Oldest Man In The World Is A Celibate

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Eddie108, Dec 29, 2017.

  1. Ongoingsupport

    Ongoingsupport Fapstronaut

    BTW clone = carbon copy = uniformity and as previously noted it's our attitude shaped by clock time, and if someone was dating themselves and gets lucky it's pretty much PMO time eh? Me senses a theme..
  2. It's been proven that just only 15 to 30 minutes a day help relieve stress and anxiety, I can't do it very long otherwise I get tired and what not. Not to mention a lot of people can't sit there for very long for various reasons, so 30 to maybe a maximum of 45 minutes works for me.

    Plus not to mention meditation has one main goal, to clear your mind and achieve a calm state. There are many different types/ways to meditate and there isn't necessarily a right or wrong way to go about it.
  3. Ongoingsupport

    Ongoingsupport Fapstronaut

    One main goal according to who, doing what exactly? By opening up to different types of meditation and saying there is no right and wrong way it also makes it very vague and for there to be practically no qualification to talk about. Even if we accept this, which method gives you benefit in 15-30 minutes? We may not say anything is right or wrong but if you're so time conscious then wouldn't you want to know what EXACTLY gives you result in the least amount of time? The two thoughts, namely all forms are acceptable and it takes such a small amount of time doesn't quite work together, if nothing else it is VERY loosely associated.

    Your reply also completely ignores/does not address my point about mindfulness being a quality in other activities, the whole view of thinking of meditation as a thing in and of itself also removes it from the context it comes from.

    There is no qualification for the type of meditation if you just say there is not necessarily a right or wrong way, the right/wrong framework is a distraction that misses the point that different practices does different things even if there is no value judgement about it. You can say different software on the computer is not necessarily right or wrong but that's kind of obvious and silly thing to point out, they have different functions and right and wrong was never presented as an issue in the first place.

    We actually do not have to point to any esoteric or rare practice to show the goal of clearing your mind misses the point and is a very generic treatment. In VERY common practices in Buddhism such as compassion practice where you extend compassion to people who you have difficult or mixed feelings towards you intentionally do the exact OPPOSITE of going for a calm state like extending compassion to cute kittens and puppies, similarly tonglen from Tibetan practice where it involves taking in the negativity on the in breath and transforming that and exhaling the positive. These practices are challenging rather than calming.

    The only way those generic goals and not differentiating methods of meditation make sense is in the generic sense of the word "meditation" and is a very short term and simplistic view, which will have little to do with the context of a specific tradition like yoga or Buddhism. Equating that with what a yogi does, which is the OP of this thread just doesn't follow and it is only marginally similar.

    Measuring it in time is also like measuring the function of your computer strictly in terms of the processors clock speed, both are in units of clock time and ignores the method of meditation or the software. It also doesn't matter how fast your computer is if you don't have good software that does what you need, you'll just be going nowhere fast.

    I once heard a Buddhist teacher (which is not the same thing as a meditation teacher) from another country relate an experience where he was in meditation for like a couple of weeks or something, and his subjective experience was only a few minutes passed. We are familiar with the reverse in the dream state where you may feel a lot of time has passed in terms of dream content but as far as clock time goes it may have been a very short period of time. This kind of phenomena cannot be reconciled with the almost fundamentalist view of clock time we have which also drives a really simplistic industrial mindset. The industrial revolution is not much of a revolution when it comes to the way people think, since it is just this outlook of being machine like - which to me is obvious in peoples view of time.

    There is a lot more to the mind than what we can measure, measuring how fast your computer reboots doesn't say anything about what sort of things it can do - which frankly has implications about a linear view of PMO recovery especially since we call it rebooting. Nobody considers a slower reboot better when it comes to computers, but then again fast doesn't in itself mean anything. If the computer reboots fast but still has a virus it's not exactly helpful.

    And when there is malware on a computer, nobody thinks just rebooting fixes it. Even antimalware software may fail and people need to consult a tech with a deeper understanding who might manually fix it. Maybe the PMO recovery movement needs to have this level of understanding.
    Last edited: Feb 24, 2018
  4. You are aware that meditation isn't just "mindfulness" right? As I said there are different types of meditation and I'm not training to be a bloody monk or something, it means different things for everyone and for me I do it to calm my mind down. I put a timer so I'm not sitting there for 5 hours or something and/or end up falling asleep.

    And I and nobody else has ever said they don't practice mindfulness, in fact if you read up a good deal on that subject you should already know well enough you should be doing that...
  5. tweeby

    tweeby Banned

    If anybody wants to know the true meaning of meditation PM me :)
  6. Ongoingsupport

    Ongoingsupport Fapstronaut

    I didn't say mindfulness = meditation, and what you said here when you speak for yourself is different from your original message when you didn't qualify it that way. I made a specific point about time, from your reply it isn't clear to me if you even read that part. It was long but if you're just replying to the first couple paragraph out of context and not my point then it might make more sense if you just quoted that part and say it's too long or whatever, but as it is it's just not what I was saying.
  7. Ongoingsupport

    Ongoingsupport Fapstronaut

    Nobody needs to be interested in a long post but if someone did read up on the related subjects I don't see how this one is so hard to follow that it has to be replied to by a misrepresentation of what was said. As far as I can tell it's just a matter of treating context as relevant instead of just throwing out various disconnected points.