Hand relief from girlfriend

Discussion in 'Rebooting in a Relationship' started by BarkingDogs, Jan 29, 2018.

  1. BarkingDogs

    BarkingDogs Fapstronaut

    I've downgraded my counter from PMO -> PM as I'm suddenly in a sexual relationship again.

    My question is this - does having a girl play with me count as a relapse? The touch of a girl seems completely different from the porn induced death grip.

    My rationale is that I am allowed to O so long as it's as a result of getting intimate with a girl. Normal sex etc I guess is fine - just not sure how hand jobs fit into all this.
    kropo82 and Steve.tmq like this.
  2. Omnitron310

    Omnitron310 Fapstronaut

    That depends on your own goals. Ultimately though, the objective of pretty much everyone who does NoFap is to be able to eventually have normal and healthy sexual relations with their partner. The reason people abstain from O even with real people is usually because it helps the whole reboot process and avoids the slippery-slope temptation of O with a partner to become MO when your partner is unavailable, which can very easily lead to PMO.

    So if you’re having a normal sexual encounter with a real partner, whatever exact form that takes, I think it’s probably fine and shouldn’t count as a ‘relapse’ unless you’re dedicated to the idea of no O at all, which it sounds like you aren’t. Just be cautious of temptation to M now that you’re sexually active again.
    Steve.tmq and BarkingDogs like this.
  3. BarkingDogs

    BarkingDogs Fapstronaut

    Yes, thanks. I have to say the temptation is huge... Very hard day today so far
  4. Iguana

    Iguana Fapstronaut

    Inform yourself about the "chaser effect"
  5. BarkingDogs

    BarkingDogs Fapstronaut

    Yeah - this has really pushed me back over the edge.

    I haven't actually M'd myself but the I feel that all my unhealthy fantasies are back and I feel as bad as if I actually did PMO.

    Really confused what to do here because the end goal is to have normal sex with a girl but while I'm in bed with a girl, my unhealthy fantasies are back in my mind.

    I feel I should reset and completely abstain from sex for the whole duration.
  6. Iguana

    Iguana Fapstronaut

    Do not reset, you feel the way you do because you did it too early in your reboot, your brain related that O to that of porn, also you lost the perks of semen retention, this combined makes you feel like shit, it happened to me, you should wait until you feel your sexuality has calmed down before trying anything but straight lovemaking