An alternative to being a frustrated incel

Discussion in 'Loneliness' started by GenkiAdept, Jan 20, 2018.

  1. GenkiAdept

    GenkiAdept Fapstronaut

    Please read with an open mind.

    What I'm going to suggest may not be to your liking. You may think it's ludicrous, weird, abnormal, or all of the above. And that's fine, but just keep in mind what I said in the beginning.

    Have any of you heard of those people who have become so attached to a fictional character that they get a body pillow, and make said character their "waifu"? It's pretty weird seeing picture of guys cuddling a pillow online, am I right? They're just loners who couldn't get a girlfriend and so they chose the next best thing, a fictional girlfriend. It wouldn't be far-fetched to say they all must be miserable hikkikomori rejects of society.

    Topics such as these are so poorly understood as NoFap, because they are incredibly esoteric topics, understood by only a faction of people who experience subjectively what something is like and so are the only ones who really know anything about it. Everyone else, on the outside, having no knowledge or experience themselves will shun the people they don't understand for being different, when really their difference is that they've adopted a counter-culture.

    But what if I told you I know some of these people with body pillows, and that they are actually happy people? Being in love with fiction is nothing new--it just goes a step further. What's interesting is that for these people, love happens in the first place, and so the body pillow is actually a first choice than a replacement for not having a girlfriend. Some never wanted a real girlfriend in the first place and don't want the associated problems anyway. Oxytocin is released in the brain, just as it would with a normal partner and loving attachment can actually grow. Once again, this is all experienced subjectively. I cannot tell you anymore than you could actually experience yourself.

    Does anyone have any experience with this or know someone who has? In any case, I'm interested in hearing opinions on the topic (assuming the house doesn't go up in flames).
    hearty likes this.
  2. Decoder™

    Decoder™ Fapstronaut

    I'm "in love" with the senastion I feel after lifting. Chemically speaking how those things you've put and this differ? (not irony or sarcasm.)
  3. Ongoingsupport

    Ongoingsupport Fapstronaut

    Touch is a basic need just as movement (lifting) is, there can be variations of it and an understanding of ones developmental context will shed light on how some adult women may have a lot of stuffed animals, to point to something common that may reflect this.

    Fiction is another story, there's a bit of a which came first, the chicken or the egg thing going on. I'm not much more interested in counter cultures for the simple fact that it is another culture with fairly static norms, though there may be subcultures where people are unique, brilliant creative individuals I suppose.

    I think what is really different is whether it is mostly "read-only" or if one is actively involved in writing the fiction. Imagining the body pillow to be a character that someone else wrote is very different from coming up with your own character, and if it came from your own imagination in the first place perhaps it isn't as compelling and the realism and believability isn't on the same level - simply because the author is always more interesting than the work they wrote into existence, the characters and stories they wrote is only an expression of their vaster and more nuanced mind.

    A lot can also be said for how our minds prefer information in the form of a story, the context of which gives the character any meaning and believability in the first place - and I think really interesting things start happening when you can transcend that. The best creative minds are not totally confined to the structure of a traditional narrative either generally or specifically in terms of a specific genre, but of course come up with something original that is still relateable to the current audience. If you have such creative capacity, you don't need to wait to put it into a story form most people can assimilate - the core idea may itself be exciting and enjoyable for you. "Translating" it into a story the masses can appreciate is only secondary.
  4. I have a little experience with this and have worked with mentees who have it too. I have a body pillow and sleep with it and next to my wife. It isn’t a fictional character but it is a comfort.
  5. Mike_July_2017

    Mike_July_2017 Fapstronaut

    Sounds like insane crazy stuff that will destroy your sanity and self esteem.

    Life is hard, getting a good looking girl is hard and there is huge competition. If you were not born tall muscular good looking or rich - but the opposite of those, you will have a disadvantage. A huge one if you compare yourself with those who were lucky.

    But for the love of god, do not try to run away from reality and to purposely lie to yourself. "I feel bad because others threat me badly when seeing I am short|weak|ugly|poor|other superficial reason, in spite of the effort I put in" is a much healthy and realistic attitude than to lie to yourself "I am in love with some object".

    Also please note that there is no such thing as an incel. Go hire an escort and have sex with her. At least you are doing something to get intimacy.
    Last edited: Jan 22, 2018
  6. GenkiAdept

    GenkiAdept Fapstronaut

    The stuff isn't "insane" so much as that there is the understanding that the conceptual person isn't real, allowing one still to be an experiencer of the suspension of disbelief. Suspension of disbelief is essential to enjoying movies, TV, or anything fictional, and this isn't insane because we're able to draw the line afterward that what we saw was just a movie, for example. "Crazy" is a just a label for not understanding something because it is unusual or different, so that's just an ad hominem argument, tbh. It won't destroy your sanity because of the reason mentioned, and the opinion that it will destroy your self-esteem just seems like a baseless assumption.

    This is fair--I'm not going to argue. But for those who don't consider wanting to be in a relationship anyway, it really doesn't matter.

    Is it lying necessarily to say that you are in love with some object? (Though I would argue one is in love with the concept, not the object.) Yes, the nature of the relationship is different, you can't have natural spontaneity or reciprocation to the love (it's one-sided), and yet loving attachment and the release of oxytocin (love hormones) still can occur. I would argue unrequited love is actually more harmful than 2D love for the reason that you are distorting your actual concept of a person who objectively exists, which can be very damaging for when you actually meet the person and see how your conception differs from your actual perception. 2D or fictional love differs in that you have an understanding that the concept isn't real, and so you can perceive it anyway you like. In any case the two are different.

    And in defense of the hugging pillow, I will argue to normalize the action by mentioning the case of the "Dutch wife". The Dutch wife is the name for the hugging pillow Dutch explorers who were stationed miles away from their wives used for emotional and physical support when on the road. Essentially, the pillow was a proxy of their wife, which had a very practical use.

    Hiring an escort only satisfies a short-term need, and basically it's saying you're willing to pay for something because you have no standards when it comes to sex/intimacy, just like the people who choose to have sex with fat girls because they can't get anyone else. In choosing a fictional relationship, it's at least saying you have some values.
    Last edited: Jan 22, 2018
  7. Such Small Hands

    Such Small Hands Fapstronaut

    If it provides you (not YOU, specifically) comfort, hey, what the heck. Your life, your rules. Generally speaking. Doesn't look like it's a harmful practice, on the surface. As long as there is a reasonable appreciation of the activity, and one hasn't ruled out the possibility of an actual human being who can provide the same comfort, but attached to a living, breathing, fascinating life, and not a fiction, however powerful. They aren't the same. Chemicals, sure, but it's NOT the same.

    I get it. I can't really empathize but I understand what you're saying. I've heard of some weird and truly harmful things and THAT doesn't sound like one. Peculiar, maybe. A little childish. We aren't Dutch sailors (unless you are) and if you're living like a Dutch sailor there are probably unresolved issues. If it's just a pet affection? Oh well. No harm done. Might be embarrassing to relate to others, especially if a potential partner comes along. A negotiable matter, hopefully.

    I don't know anyone like that. Or I might, but they just haven't told me. Again, your life, and - if you're not hurting others or yourself (all that much) - your rules. As is, I'd be generally against it, lightly disapproving. It just curls one into oneself, really, since there is no reciprocation and thus, no meaningful negotiation of emotions and boundary-settling - the stuff you need to grow and change as an individual. But if you're lonely and stressed out and feeling down, for a change, sure, hug your pillow. Waifu. Whatever. Good things MIGHT come from it, momentarily.

    I don't mean to be flippant at all, so tell me if I am! Thank you. Stay strong.
  8. Mike_July_2017

    Mike_July_2017 Fapstronaut

    unrequited love is extremely bad for you. It lowers your self esteem, makes you feel like you are not worth it, gives you crippling doubts about your value as a man, in general is very bad. I agree with that.

    Dutch sailor did not have sex/ masturbated with the dutch wife object. It actually refers to 2 objects, one used to prevent them falling from bed while sleeping on board during storms, the other to cool them down in the humid hot climate. No masturbation involved, no sexual fantasy involved.

    Indeed it is a short term relief. But it does satisfy that need pretty well.

    The "escorts = no standards" argument I disagree with. Firstly, most standards revolve around how hot the girl is. And, for most men, with an escort you get sex with a girl hotter than any of your other options.
    It is kind of cool to have sex with a girl hotter than most of your male acquaintances will ever have, including some of those who brag about girls. Secondly, most one night stands and short term flings are way less comfortable experiences than escorts.

    Being willing to pay for sex is what men have done since forever. Apes do that too. The illusion that any woman would want sex just for the sake of it and not demand anything in return - probably could work only if you are way better looking than what that girl feels she could get. It certainly did not work for me, at no time a woman asked me for sex and wanted just sex - except on an extremely few occasions (3 times) when those women were very ugly. So if women come to you for sex, good for you and I guess you are entitled to believe that paying money for sex is demeaning. That clearly is not my experience.
    Last edited: Jan 23, 2018
  9. GenkiAdept

    GenkiAdept Fapstronaut

    You agreed that unrequited love is bad for people, which I assume means you're agreeing that 2D love =/= unrequited love. In any case, you haven't challenged my love argument and my rebuttal of your insanity claim, so I assume you're conceding these points.

    I will admit I had some misinformation on this. I'll give you this point.

    Granted, it may satisfy the need pretty well...until you want it again, and then you are burning money for another escort, or otherwise dealing with sexual frustration that leads you to pursue relationships for sex (which can be detected by girls from a mile away).

    I should clarify what I mean when I say "standards." Admittedly, I could have chosen a better word. Let's call it "values." When you have sex with a escort (which is technically illegal, see definition of prostitute vs. escort:, you're basically saying two things: 1) You're okay paying for sex. 2) You're okay having sex with someone before you get to know them (The sex/intimacy is about their 10/10-ness, not who they are as a person.) And were you to get to know the escort, or even ONS or short-term fling, that would likely generate unwanted emotional baggage/attachment.

    For those whom it matters to, I guess? I can't really see the difference really between bragging that you had sex with a hot girl and having the empty bragging rights of a trophy wife, tbh. To each their own I guess.

    Escorts are professionals so they're probably not going to want to get caught with your car keys or stealing money from you. I trust you know what you're talking about here.

    This is an appeal to tradition fallacy. Just because circumcision has been practiced in Catholic tradition since forever doesn't mean it's right. As for the apes, this is a non-sequitur since humans aren't apes and don't come from them anyway.

    I don't think you can entirely rule out decently attractive girls wanting sex and not demanding anything in return. Break-up sex is a thing. Also I think a girl could want sex because they genuinely like the guy's personality, even if he is not too outwardly attractive, though this is just conjecture.
  10. Mike_July_2017

    Mike_July_2017 Fapstronaut

    This waifu is clearly not love, be it unrequited love. Nature designed love and affection with the purpose to procreate, there is no such thing when a guy lusts after an object. At best it could be a masturbation device. At worst, a delusion that will take its toll on you, and leave you bitter and frustrated.

    If you find a girl that likes you and wants to be intimate, obviously go for it. I totally agree with you here.
  11. GenkiAdept

    GenkiAdept Fapstronaut

    It's not unrequited love as I've already pointed out.

    I've already mentioned how the waifu can develop in someone feelings of loving-attachment much like a real relationship, producing the same oxytocin (love hormones), especially through touch. Love really is a chemical reaction in the brain.

    This is an appeal to nature fallacy. Nature may have designed love with the purpose of procreation, and marriage is certainly achievable to this end, however, thoughts that could lead to promiscuity, including rape, child pregnancy, and STDs are also within the realm of the "natural" (It can happen.) So, by your logic, waifuism, because it is unnatural, is wrong or destructive, even though the same love through procreation can end up with many problems such as high-divorce rates, infidelity, sex addiction, unwanted children of your own, or otherwise a total mess on your hands. I'm not seeing any of that with waifus, based on the people I know.

    At best it could give someone new confidence, a sense of contentment, and values to live by. Don't reduce waifuism to masturbation because you don't understand it.

    It can't be a delusion that will take its toll on you, because I've already written about how it doesn't have to be insane or a hobby for the mentally ill. You're just assuming this outcome. As for being bitter and frustrated, I don't really see how since the waifu isn't going to stab you in the back like how a real relationship might.
  12. Mike_July_2017

    Mike_July_2017 Fapstronaut

    Guys, help me out here. I know for a fact that this habit is destructive, yet it seems I cannot come up with convincing arguments as to why.

    Maybe I can give a convincing example: one guy has this waifu pillow and plays make believe for a month that this object is somehow his wife. The same guy would be much happier if he just went along for that month without masturbating to that object and did something else with his time. Maybe work some more or some sports or whatever other constructive thing. It is pretty obvious to me that the second guy is better off than the first.

    In this example, both guys are sexually, love and affection deprived, but the second one is still better of than the first.
  13. GenkiAdept

    GenkiAdept Fapstronaut

    Maybe this one guy is someone who has done both, hmm.