Make porn illegal

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Bottomofthemap, Mar 29, 2018.

  1. Bottomofthemap

    Bottomofthemap Fapstronaut

    I would love to see the day porn is made illegal. It’s pathetic business it ruins the lives of viewers and actors. I don’t think it would ever happen, but I’d really like to see it done. Anyone agree?
  2. Troels. L

    Troels. L Fapstronaut

    No I don't think it would be in anyone's favour, countries which restricts porn, will still do things to get themselves off. <It will just happen behind the scene. But I advocate for boycotting it
    potato bop and SaltedPeter like this.
  3. Just because something is illegal doesn't mean people won't do it. I disagree.

    Instead, I would instead try to show people just how bad it really is for you and hopefully have interest in porn die out. The industry would lose money and eventually go bankrupt.

    On principle, I agree with you on the infelicitous nature of porn. But making it illegal would not solve anything.
  4. Ridley

    Ridley Fapstronaut

    I actually don't agree for two different reasons:
    1. The more philosophical reason: There's nothing inherently unethical about porn. Unless there's sex trafficking going on (which is illegal anyway, and for good reason), the actors in porn videos are consenting adults. The fact that people can become addicted to porn is not an argument that porn is unethical either. Consider the case of alcohol: people can become addicted to alcohol, and alcohol can harm addicts in ways much more fatal than porn addiction. Yet, alcohol is legal because society has agreed that it is the responsibility of users to drink responsibly. We don't blame the liquor store for the local drunk. I think there is an analogous case for pornography. It is the responsibility of each of us to view porn responsibly. If you are addicted to porn and compulsively watch it in a way that is harmful to yourself, that is your responsibility, and not the responsibility of the people who made the material.
    2. The more practical reason: Making porn illegal won't prevent people from watching porn. Even if it was illegal, there would still be a high demand for pornography, which means that people would still make porn. Amateur producers and actors, who might have no experience with crime otherwise, would now be seen as criminals and taken out of the porn industry. Meanwhile, professional criminals who already have experience with avoiding the law would rise to the top as the people who can consistently produce porn and still get away with it.
    So, I don't think making porn illegal is going to help anyone. If you really want to make a change in the porn industry, you have to do it with your time and with your wallet. That means that you don't purchase any pornography and you don't visit pornographic websites who generate money from advertisements exposed to their viewers. If lots and lots of people boycotted porn in this way, then there wouldn't be as high of a demand for porn, and the people who are making it would realize that they could probably make more money doing something else. I think that would be much more effective than simply banning porn.
    Joe1023, EthanW., Hatfuge and 12 others like this.
  5. This sums it up nicely.
  6. Vulkan

    Vulkan Fapstronaut

    I believe repressive systems are dangerous.
    As much as possible should be legal, for example drugs, weapons and porn.

    People should decide on their own, what is good or bad for them.
    You can give information to people. But if they don´t agree, force upon them what you believe is good? They will instead trade stuff on black markets and the mafia will gain a lot of power from that. If you want to battle all the crime you created from making too restrictive laws, you have to basically build a police state. The growing state leeches resources from the workers, spys, controls and restricts the people.
  7. Cigarettes are dangerous for your body and it can kill you but you can purchase it everywhere. Porn is the same. The reason government can't ban porn completely is because it gives pleasure and people don't want to lost pleasure of watching porn and porn company don't want to lost their source of income.
    Deleted Account and Vulkan like this.
  8. Ridley

    Ridley Fapstronaut

    I don't think this is the reason the government "can't ban porn" (they actually can, if they wanted to, but that's another point entirely). Think of LSD. LSD gives pleasure to people and they don't want to miss out on the pleasure of taking LSD. People who make LSD for a living don't want to lose their source of income. Yet, LSD is illegal. My point with this example is that it is well within a government's power to make porn illegal, and I think the reason it hasn't been banned is much more complex than just basic human pleasure and loss of income for porn producers.
  9. Bottomofthemap

    Bottomofthemap Fapstronaut

    There’s nothing ethical about to fake people having fake sex while being filmed so someone can touch their self until they orgasm. I if you think about it that fucking horrible. Put a ban on it and make it highly highly illegal, and it would come to a end. I’m not talking about the same pussy judges that slap these dope dealers on the wrist, and then tell us to tell our kids just say no. I’m talking about a restructured judicial system. I’m being optimistic I know, but if all the right people got on board it would work.
  10. MLMVSS

    MLMVSS Fapstronaut

    This is how authoritarianism starts.
  11. Many people here are fan of pornstars. They won't allow you to make it illegal. Get ready for "why blame porn" comments.
  12. People shouldn't blame porn for their own choices and porn shouldn't be illegal. If youre an adult its up to you to govern yourself appropriately. If you have a bad habit of abusing porn its up to you to work hard to change your behavior or face the negative consequences. That applies to anything that has the potential to be negative so if you ban porn, irresponsible people will find another vice that youll need to ban. Do you expect the government to ban everything that you could possibly get addicted to because you're too lazy to develop self control and good judgement?

    This is just as innapropriate as that NY city soda ban imposed because they felt fat people couldn't be trusted to stop drinking soda all day long. Maybe the government should just put us in little cages so we don't make the wrong choice and ruin our lives.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 30, 2018
  13. You must know that you are talking to addicts here. Not normal adults. We were made addicts before even reaching adulthood. If smoking is illegal, porn must also be illegal too. And the availability of porn is even more than that of drugs. It's a serious problem.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  14. JamesMC89

    JamesMC89 Fapstronaut

    Another side of this is to look at the 1964 case of Jacobellis v. Ohio where Justice Potter Stewart once said: "I can't define pornography, but I know when I see it. I'll admit my PMO addiction isn't just about hardcore pornography, but fapping in general. Even if porn were illegal, I would still have a problem and likely be addicted.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  15. There are plenty of serious problems a food addiction can be just as detrimental as porn or drugs. Im an addict myself so I understand addiction is difficult to deal with. I've also used drugs and this has also negatively impacted my life but these are consequences of my personal choices.

    We were not made addicts. No one climbed into your room, downloaded a bunch of porn then forced you to jerk to it. I'm pretty sure you knew you werent supposed to be looking at porn when you did it. We along with the rest of the world are effected by society and the people around us but we are mostly suffering the consequences of our own actions. If you dont learn to be responsible and hold yourself accountable no government will ever be able to protect you.
  16. They will not come to your house to sell themselves. Just a taste of it one time is enough for anyone to crave for it from the next day. And that first time may come to anyone for satisfying curiosity. That's why there are billions of addicts everywhere.

    I think food addiction is mainly for Americans as they have plenty to eat. Food addiction is not so common in poor countries or developing countries.
  17. I'm not arguing with you there because I understand addiction from experience and I know its hard as hell to over come.

    I'm just pointing out the fact that you are responsible for yourself and its not the goverment's job to baby sit you and keep you from getting into trouble. Its your job to excercise good judgement and if you screw up and get addicted, its also your job to realize it and change your behavior before you ruin your life.
    MLMVSS likes this.
  18. IR254

    IR254 Fapstronaut

    I see it like this: Porn should not be banned. Just because we can't stop, doesn't mean others can't. There are plenty of people, who have no problem with porn and that is fine. I'm a firm believer in personal freedom. A person should deside on his or her own, if he or she wanted to watch porn or not. It's not our job and not the goverments job to "protect" us from ourselves. If we want to do certain things, we should be allowed to; at least as long no other person is affected directly. That's why I'm also for legalizing all drugs altough I've never taken any myself. Humans are able to decide for themselves, they don't need a babysitter.

    We also know from experience, that bans never work out. Look at countries, who banned drugs. A massive underground market evolved. If people want to do drugs, they will find a way to do it anyways. Same goes with porn, probably even stronger. We should use this knowledge and learn from it. So maybe let the industry pay high taxes or something, I don't know. Controlling an industry to a certain degree is fine, but banning it completly is not.

    I don't know how it is in other countries, but in Germany they acutally can't ban porn just like that. They would have to use a massive explanation based on facts and figures on why they want to ban it, because a ban is a restriction of personal freedom. That porn can be addictive would certainly not be enough, since basicially every fucking thing out there can be addictive.

    Exactly. Dangerous thing to do.
  19. Lau

    Lau Fapstronaut

    Bro , if I not mistaken in China porn is illegal. They was news about a Chinese twitch streamer she ate a banana sexually and got arrested for that and sentence 4 years in prison. Now a days teenagers in China would watch Chinese girls stream their own daily routine and guys would buy them digital gifts that can be covert into money just to get the streamer to notice them. Basically is a like a cam site without porn.

    The main point here is that if porn is illegal people would find other ways to substitute porn or addiction. The best way in my opinion is to educate the next generation the dangers of porn addiction my parents didn't know what I been through until I told them about it.
  20. MLMVSS

    MLMVSS Fapstronaut

    The banana thing also occurred in Saudi Arabia, where once again porn is banned. China and Saudi Arabia aren’t exactly beacons of freedom and liberty, also.

    My thing is people should be responsible for themselves. As for children, it should be the duty of the PARENT to monitor their electronic use, not the government’s. I don’t believe in the “It takes a village to raise a child” Marxist rubbish, it just takes a loving family and the child’s own experiences.
    Lau and Vulkan like this.