Total abstinance

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by auros, Dec 5, 2017.

  1. auros

    auros Fapstronaut

    Hello friends!
    Recently, I decided to dedicate all my life to the pursuit and accumulation of knowledge, so in consequence I had to eliminate all sources of pleasure from my life, including sex, porn and masturbation.
    It all worked well for a time, but for some reason I convinced myself that I can watch porn without any kind of pleasure, which unsurprisingly wasn't the case.
    I don't think that sensual pleasure is inherently wrong in any way, but I want to eliminate it from my life.
    In your opinion, should I avoid any kind of vaguely sexual material for a period of time, should I come in contact with it so often that I develop an immunity for it or there is another solution?
    Thank you for your time! :)
  2. Davidphd1866

    Davidphd1866 Fapstronaut

    Interesting approach Auros. I'd say ELIMINATE.......Replace the word porn with booze. Would you drink booze to become "immune" from it? HARDLY.
    Former_CD and auros like this.
  3. defeatedcreek

    defeatedcreek Fapstronaut

    I think you'll be in a better position to study pornography objectively, if that's what you want to do, after a reboot.

    But for the sake of clarification - what other pleasures have you eliminated? I start Saturdays with steak and eggs and coffee before writing my thesis. Steak and eggs is my weekly reward and is pleasurable. Are you going full monk?
    auros likes this.
  4. I wouldnt identify porn, masturbation and sex with each other. There are really big quality differences between those things. Not to talk about the inner-differences (sex isnt allways in the same way fullfilling or disapointing) or or how they are connected (like the topic of this forum: masturbation and porn. masturbation without porn is from where i sit allready a different story). However, good luck with your journey. I personally would dismiss porn if i would be you: totally. At least for a while maybe as well masturbation. Sex? maybe for a while, but not in general. Sex - welldone - is awesome, the base of everything; where we come from... I eliminated within the years as well most "pleasures" but then again: some spice life up, thats who we are, and what its all about. A little coffe in the morning is just awesome (that was more some kind of metaphor ;-) )
    Davidphd1866 and auros like this.
  5. auros

    auros Fapstronaut

    Thank you for your advice! After a few years of total abstinence I plan to study human behavior to make sure that no pleasure seeking desire that isn't correlated with the obtainment of knowledge exists in my mind.
    It would be hard to compare myself with a monk, but I admit that there are some aspects that are pretty similar. My imperative is to dedicate fully to the cultivation and augmentation of my intellect, so much so that the mere observation that I advanced in my journey would provide me with satisfaction, it being the only way for me to feel any kind of pleasure, all else being inconsequential.
    In other words, I plan not to have any king of positive reaction or desire towards anything but knowledge, carnal pleasures being detrimental in this case.
    This applies to food as well. I already consulted with my nutritionist some time ago and came up with a strict food schedule that offers me all the nutrition I need and and no chance to obtain pleasure from it. For example, I can't consume sugar, coffee, tea, alcohol etc. under any circumstance.
    There are plenty more factors to describe, from social life to the way to maintain calmness in all circumstances, but I can write a few books about that and still not finish. It is an entire way of life.
    Davidphd1866 likes this.
  6. auros

    auros Fapstronaut

    Thank you for pointing that out for me! :)
    At some point I red a study showing that multiple and repeated exposure to pornography can lead to insensitivity towards sexual stimuli and anhedonia, which is my goal. I guess that study wasn't reliable.
    Davidphd1866 likes this.
  7. auros

    auros Fapstronaut

    Thank you for your advice! :)
  8. Newton and Tesla, two historical titans whose knowledge has cemented the foundation of this planet, were known virgins. If you want to follow this path, hell, go for it!

    To do so, you must conpletely accept that you will never experience sexual pleasure again. Once you do that, and really understand the magnitude of this, in my opinion you are ready, and can't turn back.

    Personally, I am dedicating myself to ejaculating as little as possible, but I think the energy created during sex is extremely beneficial. My ultimate goal would be to be able to have sex with a girl without holding back (no pansy missionary only action), and not even ejaculate, normal or retrograde.

    I don't know if this is even possible (Chia might know), but its gonna be a damn fun ride.
  9. defeatedcreek

    defeatedcreek Fapstronaut

    Can you tell me more about the dietary changes? I wouldn't mind trying that.
  10. @auros ,

    I find your goal intriguing. I have to admit I want to have live "a life well lived". Meaning, a life that was lived with purpose, left the world better than I found it - or at least not worse off, had good relationships with family and friends and generally not causing other people grief if I don't need to. As well, to make amends and try to repair any past grief I might have caused.

    I agree that excessive hedonism is not a healthy life style. And consumption of porn and pmo is really a form of hedonism.

    Where I'm a bit baffled by is your desire to eliminate all pleasure. Even to the point of eating food designed to provide nutrition and enough calories to keep you alive but no pleasant flavors. As an aside, isn't the cessation of hunger a form of pleasure (or at least the intentional avoidance of a common human suffering)?

    My main sticking point is not understanding how avoiding pleasure of any kind will increase your ability to acquire knowledge. As an example, visiting a good art museum is a pleasurable day for me and yet I learn and experience a great deal of knowledge. Going to a bookstore (there are a few left) to hear an author I like read from their new book is both intellectually stimulating and pleasurable. I like classical music, I enjoy listening to live performances to compare the way different orchestras and opera companies perform the work. At these performances I learn different methods and enjoy the performances.

    So, for me, it would be difficult to learn anything without enjoying it. Even reading a good classic non-fiction book is - in and of itself - pleasurable.

    If NoFap is helping you make your goals, then I'm happy. But, was curious about why you feel the mixing of pleasure and learning should be separated.

  11. auros

    auros Fapstronaut

    Thank you for your support!
    Everyone should be able to chose what goal to pursue and how to live their life.
    Good luck in making your goal a reality! :)
    Deleted Account likes this.
  12. auros

    auros Fapstronaut

    To me, it was not much different from a math problem. Firstly, you must go to a qualified nutritionist to find out the necessary quantity of nutriments that you need per day, depending on your age, muscular mass, daily effort, etc. Next, you need to decide a maximum daily budged for food. Generally, you will want 3 types of food: ones that gives you vitamins, ones that gives you minerals and the ones you fats and carbs.
    Using the nutritional value of every produce you can make a list of the foods that satisfy your needs, the restrictions being your maximum daily budged and your stomach maximum capacity.
    This is the method that I found the most effective and intuitive and of course, you don't need to cut on sugar or coffee like me if you don't want to. I hope this was helpful to you! :)
    Davidphd1866 likes this.
  13. auros

    auros Fapstronaut

    I will respond to your question in order.
    First regarding hunger, I found out by experimenting on myself(without any harm of course) that if you don't eat for a period of time and then keep a very strict schedule on what and when you eat, the sensation of hunger disappears completely.
    Second,please correct me if I am wrong, but I think that we might refer to different things when we use the word "knowledge". From what I can tell, you use the word to designate processed sensory information in the form of memories from which you can make associations, conjectures, comparisons, etc. I use the term to designate conclusions obtained from an axiomatic system of thought after at least one internal logical law was successfully applied, which is on an entirely different plane from emotions.
    Basically, it is the difference between the perception of the physical world and the perception of the conceptual world, between what exists empirically and what exists noetically.
    Please tell me if my explanation wasn't clear.
    I hope you will achieve your goal! :)
  14. Davidphd1866

    Davidphd1866 Fapstronaut


    Did you know there is a word for what you wish to accomplish? I didn't see it mentioned, so thought I'd give the official name for your desire: ascetic. (NOT aesthetic, which is almost the opposite) An ascetic is defined as "a person who practices severe self-discipline and abstention" "characterized by or suggesting the practice of severe self-discipline and abstention from all forms of indulgence, typically for religious reasons"

    I believe your quest is a good one. Do well!

  15. auros

    auros Fapstronaut

    Thank you for your support and information!
    Every time I find out a new thing is a good day for me.
    I hope you also reach your goal and have a good time! :)
  16. Hey @auros ,

    Thank you for the explanation. I think we were speaking about the same thing. What I was wondering about was how taking pleasure out of learning would improve what a person learned. Further, how learning only those things that did not provide pleasure would improve the learning.

    Einstein, while standing on the shoulders of giants*, wrote his theory of Special Relativity. This scientific proof that atoms were made of energy was entirely conceptual. Yet, his love of a compass he'd been given as a boy, his appreciation of the beauty of light and an enjoyment of riding on trains all contributed to his famous "thought experiments" and then to his theory of General Relativity**

    I'm not criticizing your wish to gain conceptual knowledge. I was simply wondering why you felt it impossible to gain an equal amount of learning, knowledge, concepts while at the same time also enjoying some of the pleasures of life.

    I know there have been many great thinkers in history that have led lives devoid of pleasure or even as did Thomas Moore wore a hair shirt. There have also been many who actively seek pleasure as inspiration.

    Hoping your journey is filled with success,


    *Such as Newton, Galileo, Kepler, Huygens, Hypatia of Alexandria and Plato.
    ** Which could be argued was simply a correction of Special Relativity's failures.
    auros likes this.
  17. auros

    auros Fapstronaut

    I think I understand you questions and I will try to the best of my ability to answer them. If I don't succeed, please tell me.
    First, I need to specify that I don't consider pleasure to be something malignant and incompatible with learning. Like you described, pleasure can even be a catalyst and an augmenting force in acquiring knowledge. One of my reasons for wanting to distance myself from it is because its subjective nature. All people have different ways to obtain pleasure. Some are voluntarily acquired, some are indoctrinated into them from when they were young. As such, by its own nature, there is no such thing that is objectively pleasurable(and if there was I would probably undergone a lobotomy by now). Exploring the conceptual world requires extreme precision, a very clear mind and most necessarily, objectivity. By cultivating your affinity to the objective approach, you will gradually grow unaccustomed with subjective matters like pleasure due to brain plasticity and our limited "computational" ability, if you permit this terminology. So, I just decided to consciously speed up the process and actively sculpt my brain to the path that I have chosen.
    Also, as I mentioned before, my ultimate goal is not to avoid those things that provide me pleasure, but to become apathetic and anhedonic towards them, avoiding them being an intermediate step.
    There are also the reasons of fortifying my willpower, rebuilding my consciousness, obtaining information about my subconscious and some other reasons that will take a fortnight to explain.
    As an observation, I will like to remark, at least in my opinion, that while pleasures and other things can prove to be sources of inspiration and creativity to great thinkers, this is not due to some special properties of the specific objects, but only the great genius of the thinkers. There is an old persian proverb that says something like:"You can look at a leaf and discover all the secret of the world, but you can also read all the books in the library and not know from where the Sun rises."
    Thank you for your support and kind words!
    I hope you succeed in your path too! :)