august. I also got a cold and it was easy not to smoke while it was happening. I did smoke just last Monday (due to excessive beer) and i regret it.

    For me they both share a common trigger, Boredom and procrastination. On the upside it does feel like I am hitting two birds with one stone by being more productive with my time. The big downside is not having my 3 favorite vices after a tough day at work. Previously on my way home from work i knew exactly what i was going to do, now i just have a long sigh and try to think how much better my life could be in time.
  4. diesel2256

    diesel2256 Fapstronaut

    Haha! I did the exact same thing after work every day, namely chain smoke and PMO -- no wonder I felt like shit all the time.

    But man, just imagine what we're capable of if we can quit PMO and smoking at the same time!? That's crazy amounts of willpower.
  5. pauln

    pauln New Fapstronaut

    I had just thought quitting both PMO and smoking at the same time as a necessity for goals i want to achieve.

    Love This it really brightened my day! It sounds way better than what i said, it is not only more optimistic it is empowering too. I believe i can stop both these damaging addictions and i will be forced to accept the fact i do have a tonne of willpower.
  6. msa2388

    msa2388 Fapstronaut

    I've actually just started again after chewing for two years (dammit). BUT I did quit for a period of time, and it worked very well. I'll have to check out those links when I get a moment.

    I did the gum. Yeah, the kind everyone says is a joke. But I went into it with the attitude of "it will work". I didn't moderate how much I used...if I wanted to smoke I chewed a piece. After a few weeks my mouth hurt so damn much, that I started chewing less...and less. I finally got to a point where it was a piece a day at the most. Then for a month it was just regular chewing gum :). But, then I found a can of dip, and picked that up and now smoking again. I'm going to go for the gum next month and 'reset'.
  7. ixpieth

    ixpieth Fapstronaut

  8. infapablecastle

    infapablecastle New Fapstronaut

    I quit smoking a few months ago. I used Allen Carr's Easyway.

    I also quit drinking and drugging over a year ago.

    Somehow NoFap is the most difficult.

    Meditation and exercise help a lot.
  9. diesel2256

    diesel2256 Fapstronaut

    Still going strong with NoPuff -- haven't felt this good in years. +1 To Allen Carr's Easyway, somehow it make quitting pretty damn easy.

    Agreed, NoFap is a lot more difficult than quitting smoking.
  10. monvoyage

    monvoyage Fapstronaut

    I quitted smoking two years ago using Allen Carrs Books. After reading his books and stopping smoking I'm actually really thankful that i was addictet to smoking! Why? Because this teached me so much about addictions and habits in general. Since then I also stopped drinking coffee (and other drinks that contain caffeine), drinking alcohol (I haven't been addicted but why would you want to poison yourself if you're not even addicted?) and eating sweets.
    I don't miss any of this, and i feel MUCH better than i did a few years ago. Energy on about the same level throughout the day, much more concentrated, and generally, just feeling good all the day long. No cravings.

    So my point is: read Allan Carr. Easyway, No more Hangover,... even if you're not addicted to a substance, there is so much you can learn from this.
  11. I quit PMO January 2nd; I quit smoking January 25th; I took about ten cigs and cigarillos since I quit, as I told myself I actually didn't quit smoking but buying cigarette packs. I'm poor and everytime I get depressed, horny, stressed or just plain excited, the need to smell nicotine on my fingertips grows stronger. For me, NoFap is the easiest of them all, by far, very far. I'm having the biggest crisis of my life. My entire whole future is being decided right here right now by some people I don't even know. And just when I needed it the least, temptation came in. I found a virgin pack of cigarettes in my room in my grand-parents' house. Basically the place where I felt the most depressed of my life. I smoked two cigarettes. I wanted it, I got it, I got the nicotine rush, the perfect smell on the fingers, the burn in my lungs, the intense depression feeling, everything. After having smoked the two things, I went crazy. It was a hurricane inside of me, I knew I was doing something wrong and decided to act against it. I did it by crying and shaking like I had spasms, but I did it: I tore all the cigarettes and dispersed the tobacco into the wind and on the forest's soil. So it's natural and it's back to its own grave. And then as a sacrificial ceremony, I chose a special giant white wild flower from the meadow, put it inside the cigarette pack, ran up to my grand-parent's chapel, lied down, deposed the pack on the altar like the most precious gift offered by some kings to a new born 2000 and fourteen years ago, and gave up. I remember now: I strongly dislike smoking. I fool myself into thinking it's sooo damn cool, it feels so good, everything you could say about PMO, but no, it sucks, it makes me sad, doesn't feel that good, and above everything, ALIENATES ME. And I quit PMO never to be a slave anymore. So adios tobacco. Adieu, à Dieu, see you in Heavens covered in stardust, and if you're not here, it's because you don't deserve it, because I swear on everything that ever lived and ever not lived that I WON'T GO TO HELL. I quit smoking cigarettes packs 8 months ago, it's a lot of time, now I quit smoking. I'm done with this shit. I want to be a runner and it just clashes with my dreams.

    I quit since too long to start again. This sentence saved me and I'm saying it as much as I can, everytime I remember it, it's a mantra, it's everything I got when all I want is to spend so harshly earned money on this stuff.

    I quit since too long to start again.

    NoFap didn't made me a superhero; it didn't gave me superpowers, I don't have any superstrength or superwill, I'm still eaten alive by my flaws. But I carry a gift with me. It's not mine, it's lent to me, and it's the most precious thing in the universes and beyond. It's the knowledge of what's Good and Right. And even if I know it, it doesn't prevent me from screwing up spectacularly every second of my life. But sometimes, because one day I decided I would stand up and be happy, I have some outbursts of raging will. And this, my dear fapstronauts friends, is what I'm burning with desire for every single one of you. You deserve it so much.

    All my prayers and thoughts to the Unsung Heroes out there! You CAN do it. Will you? Quitting porn is hard, quitting smoking is too. And millions of people succeed. No reason why you should be excluded from this. Fight for your right to happiness!

    PS:Sorry for writing like this, I'm just tired I guess :)
  12. stronger626

    stronger626 Fapstronaut


    I like this little "ceremony" situation. Putting it to rest. I am still smoking at this moment. I want to quit but i dont want to go hardcore in fear i will break or fap. Ive quit drugs, overcame eating disorder(5years ago) and working on the masterbation now.
    Cigs are my next step. Its been a trying year, my longtime relationship ended(not due fap or anything), my brothers a heroin addict, my dads dating a 23 yo junkie, as i improve my life everyone around me seems to get worse. Dont worry though im actually ok. Im happy because ive come so far. But the cigs right now are my last step and in time they too will go. I am building up the strength to put them to rest with all my other vices. The graveyards growing and ive become stronger than ever. More power to all of you who have quit. I WILL be joining you soon!
  13. Thackeray

    Thackeray Fapstronaut

    I quit smoking on my second day of nofap. Now 10 days ago. I am stuck though as I still find myself hooked to e-cigs. I've been vaping for 4 years nearly and they're going to be hard to kick. Still a safer alternative but as daft as smoking. As Allen Carr says, avoid anything with nicotine.
    Back in 2007, I picked up the 'easyway' book and quit for a year. I've read it countless times. Listened to the audiobook, watched the filmed version. It's a great resource. Helping me quit numerous times.
    This time I just quit, I smoked my last cigarette and threw the tobacco I had down the drain. That did the trick. I'm fairly sure, doing nofap has given me the strength to just quit like that.
  14. Ryanellion

    Ryanellion Fapstronaut

    Get the easy way to quit smoking by Allan car, no weight gain, no patches, no gum, no e-cigs. Just straight knowledge. You get to smoke while reading the book. No cold turkey.
  15. Kye001

    Kye001 Fapstronaut

    I really wish there was an easy way to give up smoking. I don't know how many times I've attempted and miserably failed. It's like it is ingrained in my whole psyche and physically/ mentally too controlling for me now. My attempts are all in vain. No reading, phone or face to face counselling, nicotine aids, tablets, hypnotherapy have worked over a day or two without me smoking again. What to do?
  16. Thackeray

    Thackeray Fapstronaut

    Try vaping with e-cigs instead. Takes a bit of time to get used to, but it's better for you in the long run. Smokers will be in the minority in future, vaping will overtake it with regards to nicotine addiction. Still best to give up though, I believe. Nicotine addiction is a right sod.
  17. Kye001

    Kye001 Fapstronaut

    Yeah well that is an option I've not considered before! Thankyou.
    Just on that how likely do you feel you are able to kick nicotine for good? I agree that the e-cigs would be a healthier option than smoking for sure. I guess in the end it may be difficult to stop e-cigs too.
  18. Pope668

    Pope668 Fapstronaut

    Well I had to read the book twice for it to really hit me, after the first time I relapsed quite a few times, after the second time, not once, and it feels easier, definitely. However I still have some time to go to hit the three weeks mark but am sure to hit it in no time.
  19. ixpieth

    ixpieth Fapstronaut

    I'm interested to find out how it seemed to you the second time Pope. I definitely felt there was a hypnotism going on whilst I read it, and the things he was repeating were like a drum beat, a mantra that was so f***ing obvious and I already knew it was almost embarrassing. Like he says this is the worst tasting thing you will ever have in your mouth a recalls the first draw you ever had a cigarette when I nearly vomited it was so bad. But that horrible experience seems to get lost the more draws you take, the advertising and branding kick in and somehow you get reverse psychologised into thinking its o.k.

    The way he plows through the book and "reminds" you of all the crap your doing to yourself WHILST HE'S ENCOURAGING YOU TO SMOKE is very clever. He keeps repeating that when you finish the book you will no longer be a smoker - and that reminded me of a hypnotist saying when I click my fingers you will wake up and will be a non smoker, very clever . . . .
  20. diesel2256

    diesel2256 Fapstronaut

    I only read 40 pages of it -- it was enough for me to kick my 5 year habit. However, I've also read a number of other books on habits and the necessary mental imagery needed to change them.

    For example, any time I'm having an urge for a cigarette, I replace that image with one of someone having explosive diarrhea in my mouth. :)