A Progressive Challenge-A different kind of challenge- all levels

Discussion in 'Events & Challenges' started by DerNeuMann, Nov 13, 2017.

  1. Adam Grundy

    Adam Grundy Fapstronaut

    Thanks man I needed this today!
    DerNeuMann likes this.
  2. seconddsv

    seconddsv Fapstronaut

    Well Hi!

    My best was 9 days.

    Im in.

    My Goal now is 4 days.

    The challenge includes like, in 4 days i masturbate and set yet another goal?
  3. Deth

    Deth Fapstronaut

    I already posted something tonight, but I'm just having a realization. I don't exactly know when it happened, but I think I've hit one of my major goals!! Getting into NoFap, I felt urges to MO to P, rather than a real person who I was genuinely attracted to. I figured a mark of progress during this would be the point where I was no longer attempted to watch P when feeling urges, but rather to go out into the world and find a real person to have sex with. I'm just now noticing I've reached this point! The urges are still bad; they tempt me to break my streak on a regular basis. However, they aren't tempting me to visit a P site anymore. It's actually kind of a weird feeling, feeling the urge to MO but not to P.
    For the record, my ultimate goal is to feel "urges" to get in a committed, caring relationship where I can make love to the other person, so way I see it this marks a checkpoint in my long journey :) I'm really happy about this, and it inspires me to keep pushing forward and reaching towards my goals.

    Also, sidenote, I had a girl I've known for a few years tell me the other day that I used to be really awkward and timid and shy and scrawny and stuff but I've "glowed up" (gone from the bottom to the top) lately, and I know that's 100% because of NoFap. My skin has gotten clearer, I'm more confident and comfortable around people, I'm passionate, I'm more healthy. Hell, my eyes have even changed. My NoFap journey has a long way to go but I love how it's going so far and I don't plan on giving up any time soon :)
  4. Yesterday was day 2/4 (forgot to write here), so today is 3/4
    DerNeuMann likes this.
  5. FEEL

    FEEL Fapstronaut

    Starting a new streak today, we will see where it goes.
    DerNeuMann likes this.
  6. DerNeuMann

    DerNeuMann Fapstronaut

    You can set your goals as you like. If you decide not to masturbate after four days then you can just keep adding to the 4 wihout resetting. If you decide to masturbate then you should probably reset the clock at 0.
  7. TC10

    TC10 Fapstronaut

    I remember when you joined this challenge. Look where you are now. You’re an inspiration. The effects of NoFap on your life are so relatable. Especially the girls part. Keep going!
    Deth and DerNeuMann like this.
  8. DerNeuMann

    DerNeuMann Fapstronaut

    Yes, when the skin and eyes change it's a great thing and the "glow" is definitely real, if intangible. I have to say that these have been some of the very best pm prevention things for me since I noticed them. I used to avoid mirrors but I find myself stopping by them to notice how good my skin and eyes look and they make me look and feel younger. Congratulations
  9. Deth

    Deth Fapstronaut

    Thank you! I think the skin is still clearing up, but I've noticed the eyes haha
  10. TanglePie

    TanglePie Fapstronaut

    10/31 and feel no emotions at the moment. Just feel indifferent. No urges are anything like that which is good. Busy tonight and working all week
    TC10 likes this.
  11. Deth

    Deth Fapstronaut

    First of all, I don't mean to make any incorrect or disrespectful assumptions about you. Correct me if I'm wrong, but looking at you I feel like we're pretty similar in that we don't see a problem with MO, but do see a problem with being addicted to P and linking the two of them (PMO). If this is correct, read on. Otherwise, just correct me. Sorry for incorrectly assuming who you are and what your motives are.
    You might want to give up MO as well as P, even if you're just trying to quit P. See, after years of PMO your brain has linked P and M together, and so by not giving up M, it'll make just quitting P a lot more difficult. There will be a much higher chance you'll go back to P if you keep MO. Now, that doesn't mean you have to quit MO entirely, just for long enough that your brain stops linking the two of them. It's been 33 days of no PMO for me and I'm beginning to disconnect P from MO, but from what I understand it usually takes about 90 days.
    TC10 likes this.
  12. Deth

    Deth Fapstronaut

    Sounds like you're experiencing a flatline, my friend.
    TanglePie likes this.
  13. Bagration1944

    Bagration1944 Fapstronaut

  14. Adam Grundy

    Adam Grundy Fapstronaut

    Day 8! Feeling good about this streak I’ve got going and hoping it is the one! I feel like every urge I’ve had I’ve been able to get away from before it takes over and I go on auto pilot.
  15. DerNeuMann

    DerNeuMann Fapstronaut

    Great job, Adam
    Sôgmô Gray Lock likes this.
  16. Single Palm Change

    Single Palm Change Fapstronaut

    Hello guys. I hope you all had a nice time in the holidays.
    I definitely noticed some improvements in my social relations. I was being much more positive and didn't get into any stupid arguments this year! So christmas was a very nice and relaxing (a little too relaxing) time for me this year.

    I have found a few more triggers. Alcohol is of course a sure and solid way to throw away all rationality and discipline.
    Also sugar, and constant snacking. I've now realized this is another addiction for me. It's a dopamine releaser and it triggers other addictive behaviour.

    Now I'm doing almost monk mode, with a taoist diet: No sugar or starch, only meat and green vegetables. No alcohol or coffee.
    Exercise and meditation as much as possible.
    Healthy sex with GF is allowed, only once a week though.
    Next goal is 30 days, all of january.

    The diet is leaving me with a feeling of hunger and no energy. I'm withdrawing from sugar and flatlining from pmo. I feel horrible. But it will get better soon, I'm sure.
    Last edited: Jan 3, 2018
    TanglePie, Deth and TC10 like this.
  17. THJohnFTH

    THJohnFTH Fapstronaut

    Day 7/90 done! First week done! After my first relapse, one month ago, I never thought to come that far again. I'm very thankful.
  18. DerNeuMann

    DerNeuMann Fapstronaut

    Great job!
  19. DerNeuMann

    DerNeuMann Fapstronaut

    Great to hear from you again! No sugar is probably good for just about anyone.
    Single Palm Change likes this.
  20. TC10

    TC10 Fapstronaut

    One week!

    Okay so this is where the real challenge starts. I have messed it up the last times around day 10. I’ll have to stay busy (that can be hard during holidays) and surround myself with people. Anyone got more tips? They’re are welcome.

    NO PMO for me this year...
    TanglePie and DerNeuMann like this.