fucking wet dream

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Heelhook, Sep 11, 2014.

  1. beauty

    beauty Fapstronaut

    So why does the body rid excess sperm while you are unconscious? If it really is that precious, which I do believe it is, why would this process even exist?
  2. Thackeray

    Thackeray Fapstronaut

    As always, Clumsy, interesting views you hold. Yet of course, I disagree to a degree. Can't you consider that semen needs to pass every so often to keep your pipes working if you get me? Wet dreams are perhaps needed for this reason.

    As another user put it, it's the conscious use of pornography with masturbation that's the problem. When you next have a wet dream, which you probably will, don't be to hard on yourself, Clumsy. You see, you spend so much time mulling over the masturbation problem, you'll probably eventually start dreaming about it and your penis will end up having a spasm in the night resulting in the terribly tragic loss of semen. Do not mourn for them. :eek:

    Clumsy, please don't end up like this guy!! >>>> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T58D467HagM
  3. Clumsy

    Clumsy Banned

    Why does ebola exist?

    Answer is; Wet dreams = accident. An error that occurs only because of humans imagination. It's also due to withdrawal, erotic thoughts, etc.

    It does not occur in dogs, cats or any other animal that does not have lively imagination. Its because of our mirror neurons, check that up. Humans are prone to error because of that. Dogs cant lie, because they have no mirror neurons, therefor they cannot commit sins like we can, same with wet dreams.
  4. beauty

    beauty Fapstronaut

    You're going to compare wet dreams to a virus? Sorry I don't see the comparison. Anyway, the way I see it, if you are unconscious and the process is involuntary, it's natural and I personally see it as a sign of progress.
  5. Clumsy

    Clumsy Banned

    You may have a different opinion Thackeray. And I don't think that a wet dream 2-3 times a year is much of a problem. The problem is, you guys are still early into your reboots; and trust me, wet dreams increase in frequency. They require thorough and proper care. You don't want your progress lost. Some users report after some time having them several times a week, and loss of benefits.

    Wet dreams are never necessary. The body does not need to throw up to maintain throw up reflexes. We don't need to have unnecessary fevers to maintain fever function.
  6. Clumsy

    Clumsy Banned

    It's a sign that things are changing in your body, and it could possibly seen as a positive thing in some cases, but they are not beneficial. They are not refreshing, nor they repair any damage. You just waste it.
  7. Adjoint

    Adjoint Fapstronaut

    Last edited: Oct 7, 2017
  8. wolfie

    wolfie Fapstronaut

    Clumsy, you are very orthodox about sperm, so I won't argue with you, as you will not change your mind even if the evidences were obvious. Actually, I'm new to the forum, and after reading few of your posts, I'm really surprised how deep can ones beliefs go.

    If you think any kind of ejaculation other that into woman vagina is waste, I'm fine with that, but your comparison of vomiting to wet dreams is just illogical.
  9. Clumsy

    Clumsy Banned

    Name any other animal that wastes its seed on the ground. Go ahead.

    I've never equated wet dreams with sin.

    A load of sperm could create a new USA if each cell connected to an egg. There's a lot of life energy in that. Something scientists can't explain. What scientists can't feel, taste, hear or see does not exist according to them. I've a more pragmatic view on things.

    And how is my comparison illogical?
  10. beauty

    beauty Fapstronaut

    Please, just stop. You're making my eyes hurt.
  11. Clumsy

    Clumsy Banned

    Fact is that you guys don't come up with a single argument proving that wet dreams are natural and you some of you even claim that it's desirable to have them. You just keep blabbering about sexual tension and other bullshit, you guys aren't in need of sexual relief because you're all sexually exhausted. And you dismiss me as some nutcake - I'm just well understood in how conserving ones sexual energy - or life force. Call it whatever you like.
  12. Thackeray

    Thackeray Fapstronaut

    As I've said and believe, you mean well. I appreciate the care for others, it's admirable.

    Excuse my attempts at humour at your expense, but you make every thread an enjoyable debate and I like a laugh. Sorry. :)

    I'm also glad to read you see it as fine to pass semen 1-3 times a year. Whilst I hope this is not the case for me, it's a small victory for some common sense here, as to not spill the vital 'life force' once in a while is utter madness.

    Should be remembered that the purpose of Nofap is to rewire and reboot our brains so we're not so hooked on porn and the buzz from masturbating to it. A wet dream for me is a good sign that I'm on the right path of being porn free. That cannot be harmful.
  13. Clumsy

    Clumsy Banned

    No need to worry about that I don't take it bad.

    I don't see ejaculation as a sin in itself. I would like to ban masturbation in youth though, it should be illegal. And kids and teenager masturbating should be taken care off by mental health care or even in some cases; police. It's like using heroin. Don't masturbate compulsively and then live like a parasite on healthy individuals. Because it's healthy and pure individuals that will pay your mental health care, your wellfare money and the price of you being a medical burden.

    Completely avoid masturbation during developmental years. When you're fully grown and your brain developed, you can have sex in a responsible manner. It shall not affect your productivity or your emotions. I'd recommend having it on saturday mornings, once a week is more than enough. In that way you will conserve vital energy, be productive at work, be loving to your friends and family. And you will reach your full potential.

    Is it really ok to let a teenager masturbate if he knows the consequences? Well I start my work soon and really, I don't feel like I should pay the health care of a compulsive masturbator, because sooner or later they all become mental and/or physical wrecks. Humans are not just individuals, we are all part of the group. Either we contribute to the group (society, country) or we parasites on it. I decided long ago to contribute to society, as well as to myself, my very being and mental and physical health. It's an obvious choice and you'd have to be immoral to choose another way.

    I think this needs a debate, in the same manner we debate whether alcoholics should be blamed morally or not. It's the same kind of problem.
  14. Thackeray

    Thackeray Fapstronaut

    Yes. Great idea. Please put your case across in a new thread and bring on the debate.

    I will say this though- Some truly great people have been masturbators. Your idea that all masturbators become feeble wrecks and burdens on the state is so utterly wrong, I will gladly enjoy tackling this issue.
  15. Thackeray

    Thackeray Fapstronaut

    I can't help but picture you tied to a burning stake by randy teenagers. Ban masturbation in youth? Noble idea, but not even the Nazis or the catholic church could achieve this.
  16. Clumsy

    Clumsy Banned

    There's no excessive masturbator that ever accomplish anything truly great in life. And of course it will always be exceptions, there will be heroin addicts that are successful. Does not mean that one should start injecting heroin.

    I think people of today, they are so brainwashed. They think we are born to be weak, that we need help with everything and if we happen to have a problem - state will take care of it.

    I'm currently in an on-going debate with one of my fellow country men. I met this guy at a forum, he's showing all signs of PMO addiction, he's doubting his manhood, he has met several men for sex, he's depressed, shy, ashamed, has anxiety related diseases. I tell him all the facts, I tell him the dangers of sexual excesses, I offer him my help to him, I give him the cure. But he does not listen. He repeats, several times; "I'm here to fuck, drink and have fun, I honestly don't care". But at the same time this guy is sick leave from his work. My hard working mother pays for his welfare. And while he's home from work, because of depression, social anxiety, he's searching for men to have sex with on internet. Whacking off to porn.

    What do we do with a guy like this? He does not want to reform, he just lives for the pleasure of the moment. He's not the typical criminal, and I don't believe that he's "evil". But what shall we do? My answer is, send him to a hospital, watch him carefully and make him cut his addiction. That's the only way he will recover. And if he recovers he will contribute to me, to us, to society and in the end the entire world.

    It shouldn't be legal to masturbate, I wouldn't want to criminalize those people, they need help and advice first and foremost, but if they can't manage to cut their addiction? Send them to a treating center where they are being watched by professionals.

    We can't just let these people sit there at home, living on healthy people like parasites. Doing nothing about their social anxiety, depression and other issues.

    And then people tells me that I'm a nutcake, that I'm an extremist. But that's because they are brainwashed to believe that every person that promotes discipline and soundness is a religious nutcake, something evil that wants to destroy the fun in the world. Media certainly did a good job in doing this. And we see the results. In every school class there's a girl hurting herself. A boy with social anxiety. Asperger's syndrome, ADHD, all kinds of mental disorders. Sexual assaults, depression, suicides, ED, divorces, pornography. The list goes on. There's a cause of all of this.

    Live in a disciplined way and eat a healthy diet, don't break the laws of nature and a happy life awaits you. Simple as that.

    I hate the mantra "people should do what they want, it's their choice". NO! NO! Not if it affects others.
    If they want to live out in the woods without the support of us, they can live there and masturbate themselves to death if they want to. But if they want our support, then they can get prepared to do some hard working themselves.

    You can't demand anything of anybody anymore. Because then you're evil. If people may not smoke, drink and fuck how much as they please, the life is not worth to live.
  17. IGY

    IGY Guest

    lol - that is so funny dude! :D
  18. Clumsy

    Clumsy Banned

    I know, I know. But if parents informed their children, if it was taught out by schools, how many lives would we save? How many men would be saved from ruin? How many girls? Sure, occasionally some boy wouldn't be able to handle the sexual fury that often comes along with youth and he would masturbate, but he would never indulge in excesses if he knew the consequences, I at least like to believe that.

    Masturbation is immoral, just as much as drinking alcohol is, or intaking a narcotic. If it damages you, it damages the environment around you in the long run.
  19. NeuroPlasticDray

    NeuroPlasticDray Fapstronaut

    Because the OP was clearly in distress about this so called "problem". Then you have Mr. Clumsy scaring the poor guy into thinking it actually is a problem when it is actually a natural, biological process. He's also trying to convince us that sex drive is abnormal on top of it. That's why I said something.

    I don't care what he thinks, I just care that he's spreading false information to people in distress.

    You can believe in stones, as long as you don't throw them at people.
  20. Clumsy

    Clumsy Banned

    “The greatest lesson in life is to know that even fools are right sometimes.”

    -W. Churchill

    @neuroplasticdray **** I clearly said that a few wet dreams here and there is not a big deal??!?!?! Can't you read? I said that they don't speed up the reboot, and its possible to avoid them. I also gave him advice on top of all this.

    And give me a quote when I claimed sex drive is abnormal. Go ahead. If you've done that IRL I would sue you for defamation.