I gave up video games, anyone else?

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by Deleted Account, Nov 30, 2017.

  1. alexgrin

    alexgrin Fapstronaut

    I gave up video games a month ago (don't have time for it because of my work) and don't have any regrets. I have more time to spend with my friends and family
  2. Poseidon

    Poseidon Fapstronaut

    I don’t play video games for hours on end, only when I’m bored (usually on the weekend), so why give them up? They’re not hindering my ability to do anything.
  3. I still playing games but today I didn't play
  4. I feel this way too , I heard kids love playing games to escape things they hate like school work after spending so much time in school learning shit that they don't care about they want to come home and play games to have a fun escape
  5. Giving them up is a personal choice similar to the way some also choose to give up MO for life while others do not. For someone like me, I can't just play for 1 hour or so. When I did play, it was usually an all nighter and I went without sleep most of the time. It's really an obsession, so it is better for me to quit. I've put in so many hours of my life on the computer it's about time for me to go back and live in the real world.

    LEPAGE Fapstronaut

    I gave up games a few years ago. Way easier to quit than PMO. Way easier. I've gone back for a look a couple of times now, but I can never do more than an hour. I just can't justify spending any more time sitting there playing them. Something in my brain has changed.
    Deleted Account and vibemaker like this.
  7. For me it's a good distraction or escape as people call it, but I also just have a lot of fun playing solo or with my bf. Sure I always spend too long gaming while I should be doing something, but that's where I'm trying to cut back a bit and so it's not all day.

    For some people that's not possible though, and they have to give it up because it's become too much of a ritual/addiction. Regardless of who plays or quits doesn't matter though, as long as that person is truly happen with that decision that's what counts. If it's disrupting school, work, or anything that you need or want to do, then I say it's a problem and should be dealt with by either quitting or moderation.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  8. MJ Warrior 93

    MJ Warrior 93 Fapstronaut

    No. Never gave em up, and I never will. What can I do is limit the time on playing games. Sure, there are others things that I love doing out in the real world, like walking, cycling, training, going out to some neat places, reading comic books, working, even spending some times with my family. But gaming is part of my life.
    Menta_Na and Deleted Account like this.
  9. vibemaker

    vibemaker Fapstronaut

    Yes I gave them up about a year ago. I don't really miss it. I miss playing World of Warcraft sometimes. This game had a huge impact on me. Sometimes I think about giving it a try, but the thing is this game is somehow made for binge gaming. It's not really one of those 1 hour a day games. I was really hyped about seeing they were bringing back classic. Man, that times... Memories. But I think I have to say no and let memories be memories.

    I think playing for 2-3 hours a week can actually be good to connect with your inner child, but I think gaming a few hours a day isn't healthy just as watching TV for hours. But I'm still struggling with this by myself.
  10. My dad has a love for games even back when Atari and such came out, and growing up he shared that passion onto me. I've always loved them and continue to do so and to me they're no different a hobby to me than anything else. I remember the days of 3D0 and the N64. :D

    Heck, I could say instead of a hobby it's more an integral part of my life and self.
    Menta_Na and Deleted Account like this.
  11. UruR

    UruR Guest

    Hi, I gave up video games too, because of school. I rather study after school than hunting achievements in WoW (yes, I've played that too and due to the upcoming expansion next year I'm somehow very excited for WoW again, so I can relate to that). Actually, playing WoW will get you nowhere, if you've played that game excessively you'll know what I mean. It's always kinda the same Plot, fighting the new (old) enemy, over and over again. Progress-raiding up to mythic Content. It's just a waste of time - they'll bring another expansion out, your past achievements that once were high-end, are now somehow meaningless, in comparison to the new achievements. The only really "new" thing is new, pretty textures. It's kinda fun, but don't loose your focus on things that really matter. For me it's being educated and being healthy in every way. Sustainable achievements. These sustainable achievements are way more valuable to life than to have those high-end-ingame-av's.
  12. Wolkmann

    Wolkmann Fapstronaut

    When I was a teen, I was pretty addicted to video gaming. It changed 3 years ago, and since then it hasn't been a big deal for me. Many of the games I loved are pretty boring to me now, and the upcoming ones don't give me that much interest as well.
  13. Hugh G. Rection

    Hugh G. Rection Fapstronaut

    A link between video games and porn addiction has been proposed, though probably went unnoticed. I believe the report was called " the fall of masculinity" of "the demise of guys" or something. It has to do with programming your mind to find fun and excitement sitting in a dark room by yourself staring at a screen, especially in preteen years. Then the vicious cycle starts of consuming porn because he don't get girls, then not getting girls because he consumes porn. Eventually there's no trace of masculinity to be found.
    Truly a sad, pathetic, and scary state we're in
  14. Sprouts

    Sprouts New Fapstronaut

    I've seriously thought about giving up video games, but I think I need to do more thinking before I commit to anything. So here's the thing, I like playing video games. It's a fun, cheap way to escape reality and blow off steam. It's also a great way to fight boredom - though if I'm being honest with myself, I often end up playing video games because I *am* bored and have nothing else to do. Anybody else feel that way?

    The problem for me is that it is hard to stop. Not like 5AM hard to stop, but I definitely binge play video games for much longer than I consider healthy. And, look, you know what else is a "fun", "cheap", way to entertain yourself? Yeah, it's also why I joined this forum. Well for me, I think I feed off of the instant gratification that games provide (my brain essentially turns consume mode on) and it can be all too easy to switch between games and fapping when you've got literally nothing else to do with your time.

    Steam is great at letting you know how much time you've spent in a game. Thanks, Steam, I really needed to know that. </sarcasm>

    Runescape was a big part of my life growing up. I played it from elementary school up through mid-college. The first few years were insanely fun - I had friends that played and I got my social interaction through that - but mid-high school up until mid-college was much less fun because my friends gradually stopped playing one by one until I was left doing repetitive grinding actions all by myself. The sunk cost fallacy is real, especially with MMORPGs.
    The catalyst for me was getting my account hacked - I remember I was in my dorm room when it happened watching the entirety of my in-game wealth disappear in front of my eyes through a trade screen. I just sort of sat there, not knowing what to do, talking with the hacker for like half an hour. Not begging for my money back, not deriding him, no. I sat there and I talked with him. And how old he was. And what sort of sports he did in high school. And about where he was going to college and what he was majoring in. About life. Then I randomized my passwords, shut off my computer and went for a run.
    I'm thankful that he hacked me because it lifted the fog and excuses that my brain was using to keep me playing, but I wouldn't thank him. Hacking someone is a pretty shitty thing to do.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  15. That's a load of bollocks, games are a form of entertainment or hobby. It's the abuse, lack of control and moderation that turn it into an addiction, not the stereotypical "sitting in a dark room" bs.
    Menta_Na likes this.
  16. for the most part i gave up games, i am playing 15 year old rpg that was on the original xbox and ported to android, Star Wars Knights The Old Republic. I have sold my gaming PC and consoles.
  17. Hugh G. Rection

    Hugh G. Rection Fapstronaut

    Suit yourself. Most porn users would say the same about porn
  18. Yeah and of course you have that little quip, then I guess everyone who goes golfing or any of those other things like the gym are the same.

    Everything and anything can be turned into an addiction easily, it never starts out as one though.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 6, 2017
    Menta_Na likes this.
  19. @Hugh G. Rection I have been gaming since the Sega genesis was still in stores. i have found it many friends that became addicted to it playing 4+ hours a day i could never do that i played maybe 5 hours for the entire week. I think the Television is worse in many regards especially the news channels and reality tv
  20. TheLoneDanger

    TheLoneDanger Fapstronaut

    Like most things that get brought up in these forums, gaming is no different in that anything in excess is not good for you. You’ll find just as many cognitive benefits of gaming as you’ll find dangers in it. It’s good for some people to give up on them altogether if it’s causing problems in their lives. But I won’t buy into the “you’re just sitting there” argument. People have been reading for millennia and they’re just sitting there too. Is every sort of entertainment that requires you to sit and focus harmful to you for the simple fact that your body isn’t moving? No, it’s how you handle hobbies like these that determines how healthy/unhealthy it is for you.

    As for myself, I grew up on video games. The first system I had was the Atari 2600. Being a natural introvert, I think I was drawn into gaming a little more than my friends. And to this day, I will play a sports game here and there. Even at my age.

    That being said, I’ve seen the dangers of gaming firsthand and fell down the rabbit hole, if you will. Out of boredom, I started playing an MMO game and got hooked into it a little too much, as in I started taking it too seriously. I even quit porn for like 6 months. Not deliberately, I just didn’t have time for it. This game was affecting my life more than porn ever had. It actually took a lot of effort to escape that shit. I’ll never play an online game so interactive with a community again.

    So I’ve seen both sides of gaming - the fun, extracurricular side that challenges your brain without letting it take over your life, and the super dangerous side. Which brings me back to my original statement. As with everything, moderation is the key.
    Last edited: Dec 6, 2017