
Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Deleted Account, Mar 18, 2018.

  1. Hm... okay. That seems like a pretty flawed perspective, though, to just abide by current laws and not recognize when change needs to occur. I mean, slavery used to be legal, but that didn't make it right.

    I don't want to start an argument or anything, but I'm just saying, I think you should look into what it is you fundamentally believe, and more importantly WHY you have those beliefs.

    I agree there, I think that's a very important point for people to remember. I've heard some argue that if the brain hasn't developed yet, for example, that the child isn't a viable human being yet. They often equate that to pulling the plug on someone who was in some tragic accident and is now brain dead. But the issue with that argument is that they aren't equivalent at all, because the person in the accident is not going to become a perfectly functioning, viable human being again in a matter of weeks. And if they were, it probably wouldn't be legal for their family to pull the plug on them. Doctors would probably say no, you can't do that, just wait a few weeks. And that's the case with unborn babies. Even if they aren't "viable" YET, they will be very soon, barring a miscarriage or something. So it can't be equated with pulling the plug on someone who is brain dead and never going to be viable again.

    I'm not trying to sound like a jerk here, but I think there are some major issues with your points here.

    The thing is, IF a fetus is, in fact, a valid, human life, then would it not be reasonable for the government to tell women they can't end that life? I don't really see why that wouldn't be reasonable, for the same reason that it's perfectly reasonable for murder to be illegal.

    I don't understand how you equate the issue of abortion with the issue of gay marriage, either. Gay marriage harms nobody, so of course the government should stay out of it (in my libertarian opinion). But abortion is not harmless. We've already pretty well established that, even if some may not consider a fetus to be a viable life YET, is certainly is at least the potential of a life. And to end that is, at the very least, morally questionable. I don't see how that can be put on the same level as gay marriage, when it comes to saying the government should stay out of it. I mean trust me, I'm all for limited government, but I'm not about to say that it's not the government's job to tell us what to do with our bodies WHEN the decision we are making effects someone else's well being. The government can't tell us who to have consensual sex with or not to eat junk food, for example, but then definitely CAN tell us not to rape or beat someone, or take someone's property or their life.

    I really struggle to understand why people feel the way you do about abortion. And again, I'm not trying to sound rude or judgemental. I just really do struggle to wrap my head around how that view makes sense and where you would draw the line in saying that a woman is free to make her own choices, even when that choice drastically effects someone else who hasn't given them consent for their decision. I can't think of any scenario in which that would be acceptable, so I don't understand how people come to the conclusion that it's acceptable in regards to abortion. What's the difference? You say you can't stand there and tell a woman what she can do, but that's not true. I'm fairly certain, if you're a decent person and you saw a woman pointing a gun at a child, you wouldn't have any moral issue with telling that woman not to shoot that kid. So... women can and should be told what to do sometimes.

    And it's not even a matter of what they can or can't do. It's a matter of what they can and can't do legally and without consequences. Technically speaking, we are all free to do basically whatever we want. We can murder people or rape people or steal people's stuff. But we aren't free to do those things legally and without consequence.

    Also, you mention the Catholic church being against abortion, and the separation of church and state being a good thing. But the Catholic church is also against rape and murder, and I, for one, am pretty glad the state is with them on that. So that's not a very strong argument either.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 18, 2018
  2. Ah, very nice. No well idk if the fetus is a life, neither does anybody really. It's just what you believe in. The government would have to make that decision for us, which is bad. Maybe science would come out with a more realistic timeline from when it becomes a lifeform. If you're religious, you typically believe that life starts at the moment of conception (which would be bad to apply religion to gov). Who would decide... Congress?? *literally lmao* (one of the main opposition reasons)

    The gay marriage was kinda out of the blue, just related a common issue in gov. But yeah, gay marriage doesn't harm anybody in real life. But alot of people are very sensitive and butthurt about same-sex marriage. I was just implying i don't think it should have been a discussion or debate for either issue on a governmental level. In other

    **Do I think abortion is "wrong"? Sure, thats why I proposed to have a societal transition, instead of a governmental transition. Our world is, sadly, revolved around money nowadays. Make it a societal change to raise price of getting an abortion and lowering adoption costs, it would really balance itself out the other way (over decades). It's the same way I fell about drugs, gay marriage, etc.

    The truth of the matter is I actually don't have no right to tell a woman what to do (double-negative), so I CAN tell a woman what to do. This is contradictory to my past belief, which i said the opposite because I WONT tell a woman whether or not she can get her baby aborted. I'll stop her if she's taking a life(shooting a child), but the fetus (possibly not even alive) is inside of her.

    @CassTeaElle let's say, for example, life doesnt start at the moment of conception. Would you still make the argument because its a possibility of birth? Then you would have to be against condoms and birth control

    ***It's a problem, just not for the government to decide. There's better ways.

    Also, i need to add that the government didn't get the no rape or murder law from the catholic church. There's been consequences for rape and murder in societies (typically murder) long, long, (long) before the catholic religion was even created. The Bible is by far, the most violent book out there (perhaps an exaggeration). My point is you can't pick and choose what you like out of the catholic religion, or any religion. This is something that has long bothered me about strong religious people (i dont think youre one of these people, just saying). You believe in it, then believe in it. Hate gay people, think woman are inferior, jump on the pope's...(maybe not on a anti-porn site), etc. Don't just cherry-pick what you want and go with it. (Again, i dont think you do this, just your last paragraph, had to be said).
  3. @CassTeaElle basically it's not the governments place. Especially not to determine when it becomes "life." That's god's work
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 19, 2018
  4. yaaarp

    yaaarp Fapstronaut

    I believe in the parent's right to choose, and that the state shouldn't regulate what a person does to their bodies. although I can totally see why some people would be against it, depending on your beliefs regarding when a collection of cells becomes a living human being.

    I really don't like the terms of the debate though. Anti-abortion groups make it feel like pro-choice advocates are actually in favour of abortion, whereas many of us are just in favour of being allowed to make a choice. I'm pro-choice but I don't think I would ever want a partner to have an abortion. I just feel that the state shouldn't dictate this to people.

    I'm very much of the opinion that "I can't do that because of my religion" is perfectly fine but "you can't do that because of my religion" should never be a basis for legislation.

    I also hate the term 'pro-life' - many of the people who describe themselves as such couldn't give a sh*t about peoples lives.
  5. yaaarp

    yaaarp Fapstronaut

    What if an abortion is necessary to help save the life of the mother? Would abortion be ok then, as you're trading a potential life for an actual life?
  6. Either way, the government is making a decision. They are either deciding that the fetus isn't a life and can legally be killed, or that it is a life and legally cannot be killed. It's involved either way, whether you like it or not. Abortions being legal isn't just the default, it's a decision. And we aren't talking about religion or just the government, we are talking about science. The fact that scientists can't agree on where life begins should be all the more reason to just make abortion illegal all together, because it's better to be safe than sorry.

    That makes zero sense to me. You just said you think abortion is wrong. There must be a reason you think it is wrong, right? What is that reason? Is it because you think it might be murder? If so, how can you justify believing that and not trying to stop it? But if you don't believe it's murder, then why do you feel like it's wrong? I think you need to think about these things a little more deeply, because you're contradicting yourself all over the place, and your views don't make logical, consistent sense.

    This argument is used a lot, and its silly. Sperm cells on their own will never make a baby, and neither will eggs. An embryo is vastly different than simply sperm and eggs on their own, and literally ever scientist in the world will tell you that. To try to imply that life begins in sperm cells or eggs, alone, is infinitely more ridiculous than to argue that life begins at conception.

    Again, this is contradictory. You say it's a problem, but WHY? If it's a problem because it might potentially be murdering a baby, then it's completely insane to not want the government to forbid it. If it's a problem for some other reason, I would love to hear what that reason is, because I can't think of one. There's a reason you think it's wrong and that its a problem, and you need to be honest with yourself about what that reason is.

    I don't understand why you brought the Catholic church into this at all. The only reason I even responded to that is because it was another contradiction. You said that basically abortion shouldn't be illegal because the church wants it to be, which makes no sense, because "the church" also wants things like murder and rape to be illegal, and you're fine with those. I'm just pointing out your many contradictions. I haven't been talking about religion at all in this thread, at least not that I can remember. We are talking about logic and science and, to an extent, morality. None of that has to do with the Catholic church.

    Again, that doesn't make sense for the reasons I've already said. But also, nobody is asking the government to decide when a fetus is life. We ask scientists to do that. The government us simply responding to the findings of science, not creating those findings.
  7. I just want to say, I agree with this completely. But on the issue of abortion, that is not at all what people are doing. I don't think I know a single religious person who says that abortion should be illegal because "God says it's bad." It's not simply a religious argument, it's a scientific one. And to be clear, I'm perfectly able to admit when something is just a religious argument, but this is not. For example, there's a thread going on about the death penalty, and I was very upfront in that thread about the fact that most of my opposition of the death penalty is religiously based and that I understand why non-Christian people wouldn't feel the same way I do. But abortion is not the same in that respect. There are plenty of non-religious people who are against abortion, and plenty of religious people who are against it for valid reasons that aren't just "because God says so."

    I've never heard a pro-life individual have any qualms about that question, and I don't either. Yes, of course, if the mothers life is at risk, she is a priority over the baby's life. That doesn't mean the baby isn't a baby and that its life doesn't matter, though. It's just a very unfortunate decision that must be made.

    But honestly, that's kind of a strawman argument anyway. Nobody is trying to make that illegal. Prioritizing the mothers life over the child's, in an emergency situation, has pretty much always been a thing and nobody has any issues with that. But that's not what 90% of abortions are about. A vast majority of them are about convenience, not an emergency life or death situation.
  8. @wethebest if you take nothing else from what I've said, I really want you to think about WHY you personally have an issue with abortion or think it's "wrong" or a "problem." Be completely honest with yourself and put it into words, and then see if it still makes sense for you to be against making it illegal. I really don't think you've allowed yourself to really understand why you think it's wrong. I would love to see you put that in words.

    Because for me, here's what I would say.

    I would say that I think abortion is wrong because I believe that a fetus inside a mother's womb is a human being, literally the most innocent among us, growing and living and developing in what is suppose to be the safest place in the world for him or her to develop. I believe that it's just a matter of location, whether we are talking about a fetus or a 1-day-old baby. One is still inside the mothers womb, one is outside, but they are both still human beings who have rights, the most important of which being the right to not be killed. And unfortunately these human beings don't have a voice to be able to fight for their own rights, so it's imperative that we, as a society, fight for them when necessary.

    Now for me, being that that's what I believe, it would be absolutely psychotic of me to follow that up with "But it should be a womans choice, and who am I to tell her what to do? The government shouldn't be allowed to stop her, either." Whether or not you agree with me on anything else, I think we can both agree that if I firmly believe what I just said I believe about abortion, then I would be a psychopath to not want abortion to be illegal. It would be disgusting of me to believe that and not fight for it to be stopped.

    So that's what I'm having trouble understanding with your views. I don't understand believing abortion is wrong, but not wrong enough to be illegal.

    MLMVSS Fapstronaut

    By default, I’m quite pro-life.

    It comes down to rights. A woman DOES have the right to mind her body how she wants, hence she has the right to not have birth control rejected to her, and she has the right to refuse sex, the right for adoption, etc.

    But, the moment an egg is fertilised, is the moment another human is created, and that human has rights to its body also. It’s a bundle of cells, each containing (usually) 46 chromosomes of distinctly human DNA that’s unique to the mother’s, and these cells are still metabolically active. It’s not her cells there, but rather another human. That is why I believe life starts at conception, because while there aren’t heartbeats or a brain, the cells are still active and acting almost independently of the mother (other than the umbilical cord).
    Moon Shot and Deleted Account like this.
  10. Well said. One could argue that we are all just a bundle of cells.
    MLMVSS likes this.
  11. MLMVSS

    MLMVSS Fapstronaut

    I remember Ben Shapiro using that argument against a college woman at one of his speeches. Definitely true
  12. Lol yeah, I was thinking of that when I said that. He has some really solid arguments against abortion, for sure.
    MLMVSS likes this.
  13. SolitaryScribe

    SolitaryScribe Fapstronaut

    I'll just put in my 2 cents here:

    I don't like the argument that people use of "what if she was raped". We all know damn well that the majority of abortions happen because the people were just being dumb or lazy when it came to preventive sex. The girl I knew that had an abortion got pregnant because she started to believe that she was infertile hence stopped taking her BC pills.

    Another girl I knew claimed that she had 5 abortions, and not one of those were rape. Now I'm not claiming that rape abortions don't happen, however they are not the majority... or even close to the majority of reasons.

    My issue with abortion that it's a quick fix for a serious issue... it seems like a cowardly way to deal with something.

    I think the focus is on the wrong aspect though... Our focus shouldn't be on abortion, it should be on preventative measures. I'm all for giving our free birth control and condoms. I'm also for giving women free therapeutic sessions and classes to help her make the right decisions before jumping on the idea of abortion. I wouldn't want to outlaw it completely, but I would want to make it less necessary.
  14. SolitaryScribe

    SolitaryScribe Fapstronaut

    You're ok with killing something that has a heartbeat?
  15. MLMVSS

    MLMVSS Fapstronaut

    I think she’s saying that 6 weeks is too long to wait in making a choice
  16. Truegamer007

    Truegamer007 Fapstronaut

    Before I give my views on this issue, I'd like to call attention to the following statistics.
    As you can see, most abortions tend to be elective. A small minority are due to to medical reasons and a minuscule 1% are termination of pregnancy due to rape.

    My opinion on this issue is that abortion should definitely be allowed in case of medical reasons. And other than that it should be allowed in case of non-consensual sex. That would include rape and sex involving minors (since they can't consent, I'm assuming consent is 18 years) In any other situation, abortion should NOT be allowed. If you're an adult and having consensual, unprotected sex, you damn well be able to deal with the consequences. Killing an unborn baby is no excuse for your irresponsibility.
  17. SolitaryScribe

    SolitaryScribe Fapstronaut

  18. So you've never acted cowardly? You've never avoided the easier option?
  19. MLMVSS

    MLMVSS Fapstronaut

    Not when the easier option involves taking the life of another just to avoid responsibility.

    That’s the problem with people these days. From their wanting of free stuff to their love of abortion “freedoms”, not many know how to be personally responsible.
    Moon Shot and Deleted Account like this.
  20. Uncultivated

    Uncultivated Fapstronaut

    Scientificallyand biologically speaking, according to the seven life processes, the accepted standard by the logic of the scientific method nd the scientific community, a zygote is alive, living, and according to its DNA it's species is homo sapien, aka human. How one feels about whether it's a person worthy of life and rights is what distinguishes pro life from pro choice.