When You're in Pain

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Deleted Account, Feb 14, 2018.

  1. What do you do when you feel like relapsing due to emotional pain? For me PMO has been a way to forget about pain in my life.
    sneket, Vulkan and tiredofbeingtired like this.
  2. Lonewolfpt

    Lonewolfpt Fapstronaut

    I wish i could knew the answer to that. I am currently in te same situation but one thing i know: engaging in PMO inst going to solve any of your problems
  3. Porn will only make you feel worse. It’s a vicious cycle that you have to destroy.
  4. R5AU3R

    R5AU3R Fapstronaut

    I do the dishes. I do my homework. I clean the house. I do my bed. I go outside and walk a little. I squat. I do push-ups. I pick that one book I've been reading... You will see there are lots of things left undone, because you've been watching porn.

    Pain sucks. And sometimes life hurts. But not being better than you're supposed to be hurts even more.

    "No good deed, for small it is, will become a waste".
  5. HatePorn

    HatePorn Fapstronaut

    I turn off my devices and I go outside.
  6. tiredofbeingtired

    tiredofbeingtired Fapstronaut

    Like @Lonewolfpt I am feeling something similar and don't have an answer.

    But one thing I try to remind myself very clearly of is that PMO is the cause of that pain. If the logic of it doesn't help I try to turn that pain into anger towards PMO. I remind myself that what I am feeling is because of PMO. And I shouldn't have to feel that. Even if PMO isn't the cause for the pain in your case I'm willing to bet it's preventing you from healing from it.

    Ideally though we would sit openly with the pain, letting ourselves feel it fully. We can't understand it without doing so. And when we fully understand it we often get an entirely different perspective on it, one where the pain has far less power over us. The pain is just thoughts and feelings. They are not an objective reflection of reality, no matter how sure we are that they are. And like all thoughts and feelings they will pass.
  7. Mateo89

    Mateo89 Fapstronaut

    If ur running away from ur emotional pain ur being a little bitch. Thats the truth I ain't gonna sugar coat nothing for u.

    If u want ur right of passage into manhood u gotta accept and face ur reality including all the emotional baggage u have been slipping under the carpet all these years.

    PMO doesn't cure ur emotional pain, it represses it. Without facing ur pain there is no personal growth. Without personal growth u remain static and u cannot possibly hope to achieve any forms of success.

    Man up to ur life. Let the pain hit u as hard as it needs to. If u can hold out long enough without running, Ull see the growth that comes after it.

    Pain is a part of life for all humans. The ones who do face the heat will evenually realize the capabilities they never thought they had within themselves.

    Skies the limit

    Deleted Account and Vulkan like this.
  8. Vulkan

    Vulkan Fapstronaut

    I believe for many people PMO is a symptom from unsolved issues in life.
    The issues make us susceptible to emotional pain. The pain makes us crave to feel better and we are more likely to relapse.

    So we should try to solve the issues in our lives to not feel so much pain in the first place.
    If this is not possible so easily, we may find coping mechanisms for the pain or we may try to be detached from emotions like monks (meditation?).
  9. Yes, I think that's true. I've always struggled making friends irl, when I meet someone I half expect that they don't like me, with the few friends I have I sometimes wonder if I'm nothing but a burden on them and they secretly don't want to be my friend. I've talked about this on here before but I was raised in a fundamental Christian family and I think that played a part in me not trusting people because I believed all non believers were out to get me. I thought everyone in my school hated me because my family was Christian, and because I thought they hated me I stayed to myself and didn't make any friends. I think also being mixed raced in a mainly all white school may have made me feel like the odd one out. I'm an adult now and I'm not as bad as I used to be but I haven't been able to shake off some of those childhood wounds.

    I plan to see a counselor when I can afford it. Right now I'm trying to think things through and learn more about psychology to help with my healing. But I think seeing a counselor will be the best thing to do and if I could afford it now I would see one.
    Vulkan likes this.
  10. Vulkan

    Vulkan Fapstronaut

    I feel you, even though I had very close friends in my life I would meet every day.
    For me the issue is, I wanted to save myself for a girl that really loves me, but never found one.
    It´s not that I never had chances, I really saved myself until it was too painful in my 30s.
    Subconciously that often makes me feel not good enough to be loved.

    It often makes me feel bad, especially when I experience something that pushes my buttons.
    For example: When I see lesbian girls, a sadistic voice tells me stuff like "look, you are not good enough as a man, she preferes to love another girl, many girls don´t even like guys, especially not you who never found love." And I feel really sad like a pile of crap. And other bad thoughts may come.

    If I have a hard day on top of that, I am vulnerable to relapse, when the negative emotions are to hard to keep in check, you may crave a "shot" to feel better. But it´s not the solution, then you feel worse.
    The solution is to solve the issue in your life - for me it´s finding a loving girlfriend.