Quitting facebook (permanent delete)

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by runfastmd, Jan 11, 2018.

  1. I deleted facebook some time ago and I don't miss it. So much crap on there. I think the facebook hype is slowly dying and people move to different platforms.
    Eleanor, Lions and runfastmd like this.
  2. Runtilmylegsdropoff

    Runtilmylegsdropoff Fapstronaut

    Good for you! Say no to Zuckerturd.
    runfastmd likes this.
  3. runfastmd

    runfastmd Fapstronaut

    Or no platforms at all! (i was only ever on fb- idk how anyone has time for multiple!) I only talk to people in my life who matter and am doing a lot more of it now.
    Eleanor and Deleted Account like this.
  4. I use it for the fitness bootcamp I'm in and it's been very useful for talking to the coaches and getting form checks and questions answered. One thing I've found helpful is to unfollow everyone except for the ones I actually keep in contact with.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  5. kayesem

    kayesem Fapstronaut

    I noticed improvement without it within a week of leaving. Don't miss it, was just time wasting. Zuckerberg is not not human ☺ South Park got it right with the 'You have 0 friends' episode, and more recently with 'The Franchise Prequel'.
    runfastmd likes this.
  6. Little kitty

    Little kitty Fapstronaut

    I'm not deleted my account,I will open it once a month to make sure that there is an important message from my old friend. I am tired of reading other people's negative post that ultimately affect my mood.
    Eleanor likes this.
  7. Tony Greenshrine

    Tony Greenshrine Fapstronaut

    I have multiple times yes for long periods of time.

    I currently use Facebook but I no longer allow it to use me.

    Gmork likes this.
  8. Tony Greenshrine

    Tony Greenshrine Fapstronaut

    Zuckerberg is actually a really great person man. I mean hate his business if you want but he is a stand up human being in my eyes.
  9. kayesem

    kayesem Fapstronaut

    @Tony Greenshrine maybe so, I have never met the guy. No hate. Was referring to the pewdiepie video with a similar title. Check it out : )

    "... but it is going to bother you, because you're human, and, and I was human. I am human, still. Umm... but, umm, but it, but I was just referring to myself in the past. Umm, not that I was not human." - M. Zuckerberg
  10. Lions

    Lions Fapstronaut

    Deleted it many years ago, I'm glad I did.
  11. getdanked21

    getdanked21 Fapstronaut

    IMO Permenantly deleting facebook account is not a good decision especially if you are in business or marketing. Social media is a great medium for marketing at very low cost. I am not talking about pushing ads/spamming but running an official page in fb, twitter etc. and posting updates.

    Anything in excess is harmful. Even food when taken in excess will lead to health issues. I have abstained from facebook for one complete year and then created a new account. Ever since, my usage of fb has reduced to like 5-10%. My cravings died and now I rarely use it personally. Now I spend like 20 minutes on it every week.

    Recently, I opened facebook after 4 days after my birthday. I was surprised to see many birthday wishes in my feed (I don't use fb app because its distracting with notifications). I feel fine using fb on desktop.
    Eleanor and Deleted Account like this.
  12. Why not just have a facebook account for your business, if you need it. Not a personal account.
    runfastmd likes this.
  13. Gave up Facebook in 2012. One of the best choices of my life.
    Apparently, seeing some of it from guys at work, it's become even more mindless. Constant stream of memes and more bullshit then you can imagine.
    I've gotten the "you're weird for not having Facebook" "how can you not have Facebook?" Don't listen to them.
    Apparently Facebook is going the way of MySpace anyways..highschool kids use snapchat and Instagram now. So it's being replaced with something equally mindless lol but yeah. Don't Facebook. Go to the gym.
    Eleanor, kayesem and runfastmd like this.
  14. runfastmd

    runfastmd Fapstronaut

    No he's a piece of shit and has greatly accelerated the dumbing down and mindlessness of America. He's a genius and a talented businessman, no doubt, but he's still a piece of shit.
  15. getdanked21

    getdanked21 Fapstronaut

    I was talking about quitting social media in general.
    (edited to add more details my answer)

    Since, I have to use it for business purpose, I kept my personal account alive as well. What difference does it make if I delete it? I have to still use fb anyway. I don't post anything on my account and it stays dormant.

    Everyday, I get updates in whatsapp groups from friends and family. Same ones I see on fb when I open it. There is no escape for me in terms of content. If it proves to be hurting my productivity in terms of distraction or time, I am ready to delete it like before. As long as it is benign, I don't see why deleting it would help.

    In fact lot of my old friends are on my friends list as well. If I want to contact them or they want to contact me, fb is the place where they send messages.

    In my country, we constantly keep changing our phone numbers. So, fb is common area where it is possible to contact them.
    Last edited: Feb 4, 2018
    Eleanor likes this.
  16. I am not on Facebook anymore either. Been two weeks without logging on and I really don't miss it. I have messenger, and if people want to contact me, that is the best. So far so good :)
    Eleanor and runfastmd like this.
  17. Yes I have been facebook FREE for about four years now. One of the best decision of my life! Just stick with the decision.
    Gmork, kayesem and runfastmd like this.
  18. People are enslaved to their own desires, not facebook. People are so desperate for superficial connection, and facebook provides an outlet for that desparation.

    Props to you for realizing how superficial facebook is. But some people could take it a step further, figure out why facebook is as big as it is, and make something even better. That's the best cycle, and that's how business works.

    Saying facebook is the cause of Americans getting dumber is naive as well. There are so many more variables than that.

    My take is that people take too much for granted: all of the math, physics, chemistry, biology, and quantum work is invisible, as if computers and the economy grew on a tree. But I could be wrong as well, and I know there is a mass of silent people who do know the true cost. But they are too smart and busy studying to make a lot of noise.
    Eleanor, Gmork, kayesem and 1 other person like this.
  19. Ashmxo

    Ashmxo Fapstronaut

    I deleted it for almost 2 years, it was replaced by Instagram but now I have been off that for 3 months. You feel so fresh and free it's brilliant
    Eleanor, Gmork and runfastmd like this.
  20. And if he's jacked enough, he's a trigger, and as one thing can lead to another... I would end up daydreaming and fapping. Deleted it today. So glad. So free. I'm tired of all the fake positivity, political nonsense and friend suggestions revolving around people I've never met in my entire life.

    You do a good job at spotting the fakers, bro!

    I think one of the issues is the same as with pornography. It takes more time and effort to take it upon yourself to get somewhere, try something out and there is a feeling of both a risk and and expectations, so the results might not impress you or give you instant satisfaction. With these nasties, you are used to what you get and you can always transform them into something more appealing to you, i. e., liking pages you want your feed to get updates from or relying on your PMO stash (I think most of you already know certain stuff you like/d by heart, what to type, where to look, etc.). It is more accessible, easier to "handle" (short term way of thinking!), does not require exiting the comfort zone, you can take as much time as you want to feel good (basically damaging yourself during the process) and the next time various types of negativity appear, you already know where to turn to. It lacks any actual sense of routine and continuity since we do not see it as a chore, we see it as a pastime. But pastime it is not. Because it keeps dragging us into oblivion. I admire people who manage to turn their backs and power through for a long period of time. That's discipline!

    Sorry if I sounded a tad off-topic.