Deleted 500GB+ games from PC

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Don Corleone, Jan 21, 2018.

  1. Don Corleone

    Don Corleone Fapstronaut

    Hey Fapstronauts. It's funny this editor detects "Fapstronauts" as wrong spelling and suggests "Astronauts" lol. Anyways -

    I was the kid who was obsessed with gaming. I acted like an addict (maybe I was). I used to play 12-14 hours per day and didn't even care about food haha.

    School Failure 101: Play games for 12 hours a day.

    Long story short, I upgraded my PC and started playing games like GTA V, Far Cry series, Dying Light, Max Payne 3 and the list goes on and on. You name the game and I've played it. So, I never ever thought I was gonna leave gaming.

    Then my obsession shifted to building online businesses in late 2014. I am now working full-time from home and I'm a fanatic about it. I recently deleted my stash of games (more than 500GB+) because I get easily bored with games as my passions have changed.

    The point that I am trying to make is that I have the ability to quit pornography and masturbation - I need to redirect my energy toward my LIFE. Nothing is impossible.

    I am not saying you should quit gaming or cut out entertainment, maybe it provides you relaxation, but for me I needed to make this change and I feel great about it! :)

    Bonus: I can now fill up my hard drive with educational material.
  2. While I don't have a huge problem with them I won't argue that some people have problems with addiction and gaming. I'm glad you're doing what makes you better and more happy in life, stick with it mate!
  3. Ongoingsupport

    Ongoingsupport Fapstronaut

    Congrats on your success in building your online business. It may not have flashy graphics and such but it is like a game and you're interacting with real people - with real money that supports you in real endeavors.
    Don Corleone likes this.
  4. Same thing happened with me...
    I bought a game called Rocket League and played it all the time. After a little over 1 year, I have played nearly 600 hours of it which equates to over an hour and a half (if my math is correct) every day. Video Games are as bad as an addiction as PMO itself. The two of them combined create a monster. I deleted it but I get cravings to play it too, just like any other addiction. Video Games themselves aren't that bad but I feel like I cannot live my life as best as I possibly could if I kept playing a game which occupied so much of my time.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 21, 2018
    Don Corleone likes this.
  5. Don Corleone

    Don Corleone Fapstronaut

    Thank you so much! And yeah I totally understand, some people play for short amount of time for relaxation which is totally cool.

    Haha, love your perspective! Thanks.

    Totally understand you. I used to play a multiplayer game, tried to quit it multiple times but cravings were so strong, but thank God I'm over with it.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  6. Spoony

    Spoony Fapstronaut

    Our perspectives change as we get older. Chances are you used to feel like you were addicted because you did not have anything else to focus your interests on.

    Along came your online business and the penny dropped at the potential which became the focus of your current life.

    I would say a good portion of us have all played video games and i still do, i have a great bunch of guys i play online with some have gone as life has changed jobs, girl friends so on so forth.

    When i reflect back on things i think how many times i said "that will never be me" as a kid only to find my future self doing that.

    As for gaming hours for the guy who said they had 600 hours on rocket league. I have about 1200 hours just on arma 2. And for the vast majority of those hours have been spent having a laugh. And thats 1200 hours i would of most likely spent in the pub.

    Life moves on and you generally move along with it. Congratulations and.good luck on your new ventures
    Don Corleone likes this.