New Coping Mechanisms

Discussion in 'Loneliness' started by Bullarrd, Nov 27, 2017.

  1. Bullarrd

    Bullarrd Fapstronaut

    Hey friends...I guess I shouldn't throw that word around so the sensitive eye it reveals how lonely I've become. As many before me have done, and many after me will do, when feeling rejected at a young age I coped by closing myself off from everyone I meet to avoid the hurt.

    I've been changing my views over the past couple years, but in the past I've followed basic male stereotypes fed through media that being emotionally distant and not confiding in those closest to you was natural behavior for men. I see the error in this behavior and I am breaking my shell steadily to undo what I have done.

    Luckily it seems fellowship is innately human, so I've been seeing pretty quick results, however i am barely near where I'd like to be. I have faith ill make it there though. If you're struggling with the same, or a variation of this loneliness, realize not being in healthy fellowship with another actual person is inhumane. Sort of like loneliness has taken you away from yourself; your true self.

    That fact is enough to fire me up and push me to get my body back. I've looked for a way to obtain my body and I have found that way. There is a way, so if things seem bleak to you join me! Because if I, a simple human, can get my body back then so can you and I'll be there for you and hope you'll do the same in return.

    Good luck to anyone who reads this, didn't know if start venting...but i guess that's what friends do....
  2. Nuka-Canada

    Nuka-Canada New Fapstronaut

    "No (Wo)Man Is An Island"

    As you've stated, humans are inherently social creatures; even hardcore introverts need some social interaction.

    I've struggled, and still do, with the same issues as you: masculinity, social phobia, isolation. As social creatures, a substantial portion of our learning, well-being and beliefs comes from socializing. This includes stuff like social media. And it's hard to not to let any of this influence us due to the fact our brains are hardwired for such a thing.

    It's good that you realise just how harmful this stuff is; self-awareness can be quite the boon.

    Anyways, no damn clue why I said any of that. I guess I'm trying to say that not only do I agree with you, I can also resonate with your issues.

    Good luck!
    vibemaker, Deleted Account and vxlccm like this.
  3. Bullarrd

    Bullarrd Fapstronaut

    Well, you did state "self-awareness can be quite the boon." Your post aided me, but maybe it was also to aid yourself..

    Also if you haven't figured out much about how to look after oneself in dealing with the issues you've said, issues we are all secretly victim to, then could I give you a piece of advice. You're sure to find it helpful once you figure out what it means; the loftier the building, the deeper the foundation must be laid.

    Good luck to you also and Godspeed with your recovery!
    Last edited: Nov 29, 2017
  4. Mankrik

    Mankrik Fapstronaut

    You have put into words sensations that seem very familiar to me. We're all just people after all. Everyone has their own story and everybody has something in common. One thing people seem to have in common is that they are blind to the commonalities amongst themselves. However as soon as interaction begins, negative preconceived notions tend to fade.

    I feel like I'm right where I want to be in my life and have become the person I wanted to be in recent time. The only remaining monolith that looms over me is my lack of friends and a girlfriend. I'm not even socially inept and have good interactions, it's just that more intimate, personally involved relationships tend to elude me. Not giving up though, it's only a matter of time.
    Deleted Account, Bullarrd and vxlccm like this.
  5. vxlccm

    vxlccm Fapstronaut

    My Journal
    A friend in need is --- Well, we are friends, indeed.. we are many friends :)

    I saw your post when it first hit, @Bullarrd, and hit Like. But, didn't know the best response. But, @Mankrik pretty much hit it. Why do we /feel/ to lack friends? We "can" make friends, do things with people, and then still feel alone.. how nonsensical is that? Why do some of we all lack connections to others? I don't know, but there is NOTHING wrong with realizing what we're missing and sharing in all our friends here with NoFap. An understanding soul that knows pain and numbness and loss and an empty past. We are here to rebuild together. To heal.

    Friends, indeed. One and all.
  6. Buzz Lightyear

    Buzz Lightyear Fapstronaut

    I think many can think back to the time when they first turned away from the world, and all the effort it took to engage in building relationships, and imploded inwards into the dismal habit.

    Recovery could quite simply be the reversal of that process, where you once again project yourself outward and socially... even if it requires vulnerability and fear on your part. As they say, practice makes perfect.
    Bullarrd and Mankrik like this.
  7. Bullarrd

    Bullarrd Fapstronaut

    I find myself intrigued by how much knowledge one can attain yet when coming to an action as elementary true love it becomes a complex issue to the average adult...and as you all know I'm referring to true love as in unadulterated love that kids and even animals so fondly share between each other. Yet when I'm at work you'd be lucky to see a genuine smile from the majority of my co-workers.

    Everyone nowadays are selfish with not only their possessions, but with themselves as well. It seems to me that people get so caught up in thhemselves acquiring fortune, fame or something of the like and in turn they become sepf-centered. In past millennia, the well-being of a person, or a town, depended on the townsmen looking out for one another. That's how societies thrived..

    If what @Buzz Lightyear said about recovery being the reversal of our current dilemma, and I see no reason to say he is wrong, then it seems out whole species needs to go through a healthy recovery...some dreams a man may never reach, however it would be marvelous to witness this in my lifetime:rolleyes:
  8. Bullarrd

    Bullarrd Fapstronaut

    Friends indeed sir:)
    vxlccm likes this.
  9. Very well put. It is not healthy to live in isolation.
  10. This is an important conversation to have. I believe many addictions including PMO are born out of frustration. I ask myself... frustration at what? and the answer is ... lack of relationship. The false intimacy of PMO is no substitute for true intimacy with others (and not in a sexual way) but the type of deep and abiding relationship that comes from the depths of the soul. I know what Bullard meant in relation to coworkers or many such daily interactions. I also agree that we all need to wake up to the harm this behaviour does... I am now doubling my efforts to have interactions not solely motivated by self-interest... to look people in the eye when I talk to them... to mean the things I say and say the things I mean and not play the hypocrite... to listen and not just hear... to wait to hear people out rather than cutting them off mid-converstion to add "my important experience or story" (Oh LORD don't I do that a lot and yet I hate it being done to me). This is my confession on my journey. God bless you all.
    Bullarrd and vxlccm like this.
  11. Buzz Lightyear

    Buzz Lightyear Fapstronaut

    Yes, man in the mass finds himself in an almost unnatural situation today. Where previously our social instincts flowed freely like water on rocks, now, with our gregarious feelings locked up inside, we are taught to have an initial distrust of our fellow man. I guess this is necessary in order to make a modern competitive economy work, all of which is based on the economy of an all too rational and defensive ego. But so much for economy I say.:rolleyes:
    Bullarrd likes this.
  12. Bullarrd

    Bullarrd Fapstronaut

    It seems humanity has been afraid of robots trying to conquer the earth, or aliens invading (as portrayed in movies), yet when speculated it seems from alienation of our fellow man, we've taken on robotic hearts and minds and these choices of abandonment wind down a very desolate path.
    Buzz Lightyear likes this.