Feel libido and some erectile "twitches". Nearly around 7 days into flatline.

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by oldduster104, Sep 23, 2014.

  1. oldduster104

    oldduster104 Fapstronaut

    So far the PMO abstinence has been going very very well. Haven't looked at porn once in the past week and made myself look away at anything that could possibly be the slightest bit sexually stimulating. I have been having withdrawal symptoms such as mood swings (already have depression, so this is hard to deal with but I will do it), some strong urges to look at porn (flashbacks to pictures and videos too), some anxiety (mainly about my life problems and porn habits. I don't want my porn habits to control me either) and of course, the dreaded flatline.

    While I was able to get some pretty good erections a few months back when I abstained from masturbation (But not porn, but didn't look at it as much), before I ruined it by jerking off and looking at more porn, since I have abstained from PMO completely for the past few days my libido has been pretty much dead. The only time I have ever had any real erections was in the morning. I still get morning wood (it's been getting stronger and stronger for the past two days, got really horny this morning as I woke but refrained from sexual thoughts), which has only popped up again two days ago.

    Two things I have noticed, and I am not sure if this is a good sign or what, is that I can feel these little "twitches" in my penis, it feels like something that would happen as the result of an erection but I am not 100% sure. They sometimes happen at random and sometimes happen a bit if I accidentally have sexy thoughts in some way or another. Speaking of that, I have been feeling my libido increase very slightly, like I am getting that feeling of mild sexual arousal again. But it's brief and sometimes happens along with the minor penis "twitches".

    My flaccid penis size has grown slightly, it doesn't look quite as tiny as it once did but time will tell if it will get any bigger.

    I have also been controlling my thoughts better to avoid sexual fantasies of any kind. I have been trying to use the internet a little less at the same time too...that is also hard and made me realise how empty my life really is.

    I will still keep this up despite the odds being against me. This is the longest I have gone in quite some time for not looking at any porn in any form. I am just hoping my low libido will improve and that I am just in the flatline stage.

    On another note, colours in my life seem more vibrant at the moment. I am still not happy but things look and feel different right now. This to me is a sign that my brain is improving slowly.
    darkenedverse likes this.
  2. Z_the_B

    Z_the_B Guest

    I get the twitches too. :O
  3. thedaiem

    thedaiem Fapstronaut

    I have the twitches too. Feels like somebody just tickled it for a second.
  4. oldduster104

    oldduster104 Fapstronaut

    That's how I could describe it too.

    I hope my erections will return too, since I used to have more energy for things when I used to get them regularly.
    Last edited: Sep 23, 2014
  5. oldduster104

    oldduster104 Fapstronaut

    One thing that I have also noticed, I am getting considerably less "gay" thoughts since I began not PMOing. I can see myself as fully Heterosexual now, but my porn addiction habits led to me developing homosexual tendencies, which was kinda weird. But I feel that fading now.
    mbanonymous likes this.
  6. PeetaMellark

    PeetaMellark Fapstronaut

    I completely agree olduster104... What was that about? I found I was masturbating a lot to gay porn, but I'm straight and married with kids... These days that doesn't mean anything, but I started to question my sexuality because of my porn use... Since I stopped PMO though, I've found my heterosexual tendencies charging back to the fore... Pretty messed up stuff...

  7. BullseyeChris

    BullseyeChris Fapstronaut

    You are 7 days in, which is a huge accomplishment, but what you are experiencing is still very new, and are like the immediate withdrawal symptoms. Your body/brain is used to getting regular PMO sessions, and you haven't been doing that, so it's like getting hungry for your next meal, and it getting grumpy (even seriously grumpy) because it hasn't had dinner yet.

    So, just bec your libido isn't raging every day right now, that is not flatline. That comes later in on your abstaining journey. On one hand, things are intense right now bec they are new and bec you have JUST quit, but on the other hand, they aren't typical to how you will feel later on, past a couple of weeks. Right now, some of what you are just feeling, with the ups and downs (sometimes literally, haha) is just normal experience for guys who don't fap a lot. But a true flatline comes later and usually lasts for a couple of weeks, then things will normalize again later.
  8. Province

    Province Fapstronaut

    Thats how i started off and since around the 25 day mark without P i started getting semi regular morning wood. Keep on going mate and you'll see further improvement just dont expect all your progress to be linear!
  9. oldduster104

    oldduster104 Fapstronaut

    Normal experience for guys who don't fap a lot?

    That doesn't really make sense, because I WAS fapping a lot. Well...more exactly, I was fapping quite often. Recently I have been less interested in fapping so I was doing it a bit less, but still quite often.

    But it was cutting off from porn that I have never been able to do until now. My erections have been less active than ever, it's flaccid 90% of the time right now since I stopped the porn. Even then, my erections were getting pretty weak.

    IS this normal for some people abstaining from porn? Their erections are just not coming by their own anymore for the first part of the recovery process?

    For some clarification. I have been addicted to porn (as in looking at it every hour I had a chance) since late 2010. Looked at it before hand but not to this level...was also incredibly depressed due to some very unfortunate school problems. So that added to the addiction. Later in late 2011 (around September I think) I started to masturbate, and did it almost daily until as of late. I did abstain from masturbation earlier this year for a few days and I found that my erections returned (quite big too!), but I screwed up like usual. Still looked at porn but yeah...I realised that was causing problems after I read up about people who abstained from it.

    It didn't help that reading people say it's natural and healthy (some even saying people don't do it enough!) made me think I should just continue. I am telling you, early on when I was more addicted to PMO, I was quite freaky. It is not natural or healthy to be this addicted to PMO.

    When I looked at porn last Wednesday (not since then have I looked at it) I recall feeling more tired and sickly when I looked at it. Felt my body temperature increase slightly too.
  10. Z_the_B

    Z_the_B Guest

    I have my weird theory for the erectile twitches or tickles or whatever. Its not backed by any proof but its just what I think it is.
    So whoever's facing these twitches will have flat line and probably ed in common. These two or any one of these two.
    So when your brain stops sending signals to your brain and when your dick feels lifeless and what not, you sometimes mindfully (knowingly or unknowingly of this mindfulness concept) pay attention to the penis or direct your sudden attention there and feel sudden twitches of life lol. This also happens when I see a pretty woman and these are probably just the brain sending weak signals to the penis.
    Whatever it is, its a sign that you r recovering.
    In my last streak when i hit 70 days I had enough of flat line and it was soooo dead down there so I calmly tried mindfulness and I could feel these twitches more often and I slowly got myself out of a flat line.
    raphaelqms and iwillmakeit15 like this.
  11. oldduster104

    oldduster104 Fapstronaut

    That's how it feels too. If I simply think hard (not too hard but you get what I mean) about my penis I will get a little twitch.

    Hopefully in a few weeks (May be a few months since I am one of the unfortunate younger people exposed to high speed porn) that will become an erection.
  12. Z_the_B

    Z_the_B Guest

    Old duster I'm 17.
    We can do this together.
    Send me a private message if you want some motivation ;)
  13. thepersonathome

    thepersonathome Fapstronaut

    I get the twitches too! Here is my hypothesis.
    When you do not ejaculate after 7days you get a spike of testorone. I think the twitches is your body's way of handling that extra testosterone. Subconciously we need to go and mate. Now the twitch serves as a reminder to the body to use that extra testosterone and go mate. I get the twitches when I am around a girl or thinking about a girl too, but in this case, there are no sexual thoughts. So I think my twitch is a way of reminding me to go and mate with a girl. I also get the twitches about a week after a wet dream. So basically 7 days after natural ejaculation. The twitch is somewhat pleasurable. Sex is pleasurable. so my body must be trying to convince me to go and get even more pleasure.
    Now this is all hypothetical but that's what seems logical to me.
  14. oldduster104

    oldduster104 Fapstronaut

    Another change that I noticed today. Things feel more "real" and colourful now.

    For the past few years, things looked more fuzzy and less colourful.
  15. oldduster104

    oldduster104 Fapstronaut

    I didn't look at anything that was "porn" per say, but I did have a glimpse of something that would have turned me on at least a little bit...but I didn't even get an erection from looking at it. Not even a twitch.

    Am I in the flatline state already? I did read about another guy who entered a flatline state the moment he began his PMO abstinence. Or maybe I just have PIED (since I did get raging erections a few weeks ago when I abstained from just M, not P though), but I did get the usual temptation to "try and see" if I could get one up from looking at porn, but I ignored it, knowing that's how most people relapse too early on.
  16. Z_the_B

    Z_the_B Guest

    Whatever it is, complete 90 days sincerely and hopefully continue nofap and not using porn and things will undoubtedly get better
  17. oldduster104

    oldduster104 Fapstronaut

    I am still keeping it up. MY erections are starting to come back somewhat (very weak and still not full blown erections) and morning wood is becoming more common.

    Is this normal after around 9 days or so of keeping this No PMO thing going?
  18. Clumsy

    Clumsy Banned

    Those erectile "twitches" are of course a part of the reboot. I had them several months into my reboot, now I don't have them as often anymore, but 2-3 times a week maybe. Usually if I get tempted or if I have tight underwear etc.
  19. darkenedverse

    darkenedverse Fapstronaut

    I started feeling twitches yesterday and knew that I was probably flatlining. It was sad at first like a 3-step ladder that only lifted an inch off the ground but I'm slowly starting to accept it. I've been through flatlining before (the non-twitch variety) so I will keep marching on.

    On a side note, thank you for sharing this. When I first flatlined, I freaked out and got off NoFap because it was permanent. Knowing that others are going through the same obstacles as I am while on this journey of awesomness helps me gain perspective.
  20. Ashish333

    Ashish333 Fapstronaut

    I got my morningwood after 3 weeks of flatline and now i still don't have any urges.it's been a week and i am slowly getting attracted towards beautiful girls eventhough i know i can't do anything lol.i have faith that my libido comes back just like my morningwood came back..