Why you wanted to reboot?

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Killua1, Oct 5, 2014.

  1. Killua1

    Killua1 Fapstronaut

    Okay,I don't know whether this question have been asked before me or not (I kinda feel it's been asked a lot though haha) but I wonder why you guys wanted to stop PMO and start rebooting ? There are some common reasons like having bad sex experiences with partner or any kind of relationship problems caused by PMO but as a 17 years old guy who don't care of partners for now ,I'd like to hear other reasons :p

    Thank you in advance ~
  2. ADC

    ADC Fapstronaut

    I have to admit it. I stopped PMO to get rid of social anxiety, bad life habits (especially when it comes to sleeping and what I eat), PIED, seeing women as walking sextoys, and a hell lot of things.

    Hopefully I quickly discovered that stopping PMO wouldn't make my life that much better. I started to improve everything by myself instead of waiting for the Nofap Magician to come and fix my life, something that would have never happened. :)
  3. Randy25

    Randy25 Fapstronaut

    I want to do this for me. I have been addicted to it for too long and I want to prove it to me I can do it. I am 7 days in. I also want to save the release for a girl
  4. beauty

    beauty Fapstronaut

    Well I'm an 18 year old, so similar in age to you. And one of the main reasons why I have continued with this campaign so far is for the longevity of my life. I cannot see myself in the future, successful and appeased with my PMO habit lurking in the back-round.

    I could put NoFap on hold, say I'll start next month, or the month after, but it's still there. Everybody is unique, and finding an unending source of incentive to fight this must come from within.

    You can read all the journals you want. People can comment and provide you support, but at the end of the day, it's going to be you and PMO staring at each other. You're going to have to make the call for yourself.

    I think the idea of rebooting is fine, but think of this as a process to kill off PMO. Reboot aside, this is an addiction. Addictions must be beaten and overcome.

    Last edited: Oct 5, 2014
  5. Finalfight123

    Finalfight123 Fapstronaut

    I started jee when I was like 11 or 12 probably closer to 12. Funny thing I wanted to quit the next year and its funny every time I did it I felt bad. I even told people that I didn't. Then freshman year I told people I didn't but it when up like i watched much more. Than junior year I learned about YBOP.

    Then from then till senior year of high school I had lots of day 10s a few day 16s but in april of senior year I got to day 40 which was nice. Then the summer was horrible but finally got to day 67 then 2 months later started the streak I'm on.

    Back to the question well its a waste of time and lets face it from a 3rd persons perspective it looks pretty stupid. And I've heard it makes girls more interesting and helps to desensitize you. The only reason I think it helps your anxiety is because your not thinking "oh I just rubbed one, maybe he knows" your mind is clear. I think most of all though is that when I think of the future version or just better version I don't imagine myself with P or M so both habits I probably need to quit. But the reboot lets face it is to improve your life and thats another thing is my life isn't perfect parts of it are molded around pmo so something else worth fixing.

    Well good luck everyone.
  6. I want to reboot because PMO is a hinderance in my life,I can do so much more without it in my life.
  7. The Equalizer

    The Equalizer Fapstronaut

    Right on! Awesome stuff.
  8. Audaz

    Audaz Fapstronaut

    I do NoFap to improve my social skills , this is the main reason.Secondly , i am willing to develop my willpower.Side benefits of NoFap helps you when you are working out , eating healthy stuff etc.
  9. chiloob

    chiloob Fapstronaut

    For me it was PIED. However, I wasn't able to truly quit until the ED ruined my relationship.
  10. Mainly to stop the self-destruction.
  11. bribal

    bribal Fapstronaut

    I have the same general reasons for quiting: ED, terrible relationships with women, loss of friends, social anxiety, career issues. The main reason why I am quiting is the loss of control over myself and in my life. Lastly, everything I know I have missed out on and keep missing out on due to spending all my free time PMOing
  12. Js5

    Js5 Fapstronaut

    There's really no one reason but in the end I think they all amount to doing it because I feel and believe it is a good thing for my mind, my body and I suppose my soul. I knew there was just something not right about looking for that next fix with PMO then eventually getting kinkier and kinkier with the porn and it was just getting ridiculous - as in, getting in the way of social life, peace of mind and ability to even talk to women. And I did it for years. And for years, I would be like "this will be it for awhile" and then it wasn't. I got sick of it and started doing research. Found "Your Brain on Porn" and NoFap. Since I've found other guys with the same issues and reading about the positive things in overcoming their addictions, I've discovered how great it is to feel more self-confident, more self-assured, more at peace, not freaking out over problems. Problems will not go away but the way we can approach them and deal with them can definitely change - in fact, they can even be good things. So it's just a better way of life that I'm still pursuing. I still have work to do with it. 3-4 days was hell at first but now 9-10 days is pretty easy typically. I've yet to do a month let alone 90 days but already seeing improvements in myself.

    So, I had the inclination (without even knowing about NoFap communities) to quit because I could sense something was just amiss. Then my thirst for more knowledge about it just fuels the desire to be more and more free of PMO - or at least to get to the point where it's barely an afterthought.