Sex while she's on her period

Discussion in 'Rebooting in a Relationship' started by ClaudeDuval, Feb 25, 2018.

  1. Poseidon

    Poseidon Fapstronaut

    That’s not what I asked you, but ok...
  2. truthseeker17

    truthseeker17 Fapstronaut

    I don't think it's safer then when she isn't on her periods. It brings risks and other things with itself which makes this act more awkward, painful, irritating, messy and dangerous ... However, I see that it's here not about what is correct or good.. People tend to find and believe that which they desire to do.
  3. Like what? As far as I've read online, the only added risk is that it's easier to transfer STDs when you're on your period. Discomfort could be a factor, of course, but if she doesn't want to do it, I doubt he's going to force her. He was asking about medical risks, and I don't see any. If you know of some medical risks, feel free to speak up and state them instead making vague statements and passing judgement.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  4. Numb

    Numb Fapstronaut

    I've never found sex while I had my period to be awkward, painful or irritating. Messy, that depends. I honestly can't say it is really that much messier than normal sex. There isn't 'blood everywhere', if that is what you think. Dangerous? How? What risks?
    To the OP, I have no issues having sex while I have my period, it even can bring some relief to my cramps. If you are both fine with it then go for it. There is nothing wrong with it in my experience.
  5. kevinfine

    kevinfine Fapstronaut

    Some on here are grossed out by the thought but lemme tell .. I am married over 20 years and done it all.. including going down on here while she is on her period.. It builds a level of trust at a time when women feel that they are just going through h3ll. She know that you still care / love her no matter what !

    Real men have no boundaries to loving their gal! (my humble opinion)

    Stay Strong and Steady On
    Deleted Account and Jagliana like this.
  6. GG2002

    GG2002 Fapstronaut

    Red badge of courage ?
  7. GG2002

    GG2002 Fapstronaut

    Personally as a female I have no problem having sex when I have my period. But I am on the pill and my periods tend to be lighter. I don’t ever recall a time where it was messy, you could barely tell at all. It sort of stopped it up, almost like when I go into water. But I would recommend that she is on the bottom, so gravity can help you out there just in case. Put a towel down. If both parties are on board, who cares? Go for it. The only thing I would say is “bang one out while she’s on the rag?” Umm don’t say that to her.
  8. There are none, literally the only thing is there's a higher chance of that person contracting HIV and STDs IF she has either of those while on her period. While some may be in pain it can actually be a cramp reliever for a lot of women.

    You have no right saying any of that seeing as how it would only really be messy and for some irritating/painful. That's so untrue about the 'dangerous' part, you're not a woman so how would you know?
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 2, 2018
    Numb and Deleted Account like this.
  9. Jennica

    Jennica Fapstronaut

    Just to add one benefit for most women, having an O while on her period can help actually help with cramping and period discomfort.
    Numb and Deleted Account like this.
  10. truthseeker17

    truthseeker17 Fapstronaut

    @Sarah Walker

    Dear Sarah, I don't have to be a women to understand to know certain things ... I read and study and try to learn of other people(mostly women) about the female body.

    There are several serious harms in sleeping with the females on their periods. Just because many people say that there is no harm it doesn't mean that they are true. I mean many people also say that there is no harm in PMO right? ...

    Our knowlegde about many things is limited and we still need to discover many things. Note how many things were declared safe and non-problematic until later the bad-effects were discovered.

    I found some info which shows with evidence that this thing might be a serious threat to one's health. However, it's not solid proof but it does show that it's not all that which people try to make it(safe).

    Here a few links to show some understanding ... (a study done on bad-effects which may be linked to sex on periods) (article .. )

    I did not find any solid proof .. sadly but I do believe it's bad and evil especially for the women. Anyone is free to choose whatever he/she will. Sigh, I don't judge people and if I do .. I just try to be honest and don't mean to bring anyone low or to humiliate anyone. And If I somehow did that, it was never my intention at all!
  11. Well that says it all right there. You have no solid proof, and you're sad about that, because you desperately wanted your biased opinion to be solidified by fact and you couldn't find any facts to back up your opinion. But yet you still hold that opinion, which seems odd to me. My guess is that maybe your opinion is religiously based? If that's the fact, then at least own that and don't pretend that science is on your side when you just said, yourself, that you couldn't find any proof to support your opinion.
    Jennica, Numb and Deleted Account like this.
  12. Honest? You say it's 'evil' and 'bad' yet you have no actual evidence or studies to back up what you claim, not to mention that line about PMO is absolute bullshit, you can't apply that to every thing in life.

    In most cases for women it can decrease the amount of blood and relieve symptoms, every women is different in how sex affects their period. Come back to me when you have real supporting/backed evidence and then we'll talk.
    Jennica and Numb like this.
  13. Mrs.J

    Mrs.J Fapstronaut

    1) period sex is great
    2) if you disagree with number 1, have her skip the last week of pills and just start over at day one. To be clear, still take a pill every day, just take 1-21 as normal, throw away days 22-28 (they are blanks/sugar pills), and on day 22 take day 1 of the next pack, day 23 take day 2, etc. Of course, ask your doctor, but it’s safe and works. When I was on the pill I took them this way and only took the full pack of 28 once every 6 months. Two periods a year is way less hassle than 12, in my opinion.
  14. truthseeker17

    truthseeker17 Fapstronaut

    It's true what you say! I don't have scienctific evidence which supports my opinion. But it doesn't mean I can't have this opinion. Notice how many fundamental things were once a theory. I wish they did more research on this .. anyways time will definitely tell whom of us is right. May the truth unite us.
  15. Honestly it's a waste of time and money that can be spent on something worthwhile. Me as well as many other women don't have problems with it, either we do it or we don't is really all there is to it. If it helps bring me relief from cramps and what have you I'll do it regardless of what's said.

    Many things were once a theory, and most of those had legitimate reasons to pursue research into whatever it was.
    Deleted Account, Numb and Jennica like this.
  16. ClaudeDuval

    ClaudeDuval Fapstronaut

    Okay, so it went quite well. Her "Flow" wasn't that heavy... it just felt really warm/hot inside(kinda weird!). Lol We only had sex twice, we spent most of our time actually doing stuff. A nice change! :) Thanks for all the replies.
  17. The Wrestler

    The Wrestler Fapstronaut

  18. Simsplayer

    Simsplayer Fapstronaut

    If she is on the pill she can keep taking it without a break then she won't get a period until she stops taking it..