How many habits are too many? How to find a balance between everyday life and self-improvement?

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by pmotina, Mar 27, 2018.

  1. pmotina

    pmotina Fapstronaut


    my main additional self-improvement habits besides NoFap atm are:
    - writing morning pages (~30min.)
    - writing in a gratitude journal (~5min.)
    - daily stabilizing core exercises (~10min.)

    i'm wondering whether that's too much already or not?
    especially since i'm a high school student and go to school for about 9-10h a day. also, i practice singing at least 30 min. per day, meet friends, study, want to go to church every week, do some cardio every other day and so on...

    you get the idea; i have many interests and responsibilities but also want to improve myself desperately. i don't know how to prioritize.
    does anyone have advice on how to balance it out?

    j_pwc_bat likes this.
  2. j_pwc_bat

    j_pwc_bat Fapstronaut


    " my main additional self-improvement habits besides NoFap atm are:
    - writing morning pages (~30min.)
    - writing in a gratitude journal (~5min.)
    - daily stabilizing core exercises (~10min.)"

    I could be wrong, but 30 minutes in the morning seems a bit excessive (unless you are a Journalism major, or enjoy all that writing.......or it is therapeutic.

    Sounds like you have VERY FULL DAYS -- and it is wearing you out.
    Perhaps you could make some "Adjustments"........ trim off time parameters here and there......
    combine activities....... eliminate some activities........ ride bike to school (= exercise).....etc.

    No PMO will make you stronger in every way.

    Here's some other tips to "pick and choose" from (apply or discard):

    1. You literally don't have to watch porn ever again. (self.NoFap)
    submitted 2 years ago by
    BazookaMorpheus88 Days

    When PMO is not even an option (self.NoFap)
    submitted 3 years ago * by
    Kestral 233 days

    3. Google: "The pain of self-discipline [4] is far less than the pain of regret [8]" ..... Find an image you like......... and save it onto your computer or phone.

    4. Rewards -- treats or dessert (for good behavior); or buy something related to a hobby you really enjoy; listen to your favorite songs, etc.

    5. Some guy on line had this great advice: " Never touch your dick……[or female parts for women]."

    Tip……. when showering use a wash cloth

    6. Humor ....... Google: "Glad you could join me Mr. Bond". Funny, somewhat possessed toddler............... Anyone know the Villain the toddler is supposed to represent?

    7. Click on the NoFap "Emergency" button and find an image you like (positive influence):

    BONUS -- Fasting 1-3 times weekly [meals; or days] will help you have more self control -- and many health benefits. If you skip breakfast, GREEN TEA (WITH CAFFEINE) is a good, mild, stimulant.

    pmotina likes this.
  3. pmotina

    pmotina Fapstronaut

    yeah, 20-30mins. of writing in the morning may sound excessive but i noticed how i crave it as i gain so much clarity and other benefits due to it so i simply can't let go of this habit at least for now.

    thank you for the other advice, i'll see what i can implement!
  4. Animation Fan

    Animation Fan Fapstronaut

    That doesn't sound too bad. 45 minutes out of 24 hours won't ruin you, especially if it's keeping you safe.
    pmotina likes this.
  5. pmotina

    pmotina Fapstronaut

    wow, i haven't looked at it from this perspective. thank you so much!
  6. Animation Fan

    Animation Fan Fapstronaut

    No problem. ;)
  7. pmotina

    pmotina Fapstronaut

    'too much' in a sense that you feel stressed out by reminding to do all of them
  8. 1. Don’t start too many self improvement goals at a time. 1 or two at most
    2. Don’t start a new self improvement goal until ones you are curtently doing become habit
    3. Integrate goals into your life. For example: I like doing physical things, being outside, using my hands. And physical health is a big thing for me. So my workouts integrate these things. For cardio I often use a weighted backpack and go rucking. Or I’ll split firewood w/my maul instead of using a chainsaw or buying it. I’ll use my handsaws instead of always using my circular get the idea. Make the things you do for fun incorporate you self improvement goals.
    RobbyGo36 likes this.
  9. diddykong

    diddykong Fapstronaut

    I know it's tough as there never seems to be enough time to do everything. However, I think it helps to think like this. There are 168 hours in a week. If you break it down thus:

    School = 50 hours/week
    Sleep (assuming 8 hours/day) = 56 hours/week
    "Maintenance" (eating/washing etc) = probably about 10 hours a week

    Factoring in 45 minutes a day for your self improvement you still have nearly 50 hours to do all your other stuff!

    On the converse:

    - how much time each day did you used to spend on PMO? (I'm guessing probably more than 45 minutes)
    - how much "dead time" do you spend doing things that don't promote your self improvement? (social media/YouTube/Netflix/TV/video games). These things are all fine in small amounts (and can be positive for you) but they are things that you could cut down to make time for other more useful things.

    Keep going - one of the greatest benefits of NoFap is that you get the chance to replace your unhealthy habits with healthier ones. Don't lose sight of that!
    pmotina likes this.
  10. Kcolrehs

    Kcolrehs Fapstronaut

    Ah ! It seems we have really similar morning routines. I think once you do it for 10 days or so it shouldn't be difficult for you to think and do each of them. It'll be sort of automated. To be frank doing morning pages has been one of the best things I've ever picked up. I'm curious are you going through the artists way to is it something you just picked up?

    I just get up about 2 hours earlier than I used to now (my routine takes about that long) and complete it. Trust me, the time you spend will definitely be worth it. Give The Miracle Morning a read of you haven't already :) it has some really good.advice that's straight to the point.
  11. pmotina

    pmotina Fapstronaut

    i'm not doing the artist's way but i want morning pages to help me foster my creativity...unfortunately, this habit seem to be the most stressing but i can't get rid of it somehow.
  12. pmotina

    pmotina Fapstronaut

    part of the problem is probably that i am annoyed by so many areas of myself personalitywise that i'm desperately trying to improve all of them.
    also, they say 'you are your habits' and i just want to be the best version of myself desperately!
    any advice?
    Kcolrehs likes this.
  13. Kcolrehs

    Kcolrehs Fapstronaut

    Yeah, I can relate and trust me you are on the right path !

    Even though we really want to see changes real fast it's a gradual process, it takes time but thats fine because the changes that you make by investing time and effort becomes a habit that sticks. That said, I'd again suggest you go through The Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod to a pretty good book to get things sorted, and you can always customise things to suit your needs.
    And remember, it's just a matter of time for these habits to stick and before you know it, even by just trying to improve yourself you will inevitably be closer and closer to your best self.

    Feel free to reach out if you need any help :)
    pmotina likes this.
  14. pmotina

    pmotina Fapstronaut

    this was very empowering! thank you so much!!