Noticed that erections got stronger when P got more....

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Chrispaul, Dec 9, 2017.

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  1. Chrispaul

    Chrispaul Fapstronaut

    I am the guy that usually post here about how I have weak erections yet I don't believe in nofap causing severe ED(atleast not alone). I have basically been trying to fap twice a day to try to fix my issue if it is anxiety related since I have noticed I always lose my erection masturbating when I get the OCD thought that I am going to lose it. I also noticed I was losing focus on the pornography/it started to seem like a chore. I just couldnt focus and I have just been constantly worrying about my ED. Anyways,I was fapping with my 70% erection when I noticed something. While I was browsing a more "hardcore" video came up and without conscious thought my penis sprung to life. Maybe a 10-15% increase and it gave me a little confidence boost.

    Anyways,I have been a big critic of nofap. However,it seems plausible that your brain would get desensitized to porn over time. I remember staring at breast I would get a throbbing erection back in the day. Does anyone have any input as far as articles or any other sort of literature? Anecdotes are welcome as well.
  2. In order to have any understanding of what this porn addiction is all about, it’s critical to watch the Gary Wilson YouTube video: Your Brain on Porn: How Internet porn affects the brain -

    Gary is a researcher who has studied porn addiction for some time and describes the neuroscience of the addiction mechanism in the brain. The way porn addiction works is exactly the same way that alcohol and drug addiction work, but the “hit” or “high” from porn is many times stronger than heroin! His website is:

    “YBOP contends that watching too much onanistic material in adolescence affects the brain in multiple ways. "Porn trains your brain to need everything associated with porn to get aroused," Wilson says. That includes not only the content but also the delivery method. Because porn videos are limitless, free and fast, users can click to a whole new scene or genre as soon as their arousal ebbs and thereby, says Wilson, "condition their arousal patterns to ongoing, ever changing novelty.

    A heavy porn schedule and the resulting sustained high levels of dopamine reinforces these patterns. "The result in some Internet porn users is higher brain activation to internet porn, and less arousal to sex with a real person," Wilson argues. And then there's habituation: the need for more to get the same hit. "Extreme novelty, certain fetishes, shock and surprise and anxiety--all those elevate dopamine," he says. "So they need those to be sexually aroused."
  3. I don’t know about who “owns” the porn industry, but we must remember that those who produce/distribute porn are individuals doing this by choice and they do not represent the Jewish faith. This is an important thing to acknowledge.

    The whole point of NoFap and rebooting is to abstain from PORN and masturbation to porn. It has nothing to do with the biological issue in my opinion. Personally, I MO occasionally and that’s part of my recovery. If it became frequent or the least bit compulsive, I’d have to reassess. I DO NOT allow any type of fantasy when I M, whether to any person or graphic image because this would be a form of porn in my brain.

    Feel free to share about your struggles and progress.
    - Beach
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 15, 2017
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  4. Truegamer007

    Truegamer007 Fapstronaut

    If you've been watching porn for a long time, your brain associates orgasm to it. Hence, it becomes very tough to dissociate that while continuing to orgasm. Masturbating is and even bigger issue. What do you think of when you masturbate? Porn? That's why it recommended that you abstain from at least masturbation along with porn in order to recover from porn addiction.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 15, 2017
  5. Former_CD

    Former_CD Fapstronaut

    I will be blunt. If you don't believe porn and masturbation don't led to ED then you are in denial. If you want normal erections and a normal sex life then you will stop PMO and stop masturbation without porn. There is a side benefit to stopping masturbation and that is exercising self control. There is nothing that will make you feel better and feel more manly than exercising self control. I have fewer unwanted erections and fewer urges now that I have stopped masturbating. The need to masturbate to control urges is not necessary. In my opinion and experience masturbation leds to relapse.
  6. Hitto

    Hitto Fapstronaut

    Lol sure bro good luck with that mindset because I had Ed and next to no energy fapping to porn for years and now in the past 8 months my erections have gotten bettter I have more energy and way less anxious your sperm is your vitality
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 15, 2017
  7. Anonymous86

    Anonymous86 Fapstronaut

    Good thing to point out. Because we're suppose to masturbate to sensation and not porn in our mind. I'm so desensitized, I forgot what sensation feels like. :-(
  8. Rob_B_

    Rob_B_ Fapstronaut

    I've now read your OP three times, and I'm still not clear on what your argument is. It seems like you're laying out your evidence to support a case against PIED, when if anything I would have thought your evidence proves the exact opposite, that PIED not only exists, but that you have it, too. (Happy to be proven wrong, if I've misunderstood anything - happens all the time!)
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 15, 2017
    vibemaker likes this.
  9. Chrispaul

    Chrispaul Fapstronaut

    First of all no one here can "prove" their erection dysfunction was caused by porn.

    With that being said,I already mentioned that porn could be desensitizing me. I feel like obsessing over the issue could be making it worse. Again,why would masturbating cause ED? That doesnt even begin to make sense. No one here proves that they have ED caused by porn,all you know is that someone has ED and they are claiming it was caused by porn. Much easier to believe porn caused the problem than a poor genetic profile.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 15, 2017
  10. Hitto

    Hitto Fapstronaut

    Denial lol
  11. Chrispaul

    Chrispaul Fapstronaut

    Denial is people that think not fapping is going to restore their erections. No porn could potentially make logical sense. No fapping? Absolutely not. Hell,people here say no orgasm. Do you really think having sex with a female is going to make you impotent? Please use logic and reasoning.
  12. Former_CD

    Former_CD Fapstronaut

    I will concede the point that masturbation doesn't led to ED but I believe that masturbation can often led back to porn. I admit I'm splitting hairs. Porn is so evil that I don't want to take a chance at all on relapsing back into porn.
    Chrispaul, Anonymous86 and Hitto like this.
  13. Chrispaul

    Chrispaul Fapstronaut

    Ok so I have started to fap more often ever since I started freaking out about this. At first I was having no part of NoFap. I started thinking back to when I first discovered porn 10 years ago. I used to get super aroused watching softcore videos.That quickly escalated towards anal. I was struggling with erections on my 2nd fap,but I noticed when the porn got more hardcore it was easier to get a harder erection(although still desensitized). It was some extremely kinky stuff in the 3rd fap compared to the 2nd.

    I dont even know if I could masturbate without porn. Would nofap be worthwhile just cutting porn out and fapping down to once a week? I just want to go back to where I am easily aroused. I used to jack off for like 40 minutes to an hour a year ago. After a bad sexual experience with a female shrek,I have been having psych issues about the whole ED thing plus a whole bunch of life stressors. I just hope I dont have diabetes or something of the likes.

    I wonder why there isn't too many studies on the subject matter. I never thought my erections could be due to a lowered arousal. I remember I could get a rock hard wood and feel the horniness to just a picture on a magazine. Now I pretty much force myself to masturbate.

    Why is it that I do not get as aroused as I used to? How long with no porn will it take to get back to those levels of arousal?
  14. The issue for most here is that they have (or had) ED when with human beings, but not when using porn. And that they think that this is a bad thing.

    A bunch of people (here and elsewhere) have had ED with human beings, and when they stop PMO, the ED with human beings stops too. That's a pretty solid indication as to the nature of the issue. What is needed now is a study with high enough numbers and enough rigor to "prove" this thing.

    Of course your issue is a little different - you're having ED with porn.

    That just means it's time to find a more extreme genre. (You can read some truly horrible stories of where that can lead in Porn Addiction subforum. I was going to name some of those genres, but I'm not enough of an asshole to do it.)

    Or that coud mean it's time to stop PMOing, at least for a while, and give your brain and penis a rest.

    Really, would it kill you to not PMO for a week or 2 or 3? I made it to 3 weeks and 2 days (and I'm closing in fast on another 3 weeks) - surely you can beat me, right?
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 15, 2017
    Hitto and Rob_B_ like this.
  15. Fapping to orgasm while using porn ties your brain's reward system into porn, and into a need for ever greater stimulation. That is the essence of your complaint of desensitization. Really, you should read over at In fact here's a nice search with more than 90 results, just for you.
    WesternWolf likes this.
  16. Nobody can answer that, it's different for everybody.

    Sorry to hear of your issues with the female Shrek. I'm not even sure what that means, but it sounds heinous.
  17. Chrispaul

    Chrispaul Fapstronaut


    It is possible that people do not get hard with their irl partner because they are so used to watching beautiful girls in pornography. I can see how porn can be destructive since it is essentially engineered by some very intelligent individuals to get you addicted to it. I understand Nofap's premise on not watching porn 100%. Masturbating with lubrication doesn't seem that bad to me though.

    If someone masturbates with no porn what could possibly go wrong.

    PS: I am on one day of nofap and all I can think about is fapping.
  18. sakeen

    sakeen Fapstronaut

    You are an archetypal pseudointellectual. You demand proof yet you have zero understanding of what constitutes it. The people on Nofap are doing something unprecedented: we're part of a collaborative case-control study. We've developed ED/PE/Anxiety issues and we hypothesize that pornography and masturbation are the etiological factors. We're then choosing to become a voluntary control group by abstaining and seeing if there is a change in our health outcomes. The fact that you can't even grasp this, after multiple threads, is astonishing. You haven't even looked at published neuroimaging studies on the effect of PMO on the human brain from big name institutions like Cambridge, which is more than enough proof for even the most simple-minded person. If you are not convinced by sheer obviousness, then there's no point asking anyone on this forum anything and it's best that you keep your beliefs to yourself.
  19. You do have my sincere sympathy on that front. I remember being your age, and I can imagine how difficult nofap would have been for me at that age.

    I've always thought that the young guys have the hardest row to hoe, but they have the most to gain as well.

    I wish I'd realized at 23, or even at 36, that my problems with DE and condom use were because of PMO. (I'm 62 now.) Because even though there was no internet porn, I still used magazines and the peep shows to M to, and I had those issues.

    Good luck!
    Deleted Account likes this.
  20. Physical desensitization via escalation to death grip, perhaps?

    Certainly it would be much less bad without the porn. Especially because without porn, it would be less interesting.
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