Feeling insecure

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by natnhnatnh, Apr 12, 2018.

  1. natnhnatnh

    natnhnatnh Fapstronaut

    Hey guys, i feel very insecure about my height 5ft 6-7, I try my best to deal with it but it's really hard, and I often feel very depressed thinking about this.
    It's been about 3 years that i think about my height everyday. And almost every day, for 3 years, people have laughed at me about that.

    I think it could be a good thing to talk about this with my family but I don't wanna look too superficial.
    It's really hard for me to talk about this cause I know it's just apparence and stuff.. but it still makes me feeling depressed.
  2. Imo, height doesn't matter. And height is one of the few things you can't change, unlike alot of things.

    Ask yourself why you want to be taller, and try to find other ways to make that happen. I'm saying this bc height can't change unless you were like 12.

    So yeah, ask yourself why. Also height really isn't glamarous as it sounds.
  3. Truegamer007

    Truegamer007 Fapstronaut

    Height doesn't matter so long as you don't let it. You play the cards you're dealt, accept it and live your life.
  4. ConstraintsTheory

    ConstraintsTheory Fapstronaut

    There are a lot more things to concern yourself with other than your height. It’s only an issue when you make it an issue other people pick up on it and use it against you. Likewise it stops being the focus of your self negativity when you stop making it an issue why do you give such so much power to an uncontrollable concept such as height dictate your life, the way you think and feel. You’re better than that.
  5. I researched this in college and height actually plays a huge role with certain things

    for starters, one study suggests that tall people tend to make more money than shorter people. this is supported by fortune 500 CEOs, who on average are 2.5 inches taller than the average person. some studies have even suggested that taller people have higher cognitive and noncognitive abilities.

    people will say that "height doesn't matter" -- well, it sort of does. and no one seems to be talking about these differences. it's pretty fascinating stuff

    so @natnhnatnh, this definitely isn't a superficial issue, and is something worth talking about with your family.
  6. wow what people are you hanging around with? I know we cannot control every situation if its work or school sometimes you get stuck with people you don't like I know I have been there. My solution is your opinion of yourself needs to change you cannot change other people .How do you think about yourself? if its negative then you need to change it I was a very negative self critical person when I was younger till I finally reached a point were I said to myself " I was made to be better than that" so now I don't critize myself or get down on myself and I don't take shit from others I let them know up front I wont put up with crap from people with low self esteem that make fun of others look at it this way if these people had any self esteem or self worth would they really be putting someone down daily? your not the loser they are