Are psycologists really able to help people with depression?

Discussion in 'Loneliness' started by zxcv, Nov 8, 2017.

  1. zxcv

    zxcv Fapstronaut

    I've been depressed for long time, and right now it seems to be getting to worse. I mean, I finished college a few months ago and now I'm having problems finding a programming job. I'm not even getting any calls for a interviews. So right now I only have part time job that I hate pushing carts for only 2-3 days a weeks. I really don't even have any motivation right now to look for a job or work on a new skill lately.

    I really don't have any real life friends that I can really talk to about anything. I rarely get touch like hugs or holding hands or any of the small contact that people really need. Which especially a problem since touch is my strongest love language. Really the last time I got a hug from non family was 7 months. I've never had a girlfriend.

    I'm on meds for the depression, but they don't seem to be helping me.

    I don't know, things really don't seem to be improving lately. I've been going to psychologists for years and it really hasn't seemed to be too helpful for me. Really it's mostly been CBT, but I thinking of something more like what's caused pain and rejection in the past and see if I could get healing that way. Though really I won't be able to see a psychologist till next year since I've already used all my visits for this year...
    Deleted Account, STAR DUST and letter like this.
  2. letter

    letter Distinguished Fapstronaut

    My Journal
    Sorry to hear what you’re facing now, I know how tough it can be.

    I’ll try to answer your question as best I’s a tough one to really answer. The profession as a whole is a bit of a mixed bag at times, but it’s none-the-less true that the role of psychologist will attract the type of person who will have an honest desire to help people. It’s not foolproof, some people will take on the career for less than noble means.

    Thus, I believe it can be a good tool to have in one’s belt...provided that they are connected to the right psychologist. A well trained and empathetic psychologist can do a lot of real good, with their insight into the mind and into the person, they can really help someone find the tools they need to deal with depression.

    I know of some psychologists / psychiatrists who are even now embracing some sacred rights from Native Canadian culture, I mean... I’d love to go talk to a pro who’d possibly recommend that I go take a session in their smoke hut lol.

    All the best to ya
  3. Theguywiththething

    Theguywiththething Fapstronaut

    Yes. In general, how each treatment will affect each individual differently, but psychologist can absolutely help you with depression. Depending on your area, psychological services might be offered to uninsured or low income patients through a variety of means like a charity or assistance programs, so really, look into it. Also, exercise really helps. Go running for a half hour a day. Do both.

    I hope you feel better. You will get past this.
  4. Marcothebest_1995

    Marcothebest_1995 Fapstronaut

    Yes and no.

    Yes, because they know what happens in your head and the processes of your brain, those processes you can be trapped in. So, they can give you actual advices/orders that you can follow in your life to improve it.
    No, because they can only give orders/advices, but you are the one who has to follow them. If you don't stick to their orders, you are just going to waste your money, they can't solve your life for you, you have to get dirt over your hands
    avatarivn likes this.
  5. Physicist

    Physicist Fapstronaut

    No, the simple answer is no. they can be helpful, or at least sometimes but they dont even know whats going on.

    Psychiatry is one of the slowest and least evolved sciences. I don't trust it.

    To OP: I felt the same way as you and I "fixed" myself. Ask me how and I'll tell you.

    For a start, feeling depressed is normal.
    HereAndThere likes this.
  6. You might find Bruce E. Levine interesting. He's a psychologist but he's critical of many aspects of the mental health profession. He's interested in the causes of (and solutions to) mental health problems that aren't generally taken into consideration by psychologists.
    Menta_Na likes this.
  7. Plutonium

    Plutonium Fapstronaut

    Sorry to read about all your troubles. But don't worry - you can (and will!) be fine.

    First, to answer the question of the thread - safe to say psychologists probably can't help you. They have simply no way to match a medication with your symptoms as they have little understanding of the human brain and no scientific tests to perform. They simply conduct real life experimentation on your brain - trial & error style - with error the operative word.

    Second, you need to get off the meds as soon as possible. Psychotropic drugs are little more than witchcraft. They may even be the cause of your present difficulties. But getting off them can be difficult - they can be as addictive as some hard drugs.

    Third, you can beat this thing by yourself. You don't need others to help you. The lack of others to help you can become an artificial crutch to put your blame on. There are countless self-help books out there, but I'd recommend Mike Cernovich's "The Gorilla Mindset" - read it, and try following its recommendations for a few months. Whatever happens I can almost guarantee it will be better than wasting more time with psychologists and their dodgy potions.

    Good luck. Have faith and trust in yourself to get yourself through this. You can do it!
    zxcv and Yanis like this.
  8. Yanis

    Yanis Fapstronaut

    This is a sad story. Nevertheless - I have the strong feeling everything will turn alright.

    Are psychologists able to help? No, only the good ones. And it’s not easy to find them, but there are good ones. As mentioned in some other comments you can do a lot by yourself. Maybe you have strength enough for exercises like running, swimming, cycling. It helped me a lot to stabilize. And it helped me to get new contacts with kind people.

    The most important is self-acceptance. You are a wonderful person and you have to realize it. Don’t listen to your mind, listen to your heart. And feel the thirst for true love. You can have the thirst for water only because there is water, in fact your body mainly consists of water. You can feel the thirst for true love only because there us true love - not outside, but inside.
    SQTO81 likes this.
  9. I think you have 2 issues that you need to address. First, if you feel that your current psychologist is not helping you, then it may be time to find another who can. Second, if your meds are not working, then you need to visit with your psychiatrist to adjust up or to another medication. The medicine should help with the symptoms of your depression and anxiety and allow you the space to allow cbt to work.

    I agree that it can seem hopeless at times and I currently find myself in a similar spot. I personally get tired of talking about the issues of my past and trying to undo coping mechanism from childhood. However, I’ve only recently gotten my medicine in a place where my mind was right to address these things. So, I’m going to give it another try to see if the results are better.

    I also share your pain on the friend front. I have a lot of aquantences, but few to none true friends. It’s a feeling of isolation that I struggle with daily. It’s very hard to find one or two people who will look beyond the superficial to make a connection. I’m sure some of it is trust issues that I have that don’t allow me to present my authentic self to the people around me, but that’s a story for another day.

    I’m happy to chat further if you need to.
    SQTO81, Menta_Na and Yanis like this.
  10. zxcv

    zxcv Fapstronaut

    I know, I want to be able to get off them.
  11. IwillRestore

    IwillRestore Fapstronaut

    Yes, Psychologists are able to help, but they only work when you are seeing them. It's is always important to make sure that the psychologist is well trained, but I've read that even new therapists can be good. The main thing to look out for when selecting a psychologist is the type of therapy. Moreover, try and change the way you eat. Foods that aren't organic-with pesticides- can also make you feel unhappy. If you are willing to change your diet, I recommend an elimination diet, eliminating a lot of common allergens, to see if you feel better. There are a lot of reasons you could be feeling bad, besides food, so please make sure you are thorough.

    As an example, look to allergies, your food, amount of exercise, other addictions (such as video games), and beliefs about your self first. I find that if I eat organic for just one day my mood is boosted. Hope this helps, and stay strong!
  12. lamstronger

    lamstronger Fapstronaut

    In my opinion, you need a psychiatrist or a psychotherapist, someone on a higher level. But the consultations do cost money. So yeah...
    Menta_Na likes this.
  13. calmthestorm

    calmthestorm Fapstronaut

    From my experience, therapy didnt do much for me. Dbt therapy was more effective for my situation. You might want to try looking for a Dbt group. You can call your local mental health center. I find 12 step groups, such as alanon to be helpful also.
    Menta_Na likes this.
  14. Supermarron

    Supermarron Fapstronaut

    Switch doctor or go stay in hospital till they find the right med. mostly in my opinion u need to try to make more friends proactively. Then your depression will ease away. I tend to think more about what other people think or over analyze when I’m physically too tired so I try to get as much rest as possible during that time.
  15. avatarivn

    avatarivn Fapstronaut

    To OP:

    I have gone to psychologists before but none of them had helped me long-term. I now realize none of them helped me because I spend my days watching porn without telling them about it nor trying to kick porn out of my life.

    My point is that psychologists can only do a bit for you: perhaps lending you a sympathetic ear and listen to your struggles. Maybe some good ones might even give you sound advice to follow through. But at the end of the day, they can't help if you don't change whatever bad habits and/or addictions you are trying to quit and don't make the self-development we all have to do to move forward in life.
    SolitaryScribe and Menta_Na like this.
  16. zxcv

    zxcv Fapstronaut

    Hmm, I've gotten day 150 of NoFap and I really didn't notice any real changes.

    STAR DUST Fapstronaut

    SolitaryScribe and Menta_Na like this.
  18. From my understanding of depression there is no all size fits all. A psychologist might help or might not. Medication might help or might not. I know some people find having pets help them with depression and some find regular exercise is of help. I read a really good book on depression called How Hard It Really Is by J.S. Park. It's a well researched book written by someone who battles depression. He tries to give hope and offers suggestions in how to deal with depression, but is also brutally honest about what depression has done to him and other people. It might be of some help to you. You can find more about the book here.
  19. HornyChang

    HornyChang Fapstronaut

    I feel like there is no need for medication for depression. Its all in your mind and you control your mind. I highly recommend meditation. Also being grateful for what you have. Pm me if you want me to go in detail about my process. It helped with my depression a lot.
  20. Menta_Na

    Menta_Na Fapstronaut

    i have seen psychologists for my entire adult life and am no better than i ever was. the thing is, not every psychologist is equipped with the tools needed to help everyone. if you want to find a good one you're going to have to do some research and probably shell out some big bucks. DBT is another option i prefer over CBT.

    as for SSRI's and SSNRI's, you usually have to try quite a few before you find one that is really helpful.

    For me it all comes down to the porn though, commit to nofap, pornography and masturbation cause serious neurological effects over an extended period of time, and i am certain that this is why i haven't been able to make any success in my journey with psychology.

    you finished college which shows you obviously are motivated to do something with you're life, you're going to have to educate yourself some more about how to get that job though. otherwise i really think you should just hang in there, you seem to be made of the right stuff, just give it some time. continue seeing a psychologist if can, and just for the love god don't PMO!!