Can we make it so, nationwide, kids (and addicts) can't access porn so easily?

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Just a guy too, Nov 24, 2017.

  1. Just a guy too

    Just a guy too Fapstronaut

    In reading this, bear in mind that I don’t care if other adults look at porn. I just know that I can’t, you can't and children shouldn't:

    Everything. Everything around you started with a thought or an idea. Here is an idea that needs to be created and brought into reality.

    Why isn’t pornography regulated like alcohol, cigarettes, guns, etc.? Porn could be regulated so use would be limited to adults. If an adult wanted to look at porn they would register so as to prove they are an adult. I guess it is because of how the internet works it seems difficult to regulate. We could control porn within our borders, but porn from outside the United States will come in anyway. There has to be a solution to this. It starts with a thought.

    It’s shame that kids (future adults) have such easy access to this. This is similar to giving kids as many guns as the want (for free) then finishing it up by loading them up with liquor bottles, cigarettes and letting them gamble as much as they want. Where would that lead? Oh my God!

    In regards to porn addiction, when I quit smoking pot 30 years ago (another of my addictions), I stopped going to my dealer’s home. That made it possible to stop. How would things have turned out if everywhere I went there were burning joints laying around, mine for the taking? Hello.

    You can think about this like an alcoholic working the 12 steps in AA, but there are open liquor bottles sitting around for the taking, everywhere he or she goes, including the AA meetings.

    In my opinion there has to be a way to regulate porn use. I’m not an IT person so I don’t know what it would take, but imagine if easy access to porn stopped right now, today. How many men would quit porn and go back to being the men they were supposed to be? Imagine how that would change, for the better, a lot of relationships harmed by porn use. There are so many women suffering because of this easy access. Could turn theirs and our pain, and the suffering to productive use?

    Many of the guys in the not using porn forums struggle to make it 30 days without porn. The only way they can stop the addiction is through sheer will power and/or threats from their partners. There has to be a better way.

    I couldn’t do it myself, but a group numbering in the 100s of thousands could. Throw in religious backing and I’m sure we could change the way things are. I'm not talking about bitching and moaning in a forum. I am talking about what we need to do, real world, to fix this. We can find away to regulate who looks at and has access to porn. I know that the porn industry with all the cash they have would fight back tooth and nail, but there are more of us and we vote.

    I would be willing to fight for porn regulation as best as I could. I'm not sure how to get started but I bet we could figure it out.

    A thought, if you're an addict, take the energy that you were using on porn and help (me) fix this. Your SO will thank you and so will I.

    It starts with a thought and an idea.

    I would love to get feedback, good and bad on this. If you have an idea of how to get the process started I'm all ears.

    Don G.
    Last edited: Nov 24, 2017
  2. Davidphd1866

    Davidphd1866 Fapstronaut


    I agree that porn in the hands of children is horrible. And as a society we should seek to prevent such a thing.

    However, I'm against more regulation in government intrusion.

    Instead, I suggest that knowledge is power. Educate parents. Educate the kids. Teach them that there IS such a thing as right and wrong.

    Cigarettes are super easy for me to obtain. Yet I don't smoke. Why? It's not regulation, it's knowledge about what they can do to me.

    Had I known the first time I looked at porn it could lead to my ruin, I'd have never touched it.
  3. Agreed with david, prohibition just creates a black market. Also, every next restriction forced upon us just further strenghtens the totalitarian state and control over people - we need the opposite. We need freedom! Is much as I can understand where the OP is comming from, I cant support it, as it is proven rhis path - eventho it sounds good - leads nowhere.

    We absolutely must do this from the education point.

    And yes, I was able to stop smoking cigarettes after 2 decades eventho the dealer in on every corner.

    I also smoked weed for the same time. Cugarettes are legal, weed is not. The only difference for me was, that to obtain weed, I met underground illegal communities who sold much worse substances and this endangered me even more! The prohibition forced me to black market, dangerous place. It has not served its purpose at all, it just made things worse for me. If weed was legal, I would have not met those dangerous ppl at a black market.


    If I was EDUCATED about this, I would have not even started! Thats the key. There was no education, all i saw was my parrents smoking! Because at that time, even they were not educated of the dangers! And Philip Morris was happy... sick bastard.

    Edit: and now Im clean from everything!!!
    Ps: i write from phone, pardon the mistakes in spelling
  4. Cigarettes have health warnings on the packaging (at least where I'm from). I think porn should have highly visible health warnings on it, that can't be removed. So videos would have banners saying things like "Porn can cause erectile dysfunction".

    Also, search engine companies like Google should be forced to remove porn from their search results. Screw 'em, they have enough money.
  5. Agree about the stickers as that is a part of education. Ppl need to be educated on the fact the porn induced erectile disfunction exist... that would be a big legal war to proove this, but everything is possible
  6. Davidphd1866

    Davidphd1866 Fapstronaut


    Your opinion is........epic! I think you are right on and you are basing it on your personal experience.

    People must make good choices. NOT get told what to do.

    I still support the goal of the OP. Just not his means.
  7. As a teen myself I completely agree. This should be a thing. I first became addicted to porn when I was looking up a word for my science class, that was then I was 13... Now I'm 18 and since then I've never been the same. I really wish their was a way, But unless porn is blocked altogether there is really is no way to hide porn from kids eyes. I was just an innocent child that bumped into something I wasn't ready for. Porn nowadays is directly targeted at young people, They won't admit it but young people have the ability to watch more porn than adults thus making the industry more money. In conclusion I really wish there was a way to block porn from kids but unfortunately this won't be possible.
    I_can_and_I_will likes this.
  8. This should happen, but it won't, I'm afraid. Not anytime soon, at least. I blame many parts about my upbringing on porn and I am absolutely sure that if I wasn't PMOing to the stuff often, I'd be at least a little different. But I wasn't taught on its effects.

    I agree that this should be taught to children. But it won't be. Not for a long while.
  9. Just a guy too

    Just a guy too Fapstronaut

    I find it interesting that, as a society, we limit access to things that are potentially dangerous. This includes: guns, cigarettes, alcohol, gambling, pot - in states where it is legal. (I'm sure there are more I can't think of right now).

    I am suggesting that if society limits access (not eliminates access) to these items, then it would be helpful if the same standards applied to pornography. Ten years ago when I really started trying to get free of my porn addiction I used to tell my counselor that allowing children unlimited access to porn was going to cause huge problems. I believe that this is now manifesting.

    I can tell by the general consensus that limiting access to porn is a "no go". So...The problems caused by unlimited access to porn will only grow worse.

    I have to admit, the desire to control access is personal. Twice, porn destroyed the life I was living. I'm living the dream guys! The unlimited access porn dream. Step into my shoes for a while but get ready to experience unbelievable pain.
    Last edited: Nov 25, 2017
  10. Just a guy too

    Just a guy too Fapstronaut

    Here is another thought: If our society is limiting access to purchase printed porn like "Penthouse" (adults only) why are we not applying the same standards to digital porn?
  11. Davidphd1866

    Davidphd1866 Fapstronaut

    I still say education. Not limits. Only life teaches. Only wisdom heals.

    Homage to JLF.
  12. Kenzi

    Kenzi Fapstronaut

    So... How is this a thing about that you are thinking then?
    Take it off of online like China?
    Make everything in store only, what?
    MLMVSS likes this.
  13. Davidphd1866

    Davidphd1866 Fapstronaut

    Kenzi, are you asking me or the original poster?
  14. Kenzi

    Kenzi Fapstronaut

    Any, either... Whoever has a good idea
  15. Exactly. We don't need anymore government regulation. They regulate enough, and it doesn't do a goddamn thing anyway. As far as telling kids about the evils of porn? That's not a subject any parent wants to have, hahaha. Besides, I think we're all kinda taught that we shouldn't watch porn. What kid doesn't watch it in secret? Most kids know they'll probably get in trouble for watching it, yet they still watch it. I'm still not convinced it's wrong to watch porn. I mean, should you watch porn? No, but it's not morally wrong. Depends on your beliefs. It's not good to watch porn, because it's not reality, period. It can create all sorts of problems, but it doesn't always. I mean, most kids know the dangers of drugs and cigarettes and alcohol, yet they still use 'em. Maybe it's because they were told not to use them. Makes them feel rebellious. Most kids aren't watching porn because it's rebellious though, it's because they're fucking horny and it's so easy to access. So, I have no idea how anyone would approach this subject. The way I see it, there is NO way to prevent kids from watching porn. It's gonna happen. Best thing to do is probably just tell them that it's normal, but don't let it ruin your life. What the fuck do I know? hahaha. I'm rambling.
    Davidphd1866 likes this.
  16. Buzz Lightyear

    Buzz Lightyear Fapstronaut

    Ok, here's my prediction.

    Say the government doesn't get its act together and regulate pornography in some way [that it might not corrupt minors], a massive reaction at some point will kick in and you will see something like a Taliban-like revolution in a generation's time.
  17. Buzz Lightyear

    Buzz Lightyear Fapstronaut

    There are laws in place to stop minors from buying cigarettes. The fact that this does not stop all minors from managing to find a cigarette is irrelevant. The regulative law is there to stem the tide.

    Liberal logic itself recognizes that minors are unequipped to make fully rational/ moral decisions... hence the need for guardians, regulation... and juvenile court.
    Last edited: Nov 27, 2017
  18. Buzz Lightyear

    Buzz Lightyear Fapstronaut

    To paraphrase Yeats:

    The best lack all conviction public involvement, whilst the worse are full of passionate intensity ideology.

    this is the crying shame of modern politics. People are all so very moral in their private parts[or not], but when it comes to the public good they don't want to know about it. The brainwashing of a nation. People will just sit back, and spout their doctrines, while watching Rome burn.
  19. Buzz Lightyear

    Buzz Lightyear Fapstronaut

    Where there is a [political] will there is a way. This kind of fatalism will be the doom of us.

    It is only because 'the people' are so ideologically minded/ blinded that they can not see the common-sense solution of regulation/ censorship.
  20. Buzz Lightyear

    Buzz Lightyear Fapstronaut

    Yes, and there can be no 'technological' excuses about this or that. It is a question of political will to get it done. In cultural terms it should be seen as a fight for your life. The people that are so indoctrinated to be moaning about rights and freedoms, and 'God, gold and guns', have their heads in the sand.

    get mad as hell.