Relapse , the biggest misconception in the nofap community?

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Theblackout, Dec 14, 2017.

  1. Theblackout

    Theblackout Fapstronaut

    I see a lot of people on nofap saying i relapsed after a single PMO session.
    this is the biggest misconception in this community.
    The word "relapse" literally means : a deterioration in someone's state of health after a temporary improvement. From an addiction perspective it means to fall or slip back into a former state or practice , after a period of abstinence. so if u go a long period without pmo then u slip up once , thats NOT a relapse thats a SLIP.

    If u binge after that slip , then THAT IS WHEN U ACTUALLY RELAPSE. THAT is failure.

    As long as you are on nofap , there is no way u are relapsing. Because being on nofap means that u are constantly fighting. when u slip , get up and keep walking. never think its alright to binge because u ve already "failed" , because the real failure is going BACK to the habit.
    Last edited: Jul 14, 2018
  2. Atlanticus

    Atlanticus Moderator Assistant
    NoFap Defender

    I know little to nothing of "official" addiction nomenclature, but I totally concur with your point and have been acting and commenting accordingly on NoFap. Your point is worth noting!
    Last edited: Dec 14, 2017
    Davidphd1866 and Theblackout like this.
  3. Theblackout

    Theblackout Fapstronaut

    thanks for your feedback
    Atlanticus likes this.
  4. BjornTMV

    BjornTMV Fapstronaut

    Not creating an argument by any means, but would you say that a serious alcoholic who has gone through their recovery and went out and had a nice hard drink one night, that they didn't relapse if they didn't continue to drink afterward? Do you think it would be just as easy to continue down their road of sobriety after "slipping" and having a single drink in the middle of recovery?

    I feel this may apply to PMO recovery as well. If you slip, even just once, it may be extremely difficult to get back on that horse, rather than say to themselves "eh I didn't feel too bad after that one, maybe just one more..."
  5. Theblackout

    Theblackout Fapstronaut

    I agree that slipping does make it difficult to get back mostly because of the "chaser effect" that just keeps u wanting more of the same.
    im not saying that people should take it easy and pmo every once and a while , we should avoid pmo at all cost , but we cant say that slipping=relapsing. relapsing is going back the same way u were before u started nofap.
    a slip doesnt destroy months of work. if u are on a diet and u lose 20 kg u wont gain them back by eating one hamburger right?
    Davidphd1866 likes this.
  6. BjornTMV

    BjornTMV Fapstronaut

    Makes sense, and I can see the logic behind it. At least it's a good thing to know in the back of your mind that even though I am determined to push through 100%, if I do slip up, that's all it is and we are after all, human.
    Theblackout likes this.
  7. Davidphd1866

    Davidphd1866 Fapstronaut

    Blackout makes a great point. Recovery isn't as "black and white" as we'd like it to be. While I LOVE the "counter", it does tend to have us thinking in terms of "perfection vs failure".

    Please keep in mind that the counter has a setting that says "my goals". So we should all feel we can define our progress in our own personal way. If the occasional slip is just that to your own goals, then by all means....just keep right on recovering.
    For me, I know that "hard mode" is indicated. Not because I think recovery is a purely binary thing, but because I am aware of my propensity to truly RELAPSE.
    Theblackout and Atlanticus like this.
  8. Atlanticus

    Atlanticus Moderator Assistant
    NoFap Defender

    I completely understand -- as do we all -- the danger of a true relapse and I applaud your hard mode stance. Though I'm technically also in hard mode since I do not have a SO, I've used the counter's "my goals" option for a while now, since I consider all progress progress and because it is hard for me to imagine ever returning to a true pre-NoFap state.

    Also, I find binary, white-black thinking inadequate. What in life develops in a straight line? Nothing. Life is cyclical. I see a "relapse" as a return to an old attitude, but at a higher level of experience and consciousness -- like on an upward spiral... you can swing back round but that's not like going back all the way down the spiral. Going up requires effort and you will get tired and need to relax and when doing so you may slide back a bit, but few NoFappers past 30 days would allow themselves to permanently do that.

    Of course, while some see rebooting as developing their better side, others see it as a war against their lower nature... glass half full vs half empty.. no problem. As one of the former kind, I question 12-step progams' insistence that one is alway an addict, and I find it sane, realistic, encouraging, and helpful, to question the all-or-nothing "relapse" ... BUT I respect those who find my relativizing view dangerous and their absolutizing one helpful.
    Last edited: Dec 15, 2017
    Davidphd1866 likes this.
  9. Davidphd1866

    Davidphd1866 Fapstronaut
